Chapter 10: Rainy Days

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The class just finished a lesson with their teacher and started getting ready for their lunch break when suddenly, Kanae was called by his teacher.

"Kiritani-kun, could you help me carry half of these to the faculty room?" Their teacher, Ms. Urasawa asked while she pointed at the stack of papers on the desk.

"Okay-" Kanae was about to stand up, but his teacher suddenly stopped him.

"Never mind, Kiritani-kun. I'll just ask Arataki-kun for help. Sorry for making you stand up, but thank you for the thought of helping." Ms. Urasawa said and Itto walked to the front to help her carry the stack of paper.

Kanae accidentally slammed his face on the desk a bit too hard, startling everyone including him.

"What is wrong with you?" Xiao who woke up from the loud bang asked Kanae.

"Why am I born so weaker and smaller compared to sister... Ms. Urasawa is probably thinking about that incident two months ago." Kanae said and started questioning his existence in a low voice they could barely hear.

"Kanae, let's go eat lunch together." Miko said while she walked to his seat and the other students did their own things during lunch break.

"Huh...?" Kanae said and raised his head up from the desk, hardly with any energy. On top of that, his forehead had an obvious bump.

"Kanae, did you want to hit your head that bad? Sit down, I'll help you get to the infirmary." Miko asked and she made Kanae sit back down after seeing him wobble.

"Let's go eat. I'm hungry plus, I need to grow stronger and bigger." Kanae said and stood back up to walk outside with them.

"Listen to me, you little shit. You forgot your lunch. Your head is messed up right now, go to the infirmary to get an ice pack." Sara grabbed Kanae from the back of his head while a menacing aura surrounded her.

"She's changed so much in two months... Where'd the polite Sara go?" Kanae wondered, not moving a single muscle despite hearing what Sara said.

"I forgot about my lunch. Let's go eat." Kanae said while he walked out, but Ei walked up in front of him with a death glare.

"Let's go to the infirmary." Ei glared through his soul and next lives.

Kanae ended up going to the infirmary with Ei while Miko and Sara brought their lunch to the rooftop where they usually eat together. When the four left, everyome at the classroom was silent.

"Why does it sound like they're going to send him death threats if he wasn't going to the infirmary?" They sweat dropped when the four left.

"Kiritani-kun! You liar! I thought the three of them were just your friends! They're your... future murderers!" The group of side character boys pitied on the weak Kanae being surrounded by three women far stronger than him.

After classes and the club, Miko heads home first since Kanae, Ei and Sara aren't down with their club activity yet. But then, it suddenly started raining.

"Did Kanae bring his umbrella? I don't remember seeing him carry one earlier." Miko worried about Kanae, she was about to give him a call.

"No, what am I thinking. Kanae's has trust issues with the weather forecast. Surely, he must brought an umbrella with him. Even if he doesn't, he has Ei and Sara or Kaeya to bring him home. I should just worry about what dinner I should cook." Miko removed her worries, but a knock was suddenly heard at her front door.

Miko went to open it and she saw Kanae, drenched in water.

"Pardon the intrusion... Miko, can I use your balcony and get to our apartment? I forgot my apartment keys at the club room." Kanae asked.

"... What happened to you? How'd you get wet even with an umbrella? Never mind that. Don't cross to your balcony from my balcony. It's dangerous. Just take a bath here and use some of sister's clothes. I'm sure some of them would fit you." Miko said and she threw a towel Kanae could use to dry himself.

"No need. I have my gym class uniform." Kanae said.

"I hate rainy days. It's always around that time random truck drivers would splash water at me on the side of the street." Kanae said while he wiped himself.

"Pfft... Hahaha. You got wet all because a truck driver splashed water on you?" Miko started laughing at Kanae.

"You really can't go home without me now, can you?" Miko asked while she wiped a tear on the side of her eye.

"You'll get wet with me." Kanae said and Miko paused for a moment.

"... Kanae, watch the words you use. I thought you meant something different." Miko scolded him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kanae cluelessly asked.

"Go, to the bathroom and feel comfortable to take a bath here. I'll go cook something for us to eat." Miko said.

"Thanks." Kanae said and he went to go take a bath and avoid a cold.

"What should I cook for Kanae to eat? I heard from Sanae-san, Kanae likes eating anything spicy and dislikes many sweet things. Therefore, I'm cooking something a bit sweet. Red bean soup with more sugar it is." Miko grinned from ear to ear while Kanae was peacefully taking a bath, not knowing of the danger coming next.

A few minutes passed of taking a bath for Kanae and cooking for Miko.

"Kanae, let's eat!" Miko called for him. Kanae arrived at the dining room after taking a bath.

"Thank you, Miko-" Kanae was about to thank Miko until he saw the red bean soup.

"... Thank you for the food." Kanae said and he sat across Kanae in the dining table.

"Tell me how does it taste, Kanae." Miko said and stood behind him.

Kanae takes a spoonful of the red bean soup and started eating while Miko watched behind him. Not being a fan of sweet foods and drinks as a child until now, Kanae was on the verge of crying until the door opened and a familiar voice was heard.

"I'm home, Miko. I brought something to eat with you two." Saiguu's voice was heard from the front door.

"I didn't really need anything to eat, but you're my savior..." Kanae clasped his hands together, looking at Saiguu as if she was his god.

"Your sister is still on a meeting today, but she'll return in an hour, so you can stay here until then, Kanae-chan." Saiguu said.

"Oh. Kanae-chan's eating red bean soup. Now that's rare to see him eat sweet foods." Saiguu walked next to Miko with a smile.

"... Why must the gods make my highschool life hellish?" Kanae wondered while his soul flew away from his body, but Miko was holding it to prevent from flying any further.

"How is it, Kanae-chan?" Saiguu asked while she holds Kanae's shoulders.

"I... It's good." Kanae said, making a weird facial expression with tears in his eyes.

"He face is making the same face as that dying orangutan." Miko giggled while she showed Saiguu a picture of the dying orangutan she was talking about and compared it to Kanae's facial expression.

"Well, it does. Kanae-chan looks cute, though." Saiguu said.

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