Chapter 3: First Week (3)

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After school today, Kanae went straight back home to take a rest. Maybe if it wasn't for those two, he wouldn't feel this tired. But, Kanae finally remembered what he actually did for fun when he entered the room and noticed the camera his mother used on his sister's side of the room. Their mother used to do photography as a hobby since her highschool days.

It was also an old hobby of Kanae that he stopped doing a long time ago. After their mother had passed away, his sister started taking part-time jobs in a convenience store while she studied on her last year of college. Kanae couldn't do anything in return for her, so to reduce the burden on her, the best he could do was let go of his hobbies and the things he enjoys to help Sanae by doing the household chores and grocery shopping.

Kanae also just happened to notice it was already five o'clock and he had to go cook dinner for Sanae before she arrives in just a few more hours. He looked through their refrigerator and realized he was supposed to go grocery shopping today. Fortunately, they still had some food and ingredients to be cooked.

Kanae began cooking in the kitchen before his sister arrives from work. Not wanting her to wait for dinner after a very long tiring time at work, Kanae wanted to finish quickly.

"I'm home, Kanae~" Kanae heard his sister's tired voice from outside while she opened the door after an hour of him cooking. It didn't take long for her to arrive, but he just finished right on time.

"Welcome home, sister. Dinner is ready." Kanae greeted her in front of the door and she just hugs him as usual.

"I need some Kanae energy~ I really lost all of my energy at work!" Sanae said before she let go of Kanae after a while and go to the dining room while he followed behind her and they started eating.

They ate as they talked about Kanae's first day at school and how he almost ended up at the police station after the misunderstanding he had with Miko and Ei. Sanae was nervous at first, but started laughing it off after she heard the whole story. The two of them talked until they finished dinner and he had to clean the dishes, so Sanae can take a bath before him and rest early.

After Kanae finished cleaning the dishes and taken a bath, he entered the bedroom and saw Sanae already fast asleep on the futon beside his. Since they only lived in a 1DK apartment, the two of them shared a spacious bedroom which was divided into two. It was both their idea to just take a 1DK apartment instead of 2LDK to reduce the cost to pay.

Kanae laid down on his futon and removed his glasses before turning off the lamp between their heads. Suddenly, Sanae's hand grabbed onto Kanae. Because of her busy schedules, He and Sanae only get to see each other for just a quarter of a day, so Kanae let her hold his hand before his eyes felt heavy and his vision became shrouded in darkness-once again, temporarily losing all senses which gave him the comfort he wanted for some reason.

The next day, Kanae felt a soft hand lightly slapping his face as they said his name. Kanae opened my eyes and saw his sister getting ready for work.

"You're finally awake. I woke you up a few minutes earlier since I don't really have anything to cook for today's breakfast but we still had enough for your lunch, so I'm giving you money and eat breakfast outside." Sanae said as he stood up next to her in front of the mirror and began fixing his hair.

"You don't have to. I still have some in my e-wallet." Kanae told her, but Sanae kind of ignored it and started a different conversation.

"You've grown a little, Kanae." Sanae said as she hugged him while they stared at the mirror.

"Yeah. By what? A point centimeter?" Kanae asked her in a sarcastic tone with a deadpanned face and she just giggled.

"You're still growing. Be patient, Kanae." Sanae replied and let go of the hug before she pats his head.

"I just wish I could get a sudden growth spurt..." Kanae said disappointingly and Sanae lightly laughed, thinking it was a joke of his.

Kanae went to go wash his face and brush his teeth before leaving to school early to buy breakfast from convenience store.

After buying the things he needed, Kanae saw groups of students who wore the same uniforms as him again-heading to the train station as well. He just hopes he doesn't get to be in the same train cart as them. It'd just feel awkward for him to be with people from the same school and grade, but not be able to create a conversation with them.

"Good morning, Kanae!" A familiar voice called him from behind and sent shivers down his spine.

Kanae slowly turned his head around to see Miko and Ei walk up to him with a friend of theirs. He couldn't do anything, but hope she isn't like them.

"Good morning, Kanae." Ei greeted.

"Aw, look who's alone in the morning. But worry not, Kanae. You're very fortunate we ended up bumping to each other so we can accompany you." Miko grinned. That smug grin of hers again is testing his patience.

"Who is this elementary boy?" Their friend asked while scanning Kanae from head to toe.

"Huh? I'm in highschool. Not in junior highschool." Kanae told her while still retaining his composure and not letting his temper get ahead of him.

"Pfft... Hahaha! Kanae's our classmate, Sara." Miko explained to their clueless friend whose face turned red after she learned about him being her classmate too.

"M-My deep apologies. I didn't notice the uniform you were wearing." She bowed her head while Miko continued laughing behind her friend.

"Yeah, sure..." Kanae replied while looking weirdly at Miko. She really likes making fun of his height. Kanae thought that once he gets a growth spurt, he'll be towering over his classmates one day.

"Oh, by the way-I'm Kujou Sara, a friend of Miko and Ei. Also your classmate." Kujou Sara bowed her head and extended her hand to Kanae. He only assumed he was supposed to shake that, so he shook her hand and also introduced his self.

Since they were here with him, Miko decided to let him walk with them to school. It's not like Kanae wants to, but it's more like trying to not look passive aggressive towards any of his classmates. Who knows he might be in a group work with them.

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