Chapter 8: Han got jealous

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Han reaches hospital and greets Mohammad Shafi, co-owner of medical device company, from India, that developed a kit one year ago, that can perform more than 30 routine blood work within a minute with 100% accuracy rate. With such device, doctors will not have to wait for days to provide an appropriate prescription. It is cost effective and easy to use, so it will help alleviate patient's financial concerns and they won't delay or avoid important tests that may complicate the case later. The kit was made keeping in mind that diagnosis plays an important role for the treatment but common people tends to avoid it because it costs a lot of money, or they don't have enough time, or they don't feel their symptoms that serious, that doctor are trying to make money out of it, etc etc. As a result, due to lack of proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment they suffer with disease complications, then opting for surgery, rehabilitation and methods that are even more complicated and costlier. As for government hospitals, doctors don't have enough time for proper physical examination of each patient, so they rely on diagnosis a lot, which is free, but patient has to wait in a very long queue and gets result one or two days later, and in meantime, communicating diseases spread, acute diseases causes complications, and weak immune patient dies adding to economical crisis. It's also a boon for people living in remote area where diagnostic facilities are scarcely available.
Han know that this device has potential to make a revolutionary change in medical field, hence, wishes to make investment not for profit but to become a part of such revolution. Both signs the agreement. Md. Shafi tells Dr Han that he wasn't expecting to sign the agreement so soon here because so many companies tried to do business with them for sake of some profit. But his sister who developed this device, wanted to make it for benefit of common people, so they have only signed with those who resonate with their thoughts in order to avoid marketing trade and keep it a smile spreading business instead of money making business. He gladly discloses that he is only second after a US company with whom he signed the same contract, six months ago. To this Han replied that she already had conversation with his sister who told him that she don't want to have business with any avaricious personality and she already sent her terms and conditions to sign the contract; but unfortunately we lost the timing. Later on I heard on news that she survived through an extreme surgery that included transplantation of a clone heart that she made in laboratory on her own. It's only few days back that he came to know that Md. Shafi is handling the company now, so thought of giving a second shot and here they are.
Md. Shafi tells him that it was really very tough time for us. He is my only sister, more like a daughter to me. And to see her in that condition were my worst days. For one moment we lost hope, when suddenly she got cardiac arrest. Actually, her assistant was supposed to bring you, Dr Han, to India for her surgery but destiny had chosen something else for her. In the end, my father performed the surgery that not only saved her life but also helped them mend their broken relationship.
Han looks at him cluelessly and Md Shafi looks him back

Shafi: Sorry I got carried away. Its just family matter. Don't mind please.
Han: It's OK. But you said that I was supposed to be there. What does this mean.
Shafi: The thing is that Ada, my sister, developed a rare heart disease that required surgery. But survival chances was only 20%. My dad was the only one who performed such surgery and the patient survived. But how can a father do her own daughter's surgery. He was reluctant. So she sent her assistant to find the second best for the task and that was you.
Han didn't know what to say so he just humbly nod his head to give respect and smiles.
Han's secretary enters the room to inform Han that lunch has been arranged on dining table. Han invites Shafi for lunch but reluctantly Shafi refuses the offer. Han then assures him that he has arranged halal certified food especially for him so he can enjoy the meal without any hesitancy. They both settles for lunch, where Md Shafi humorously asks Han if this was also told by his sister since its little surprising that he knows about halal food and our culture. Han replies that he has a muslim friend so he got to know about it. Han curiously then asks Shafi about Amy's condition and when she will be resuming her work. Shafi tells him that she is under 2 years rehabilitation programme and doing good by far and may be after that she resume her work.
Both finishes lunch and part on their ways. Han finishes his left over work at hospital and rushes to pick Amy.

On the other hand, Lee Jong Hyun takes Amy to the gym for some work out where a boxer catches Amy's eye. Lee asks if she likes him or his body. She replies that she likes his boxing gloves and want one like those. Lee provides her gloves and she fiercely starts punching the bag as if she is expressing all her anger through it. She continued punching until Lee interrupted asking her to take a break before she collapse or injure herself. He brings juice for Amy and asks why she was so infuriated while punching the bags but she denied it completely.  Rather she said that she was enjoying it. Her response troubled him a bit but he chose to ignore it. Then Lee took Amy to play squash. He teaches her how to hold racket and play by understanding her few game rules and they start playing. As a beginner, Amy was doing good enough but she seemed unsatisfied with her performance. She kept asking for a match again and again eventhough both were tired until Lee catches hint and loses deliberately. After debilitating 3 hours bathing in sweats, Lee invites her home to refresh. He even offers his t-shirt for her to change into. He then makes lunch for two, which is completely vegetarian, keeping in mind Han's instructions. Amy comes out of the bathroom shining fresh and gorgeous with her long hair waving in air making Lee's heart flutter and he scuffles with his senses. Somehow he gets hold on himself and they settles for the lunch. Once they finished, both came out for a walk where Lee buys ice cream for her to enjoy with him. Lee wanted to get close to Amy, so to begin with some conversation, he casually asks Amy why she was so obsessed with winning, and why it is that important for her? She answers that she love happy ending that's why she wanted to win before ending the game. Then did she felt sad everytime she lost to him, he asks. The reply he got left a great impact on his heart. She said that losing is a part of learning process for her. Every time she lost a game she learned a lesson. She didn't felt bad, she felt the need to learn more instead and that made her to continue until she won. On winning she felt happy and only then she realised herself getting out of breath and terminated the game. If she had felt weariness before being able to win, she definitely had quit because we need to stay soundand healthy in order to learn and enjoy something. Lee envies Han to have such a beautiful lady beside him. He keep looking at her with an undescribable feeling.

Amy: Why you are staring at me like this?
Lee Jong Hyun: You are beautiful. I mean when you said those lines, I just felt that you are amazing. I really admire you for that.
Amy: Thank you. Actually I am very thankful for your help. You taught me lot of things and so patiently that I really enjoyed my time with you.
Lee Jong Hyun: If you are really thankful then can I ask for something.
Amy: What?
Lee: Date. I want to have a date with you.
Amy: OK.
Lee: Tomorrow?
Amy: OK.

Right at that moment when they were having this conversation Han enters who heard them talking about DATE. Han gets upset and leaves with Amy, by grabbing her wrist, without greeting Lee. Inside the car, Han asks about her date with Lee. Amy tells him that he asked for dates in return for his help. Han looks at her clothes and asks about it and she explains that she was drenched in sweat and needed to change so Lee gave her this t-shirt to change into. Han gets furious and nags her that she shouldn't go to anyone's house and do things recklessly. She needs to be careful and make move thoughtfully, atleast have called him and didn't have taken anyone's offer so easily.

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