Chapter 25: Maid Cafe

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Kanae was on the way to school with Kaeya and Childe, carrying the bags of ingredients they had bought last night for their maid and butlers cafe. It was still a bit early, but there were already some teachers and students.

"It's pretty cold..." Kanae shivered.

"Well, it's almost December anyways. It won't be long before it starts snowing." Childe explained.

"Oh, the three of you are early as well." The three heard a voice from behind that sent shivers down their spins.

"... Oi. The two of you fix this if there's a problem." Kanae whisper shouted and lightly kicked their legs.

"I... will try my best." The two boys whispered and turned around together with Kanae.

"G-Good morning, Miko. I didn't expect to see you here early, haha..." Kanae nervously laughed as he greeted Miko.

"Hm? Well, that's not something we see everyday. You're not stone cold in the morning." Miko smiled.

"Why does it feel so awkward right now? Did something happen last night during the call while I was away?" Ei whispered to Sara.

"No idea either." Sara whispered back.

"About the text message last night..." Kanae scratched the back of his head and the two boys behind him stiffened up their bodies.

"Oh, no worries about that. I was already able to tell who sent those." Miko glared at the two boys behind Kanae.

'"H-Haha... It was just a harmless prank." Kaeya laughed.

"That's right! A joke! A funny one indeed." Childe followed after Kaeya.

"Oi." Kanae turned his head and gave them the "You think this is funny?" stare.

"Oh dear. I actually thought it was Kanae who sent it. What a disappointment. I'll let this pass, so let's get inside the classroom and start preparing." Miko smiled and walked inside the classroom with Ei and Sara.

"Tell me what happened later!" Sara whisper shouted at Kanae.

"Hey, did you hear what she just said?" Kaeya grabbed Kanae's shoulder.

"Could it be-..." Kaeya and Childe looked at each other in realization.

"No, there's no way. We all know how mischievous she is. It's probably going to be payback for what you two idiots did." Kanae said and followed after the three girls inside with the things they bought.

"Ah, you three. Just put the ingredients on the corner while we wait for the rest of the group handling the food." Mr. Sato told the three boys.

After a few hours, the rest of their classmates arrived and started preparing for today. The maids and butlers had already dressed up and those who were assigned to cook were at the small temporary kitchen area in the classroom already.

It didn't take long before other students arrived as customers for their cafe. One particular person however was the earliest one to ask for a premium plan Kanae has never heard of.

"We have an order from Miss Yelan. She asked for a premium plan to talk with our butler, Kiritani-kun. Is Kiritani-kun here?" Ganyu called for Kanae while she welcomed Yelan into the cafe.

"Hello, Kiritani-kun!" Yelan waved at him with a smile.

"Yeah... What is this premium plan?" Kanae cluelessly asked as he walked to the two.

"Oh, you haven't seen the message in our class gc? I see. The premium plan is an add-on in our menu. To those who spend in this add-on, they get to talk for one of the maids or butlers until they finish their food or until thirty minutes end." Ganyu explained to Kanae, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Please enjoy your time here, Miss Yelan. Well, then. Kiritani-kun, please lead Miss Yelan to one of our free tables." Ganyu smiled.

"A-Allow me to bring you to your table, Miss Yelan." Kanae said and walked to a table with no one sitting as Yelan followed him from behind.

Kanae assisted Yelan to sit on a chair even though she didn't really need help.

"What would you like to order?" Kanae asked Yelan as he handed her the menu.

"I'd like to have omurice and a slice of chocoalte cheesecake for dessert. I'd like water as my drink." Yelan said still with the same smile she had on her face when she walked in.

"I shall be back after I let them know of your orders, Miss Yelan." Kanae tried to walk away, but Itto stopped him.

"Woah! What are you doing, Kanae, partner. We've got ourselves a V.I.P. customer. You can't just leave them. Hand over the paper to your trusty amigo!" Itto said and he took the paper from Kanae before heading to the counter.

"... There goes my chance. I don't even know what to do in this premium plan." Kanae thought as he stared at Itto with a deadpanned face.

"Come sit, Kiritani-kun. We should have a talk while we wait for my food to arrive." Yelan said.

"Yes." Kanae sat down.

"I suggested the idea to gain more profit, yet I cannot stand this sight for sore eyes!" Miko thought to herself as she watched Kanae sit in front of Yelan from the temporary kitchen.

"It appears to me that you haven't heard of the premium plan in your cafe." Yelan said.

"Unfortunately, yes." Kanae slowly nodded his head.

"I see. It's simple from what was listed at the front. A servant will talk with their customer until they finish eating or until they reach the thirty minute mark. A servant will feed their customer if they are asked to do so. Lastly, a customer can take a picture with the servant they are taking the premium plan with." Yelan explained.

"Here is your food, Miss Yelan. Please enjoy the food." Ei arrived in a maid dress with the tray of food Yelan ordered.

"Thank you." Yelan smiled and Ei left with the tray.

"Kiritani-kun, could you draw a heart on my omurice?" Yelan asked.

"Y-Yes. Of course, Miss Yelan." Kanae smiled and took the bottle of ketchup to draw the heart.

Childe who was passing by saw the heart Kanae has drawn. He couldn't stop himself from walking away quickly and start laughing silently.

"It's a circle with a bump!" Childe started laughing.

"It's a cute heart." Yelan said and she began eating.

"Kiritani-kun, would it be possible for me to try feeding you?" Yelan asked.

"I'm afraid I have to decline. We can't eat the food our customers ordered, neither can we accept it if we were asked to." Kanae apologized, making Yelan let out a sigh of disappointment.

"Nothing can be done about it. Let's have a meal together some time, then. Just the two of us." Yelan said as she holds Kanae's hand, looking into his eyes.

"No reaction?! A tough one, Yae Miko!" Yelan was shocked to see the same expressionless look on his face.

Kanae and Yelan chatted for a while until she finished her food. There came other customers who wanted the premium plan on Kanae as well.

One of which is Yelan's classmate, Shenhe who barely talked with Kanae and stared at him for most of the time while she ate. Another were Ayato and Thoma who just came to chat normally with Kanae as they ate together. Lastly, Eula who just ranted to Kanae about losing in a minigame earlier.

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