Chapter 26.5: Post-School Festival

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After hours of serving customers, and visiting stalls and other classroom, the cultural festival has come to end for today at the very least. There was still a culture festival tomorrow, however it'll also be open for families and guardians of the students too. Tomorrow was going to be the last day for the culture festival, but for now, students are encouraged to take a rest for tomorrow.

Right now, Kanae was walking home with Miko again. The two of them walked in silence, but Miko was still smiling. Kanae decided he needed to start a conversation.

"How was your day today?" Kanae asked.

"Terrible." Miko turned her head to Kanae, still with the smile but with an irk mark.

"... Did something happen?" Kanae asked.

"A certain someone disappeared without telling me. As an effect, I wasn't able to spend time with them." Miko explained while keeping the same look on her face.

"Shit. She's talking about me, is she?" Kanae gulped and started sweating.

"Sorry... I went around the school with Childe and Kaeya." Kanae apologized.

"That's alright. But, a certain idea of mine ended up backfiring. It'll be alright by tomorrow, though." Miko said.

"Is that so? Then, I hope it gets better soon tomorrow." Kanae said with a smile, but Miko knew something.

"Do you want to tell me something?" Miko asked.

"You got me..." Kanae lightly laughed as he started thinking about his conversation earlier with Kaeya and Childe.

An hour earlier, Kanae was standing at the school rooftop with Kaeya and Childe, looking at the students start finishing their stalls and booths.

"Hey, Kanae. I think Yae Miko likes you." Kaeya said, putting his hand on Kanae's shoulder.

"You're joking. There's no way she'd like someone like me." Kanae said with a flustered face.

"How come you're speaking like that when your face is flustered?" Kaeya and Childe asked.

"It's not like I like her or anything. We're just close friends. And my face is flustered because it's hot today." Kanae said.

"Kanae, it's December and it's about to start snowing in just a week." The two boys looked at him in disbelief.

"Anyways, I don't think Miko will ever want to go out with someone like me. I've got poor eyesight. I'm not like the cool guys who play sports either. I'm just a below average-" Kanae was cut off by Childe squishing his face.

"Hey! Kanae, she'd definitely want to go out with someone like you. And you're not below average!" Childe said.

"That's right. Too much self-confidence is bad, but too small self-confidence is bad as well. Man up." Kaeya slapped Kanae's back.

"Yae Miko will want to go out with someone who can cook, clean the house, do laundry." Childe continued trying to convince Kanae.

"You're talking about Thoma." Kanae said without a second thought.

"Wha-? No! Thoma already has his eyes on Ayato's little sister. Even Ayato supports it!" Childe started pulling Kanae's cheeks.

"Plus, she'd want to be with someone handsome like you, my dear friend. Whether with glasses, or not." Kaeya said while he removes Kanae's glasses.

"Those little shits... Now I can't say this without being flustered..." Kanae cursed the two boys inside his mind as he thought about their smug grins.

"I was thinking of asking you to walk around the festival with me tomorrow. Would it be alright with you?" Kanae scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile.

"Haha, is that even a question? Of course I will. If it's you who's inviting me, why not?" Miko giggled.

"Thank god she agreed... I already thought about ways to mentally and physically torture a human being without taking any lives..." Kanae let out a sigh of relief as the two of them continued on their walk home.

The two of them spent the break during the second day of the cultural festival together, eating food they can buy from the stalls, trying out booths, and even winning a cooking contest organized by the cooking club.

The second day of the cultural festival was the same as the first day, just with visitors from outside the school and it ended with a concert from the music club.

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