Chapter 20: Lee and Amy's date

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On one saturday morning, Amy gets ready although she has no classes, so Han asks her curiously if she is going somewhere. Before Amy could answer that question, bell rings and Han opens the door. To his surprise, Lee is standing in front of him looking very handsome with a large beautiful bouquet in his hand. Lee greets him casually and tries to enter inside but Han stops him with an intention not to let him meet Amy as if he understood all the plan. He tries to shut the door on him but Amy comes to greet Lee instead. Han feels helpless when he let Lee enter his home. Lee passes the bouquet to Amy and asks why she is not ready yet, but she is ready she replies. She is dressed casually pairing tees with jeans completing it with sports shoe and her hair tied in a pony tail. Lee suggests her that she is going on a date so she should dress well. He always see her in pair of tees and jeans when there are so many pretty dresses that she should try and asks if she really don't have any. Amy says that she feels comfortable in these so Lee advises her to atleast put on some makeup and change her hairstyle, but she has no makeup items to his shock. He tells her how a girl can live without makeup and shouts at Han for being petty and ignorant since he never cared about it.
But Han is in shock to believe everything that is happening before his eyes to respond to him. While on other hand Amy is frustrated by Lee's remark on her outfit. She is confused why she has to look pretty putting on dress and makeup. She couldn't hold her anger more and shouts at Lee for his misbehaviour. She asks him in anger, "Why she has to look pretty? Is looking beautiful the only thing in dating?"
Lee confidently explains that dating is about making a first impact and attracting attention. In terms of girls, it is their beauty that men go crazy for. That is why he is emphasising her to dress up and do some makeup to enhance her beauty to look more attractive.
"So you are saying that natural beauty means nothing? Basically men do not care about women's attitude, whether she is good by nature or not? All they care about is artificial physical beauty. Is that what you mean? Is this how dating works? Then I am really not suitable to be your date. I better should not go. " Amy blurts out.
This widened Lee's narrow minded thoughts and he felt sorry for his action. He apologises saying that heart matters the most and she has the most beautiful heart in this whole world. How stupid he is to ask her for dressing up when she is already looking so beautiful. He tries to make Amy feel better and once again gives her the bouquet which she angrily threw on the floor and asks playfully being on his knees-" Shall we leave, my one and only, beautiful princess?"
Amy takes the bouquet and proceeds to leave ignoring Lee's arm he offered to her, but Han interrupts them. He knows that they are just playing but he cannot keep calm. He interrupts that he do not want to feel bore alone so he is also tagging along to have fun. Lee refuses saying that it's their date so he should not become a third wheel. Han's only hope is Amy, who is already upset with Lee, so he implore her to let him come along. He validates his credibility by enticing Amy that he knows how to make her feel better, plus he has a surprise planned for her. Amy like any child gets excited and agrees to Han's request. Three enjoys the day in amusement park, then heads to explore the aquarium where they watches the dolphin show, the surprise Han talked about, to make it a memorable day.
Next day Han takes Amy for a makeover realising that there is one more thing she should learn. Amy denies to go for any transition telling it's not too long when she started getting familiar with her face. She love the way she look and don't want to change it to get somebody's attention. Han clears her thought saying it was not the purpose why he bring her to the salon. He plead Amy to remember how she tried to put extra effort in decorating the dishes to make it look more appetising. How she tried to arrange things in their home to make it look better and how she felt when she saw in the movies how people decorated their house to make it look beautiful and she said that they should also decorate their house like that. Why she said that? Was it because she realised that her house is not looking good or when she decorated her dish did she had the same thought that since the dish is not tasty lets give it a makeover so that atleast it look edible. It probably wasn't the case. She took the effort to decorate it because she felt happy doing it. She once said that arranging things to make it look perfect makes her feel happy inside. Similarly, people decorate their home on certain occasions to add more flavours to their happiness. And likewise, people decorate themselves too to make some moment extra special. To make people realise how much they adore themselves, how special they mean to themself and how much they love themself.
Han preaches Amy, "Don't change for anyone. Also, don't struggle in order to look beautiful . You are beautiful in your own style. It's only for some moments that you should express love with yourself too. When you spend time looking good, you are sharing your precious moment with yourself which is good for health. It's a kind of healing art. It brings inner peace and happiness that we tend to sacrifice while chasing for our dreams in this stressful busy world."
Amy looked convinced when Han explained it to her except for one thing. She asked, "What if I don't feel comfortable?"
He replies,"Then don't do it. I told you it's about spending time with yourself and feeling comfortable with the change. Your inner peace comes first and I will make sure that you don't feel under pressure under the name of looking pretty."
Once convinced, she sits on the chair and after three hours of hardship, Amy is finally ready and she stands in front of the mirror. She look at herself and gets amazed by her new look. Her transformation turned out to be just perfect. She looked so dazzling that every person present there couldn't remove their eyes off her including Han. She wore a long black dress pairing it with red blazer, thick heel sandal topping it with messy hair bun and side hair pin. As for accessories her own star shaped gold pendant that fits tiny diamond in centre fits good round her neck with platinum chain. She sparkled in everyone's eyes so much that the owner decides to make her her model. Ms Song Hye is a hairstylist who is looking for a model with long thick natural hair and Amy fits perfectly in her desired qualification so she directly offers her the job. Amy agrees instantly when Ms Song said that she will get fairly paid for this job, despite Han's denial. Amy starts the photoshoot but flashlight of the camera came as an obstacle which triggers her fear. Anyway, Ms Song decides to support Amy by giving her the freedom to wear her dark glasses which will barely make any difference since focus will only be her hair and she does a good job. She receives her first paycheck in cash and feels on top of the world, happiest and joyfully jigging in excitement. Amy asks Han to take picture of her with paycheck from her phone which she wants to share with Lee and nurse Seo and he pleasantly does it.

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