Chapter 24: Pre-School Festival

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After a month and a half since the sports festival, they finished their exams and there were classes that started making preparations for the school's cultural festival. Kanae's class was planning ahead already. They were planning for a cafe with students as butlers and maids.

Right now, Kanae was at the classroom with the other students, trying out the suits and maid dresses Mr. Sato had rented out for some of the students he listed.

"No matter how I look at it, Xiao, Kaeya, Itto, Kaeya, Childe and Kiritani looks good in this." A group of girls fawned over the boys who tried out their butler suits.

"I never thought I'd get to see the day Ningguang wears a maid dress. But, it's disappointing that their dresses only reach their knees. I wish I could see high- Agh!" Watanabe was cut off by a book hitting the back of his head.

"Oh, no. The book slipped my hand." A sinister aura could be felt behind the group of boys.

Watanabe and the other boys shivered and turned around to see Beidou with her eyes glowing red. They felt like an insect about to be stepped on by a beast.

"I think we're done with trying out this suits. Can we change now?" Xiao asked.

"Yeah, sure. I think we're all good now. You can all go home now. Let's start doing classroom decorations and other things to be designed now." Mr. Sato said.

The students were divided into several different groups that were doing different tasks such as; decorating the interior and exterior of the classroom, creating the menu and the photobooth for those who would like to take a picture with the butlers and maids.

"Childe. Kaeya. Come here you two." Mr. Sato called the two boys who were helping in the exterior decorations.

"What is it, Sato-sensei?" Childe asked.

"I heard from your classmates both of you two live near the school. I'd like to know if it'll be alright with you two that I'll give you money to buy the ingredients we need for the cafe. I'll also give you the list, but be sure to use the money wisely. It'd be best if you could bring a parent or someone else that's good with budgeting." Mr. Sato told the two boys.

"Kanae is good at handling things like this. We could bring him with us to help." Childe said.

"I guess you could bring him too if he's free." Mr. Sato said.

After the talk with Mr. Sato, Childe and Kaeya approached Kanae who was discussing something with Ganyu and Xiao.

"Hey, comrade." Childe called Kanae.

"Mind if we talk to Kanae for a few seconds?" Kaeya asked.

"No, we don't mind. Please go ahead." Ganyu said before she and Xiao continued discussing without Kanae.

"What is it?" Kanae asked.

"Let's go for a sleepover!" Childe invited him with a bright smile.

"Huh? Didn't we talk about having him with us for better handling with the budget Mr. Sato gave us?" Kaeya asked.

"Think about it, my two dearest comrades. We're buying groceries later, tomorrow is the cultural festival. Surely, we're going to buy a lot of ingredients, and it'll need lots of hands to carry the bags. So, I thought-why not the three of us go carry the ingredients to school together in the morning, so we can get ready for changing into our suits." Childe explained.

"I guess that makes some sense. It's too hard to wake me up before 7 in the morning. Plus, it takes 30 minutes to go to school by train." Kanae said as he holds his chin.

"But, I need a change of clothes at home. Maybe I'll pass for now and try my best to wake up early-" Kanae was cut off by Childe before he could even finish his sentence.

"I'll let you two borrow my clothes. As for your uniforms tomorrow, we'll only be using our butler suits most of the day." Childe told the two.

"Just say you want to hangout already..." Kaeya and Kanae sweat dropped at Childe.

Kanae somehow agreed to come with Childe and Kaeya to buy ingredients and head to school together tomorrow.

After an hour and a half of decorating, it was almost night time. The class just finished decorating their classroom and are now able to go home.

Miko, Ei and Sara were waiting for Kanae to walk out of the classroom, but we're surprise to see him walk out with Kaeya and Childe.

"My, the three of you seem to be going somewhere." Miko said.

"Yeah, Childe asked me if I could join them for a sleepover at their place." Kanae answered.

"And we were told to buy ingredients for tomorrow." Kaeya added.

"I see... However-Kanae, how come you agreed so easily to have a sleepover with Childe and Kaeya, but you immediately refused when we asked you for a sleepover at Ei's house." Miko asked, and the two boys looked at Kanae.

"Huh? Is that even a question? Of course I'll refuse immediately. It's a bit too... odd for a straight man who isn't even pretending to be gay to join girl's sleepover." Kanae said with a questioned look on his face.

"Haha, I know that. I wanted to see your reaction. But, it's disappointing that you only looked at me like that." Miko giggled.

"Kanae... you let go of an opportunity the other boys in our classroom would not let go..." Kaeya and Childe said while holding Kanae's shoulders and wiping tears in their eyes.

"Hey, what's gotten into your minds?" Kanae asked.

"We shouldn't holding back the three of you. You should go now before the hypermarket closes at 9." Sara said.

"Well, then. We should be going. See you three tomorrow." Miko waved at them goodbye as she and the other two walked home and Kanae's group heads to the hypermarket.

"I wonder if Kanae would be alright with those two, knowing how rowdy they are-Kanae would most likely act like the older brother." Ei giggled.

"It's great to not see Itto with them once in a while. The idiocy of their group decreases." Sara said.

Miko arrived home later and did what she usually does, cook dinner while talking with Ei and Sara on the phone. Suddenly, she received a message from Kanae and checked on it.

"I love you." Miko read the message.

"I didn't think you would harbor such feelings for me, Kanae-chan." Miko sent the message with a smile and faint blush on her face.

"I love Childe more." Kanae added.

"I thought at first that Kanae would have said that, but it's obvious now." Miko thought to herself.

"That was DEFINITELY not me who sent these messages." Kanae told her.

On the other hand, Kaeya and Childe were being hit by Kanae with a slipper at Childe's room inside his house. Apparently, Kaeya and Childe had taken Kanae's phone and sent those messages while he was at the toilet.

"Ah! Ow! It was just a joke, haha!" Childe laughed while being hit with a slipper on the ass cheek.

"It was just a joke, Kanae-chan!" Kaeya mocked him before getting hit with a slipper.

"Woah! Your face is blushing deep red! Haha!" Childe laughed while pointing at Kanae's face.

"Hey, if something happens between the two of us, the two of you will fix this." Kanae finally let go of the slipper, leaving the two poor boys in peace.

"First things first, who do you love more? Is it Miko or I?" Childe asked and he began laughing again with Kaeya.

"I don't even want to talk about it right now..." Kanae put his hand on his face as he sighed in disbelief.

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