The Plan

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"Well, it doesn't matter she chose him over me! Or at least- that's what it felt like." Anne painfully said.

"Well, do you think that ignoring her is the best option? I mean I don't know, it seems harsh."

"I need to stop liking her, if I keep hanging out with her I'll just end up liking her more."

"I guess that's right but maybe there's another option? I mean she does make you happy, maybe there's a way to keep her in your life." May shyly suggested.

Anne paused for a second.

"No May it's best to just- forget about her, it's always not meant to be but hey I enjoyed the moments we had with each other that's the good part right?" Anne painfully smiled at May.

That day Anne and May spent all night talking, making silly jokes, and just all around being there for each other. May do make things better; she couldn't ask for a better friend.

The weeks passed and Anne felt more and more at ease every day she barely saw Julie except for in class and even then they barely talked anymore.

She'd be lying if she didn't feel her heart ache every time she did see her. But she tried focusing on herself more and more.

Hunter was not a problem anymore either.

Ever since she embarrassed him in front of the whole school she'd gained some cool points with the kids. People would come up to her more and no one would mess with her.

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