Chapter 12: will Han change for Amy

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Amy concluded her piano class and set off for her sports session. She thought to call Han after getting out of the classroom but she meets Lee at the door to her astonishment who asks for the honour to let his car have the pleasure to gleefully drive her to the sports club. His enthusiasm and puckish behaviour is undeniably attractive that instantly grabbed attention of students there who envied Amy to have such a charismatic boyfriend. With everyone's eyes on them Amy felt anxious, so she grabs Lee's wrist and walks away with quick and fast steps.
"Where's the car?" Questions Amy.
Lee now grabs her hand and starts running.
"Why are we running " asks Amy looking a little demused.
"For fun" teases Lee, once they stalled in front of the car.
"Fun!" blurts Amy with jumbled emotions of agitation, ignominy and turmoil with sprinkle of stoic expression.
"Dude, we call it romantic. When two people hold their hands like this, they feel the warmth of each other and when they run, the cool breeze tries to calm their mind from any trouble and when they stop, their heart beats faster, making their face flush with blood to turn it red. The couple look at each other and can't resist their partners pink cheeks and they kiss. So romantic." Lee explains her in a simplest way possible for this newb to understand the basic of romance.
Amy looks at him in annoyance then looks at her watch and calls Han.
Han forgot that he had an important meeting with international clients that caused him to fall behind his schedule and now he is rushing towards the parking area to pick Amy. He is about to open the car door when his phone rings.
"I am about to reach. Just wait for 5 minutes." Han replies in a hurry while starting the engine.
" Lee Jong Hyun came here to pick me up. If you are busy then don't come or you can directly reach the sports club if you are free. " answers Amy.
This infuriates Han to the level of explosion and he immediately cut the call, yelling inside the car utilising all his pulmonary pressure in a manner that he ends up coughing and crying. He was having hard time dealing with his emotions but Amy worried the least about call being disconnected. She thought it happened because he is driving right now. Since she has informed Han about her plan change like a good girl, she heads for the sports club with Lee Jong Hyun sportively.
Han, on the other hand, tries to calm himself by taking deep breaths. He knows what he is feeling is not right.
"I am angry because I am jealous because I love her, but she is aloof. She did nothing wrong. She even texted me back despite being so busy. And even informed me before going with Lee. Its me. It's my problem. I am restless, insecure and jealous. I have to control this. I can't be unreasonable. I have to support her so that she could feel free. I can't always worry about her pointlessly or get jealous if she is meeting someone. She is just trying to be normal, trying to do everything because I encouraged her to do so, so now how can I be such a clod. Idiot(shouts at himself). Control yourself and behave properly. You even misbehaved with your staff today." Han calms himself by practicing reflective consciousness and starts thinking on what to do next.
He goes up and apologises to his staff members, whom he behaved improperly with today, and offers all the staff members their favourite snacks as a treat to encourage their hardwork. All staff members left wide eyed in astonishment. Dr. Han is known for being reserved, professional, busy bee and an introvert, who interacts with people for business purpose only apart from being handsome and lethally attractive as a strict boss with extraordinary talent as a doctor. All were flabbergasted with his friendly approach towards them but the bonus jolt was that he knows each of their favourite snacks. Here Dr Han's keen observation came in handy. He always pays attention to their staff members but seldom showed his concern or interacted with them voluntarily. But something changed in him. It may be his insecurity or fear or a sense of tension that developed as a competitive instinct to beat Lee Jong Hyun who is an extrovert and extremely talented in socialising and attracting people towards him. He felt a need to express himself, to open his heart to others, if he, someday want to express his feelings to Amy. He concealed his heart for so long that now to have the courage to apologise for his mistake seemed tougher than extracting tumour from a patient's brain. He comes to his office to hide his red face from the staffs. He felt awkward, happy, proud, embarrassed and a lot to express in words. But the satisfaction to try something new was overwhelming. He now feel confident to face the upcoming challenges. He know that Lee also likes Amy and he is trying his tricks to win her heart but, he loves her and is ready to battle against him. He is ready to win Amy's heart. He makes a list of resident doctors who are talented enough to be his apprentice, a list of doctors who can help to reduce his workload and prepares a future plan of his retirement as a surgeon so that he could have enough time for himself and Amy.
At evening, he goes to sports club to pick Amy looking quiet normal.
On reaching home, Han gifts Amy the bicycle he bought for her. She feels enthralled and super-excited to have it and can't wait to try it out. She basically jumps over to the seat to ride it and check its features. Before Han could explain her the purpose of buying it, she voluntarily tells Han that from now onwards she is going to use it for going to music academy and sports club. Han instead advised her to ride it between academy and club. From home to academy and club to home he can drop and pick her, since riding for long distance will drain her out. Thinking for a while, she asks Han to teach her driving car. Han smiles and pats her head telling that he will, soon, when she have some spare time out her busy schedule. Hearing the word 'busy schedule ' she gets all excited and says that she has so much to tell him.
Amy:" Oh I forgot. I have so much to tell you. Today was such an exciting day "(Han put his finger on her lips to pause her.)
Han:" Stop. First let's get inside. We will talk after getting fresh. OK"
Amy gets off the bicycle and they both get in.
Han takes a quick bath and starts preparing dinner while Amy takes a longer time to dry up her long thick tresses. She comes down and starts reporting her day to Han while helping him a bit in cooking. She hops around Han as if a bird is bouncing and chirping. Her hand gestures which are pretending to play piano keys, her body moves while explaining dance steps, her multilingual words which he is used to, and her happy face with glittering eyes, he notice everything but pretends to focus on cooking. They both sat on table and Amy is still blabbering. Her dance teacher is a renowned hip hop dancer and he has taught top kpop idols who are winning praises all around the world. He is so flexible, quick in his steps and he is so on beat that she decided to be like him but when she move to her piano class she got confused. Her piano teacher too is extraordinary. His hand moved so swiftly on piano that it made her heart flutter. She also wanted to become like him. That's not the end. In the dance class, Amy was praised for her flexibility and quick learning and adaptability. Also in piano class, she did quite well. She looks so happy while telling all this to Han that he just kept looking at her, leaning his head against his hand over the table and smiling with shining eyes, feeling the blooming happiness in his heart that is triggered by her presence.

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