"Hey sis!" I greeted.

Halle rolled her eyes, "Nigga, I am not your sis. Please don't tell me you're sitting with us."

"I am."

"Chloe, whyyyy?" The two laughed.

"Yeah Chloe, why?" I asked with a smile, "So those girls won't hand me a flyer?"

She mushed my head, "Nope. I really want to know what went down with your mom and why you couldn't talk to me about it."

"We can talk later. I don't need Halle weird ass in my business."

Halle stuck up her middle finger and shooed me away. We were always hella playful with one another. Maybe she didn't like me forreal, but I didn't too much care about that. As long as Chloe did.

I couldn't help but to stare at her in awe. So damn gorgeous and so damn goofy. I don't know why it was taking me so long to make her my girlfriend. I guess Halle was wondering the same thing because she cleared her throat and gave me a side eye.

"We must have a problem?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to understand why you're bold enough to sit here with my sister but not bold enough to make her your girl."

Chloe sighed, "Halle..."

"What?! I'm asking the questions you should be asking him!"

They both looked at me. Chase noticed me from afar and called out my name. I never in my life been so happy to see someone I knew. He ran to the table and dapped me up, making it easy for me to dodge the question.

I didn't waste any time leaving with him and ignoring Halle. I gave Chloe a kiss on the cheek before I departed, "I'll see you tonight?"

She didn't say anything, but I knew what was up. She could never be away from me for too long, so I was positive that I'll be seeing her later in the day.

I still had one more class to attend. Chase and I had the class together so we walked together. On the way there, I noticed a shorty I had seen at a party once. She had caught my eye so I remembered her face.

Her face and body was attractive, but I was more in love with the fact that she was always alone and never caught up in drama; that was my favorite kind of girl

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Her face and body was attractive, but I was more in love with the fact that she was always alone and never caught up in drama; that was my favorite kind of girl.

Don't get me wrong, Chloe was all of those things too but I liked to explore my options.

"Don't wait for me..." I said to Chase. He already knew what I had in mind and continued his walk to class.

I jogged through the grass and caught up with the beautiful face before I could lose her.

"Yo, pretty girl in the white." I didn't know her name so that would have to do.

She turned around. She didn't smile or anything, but she did begin to walk my way.

"Don't address me in that way."

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