CHP 1.8 (Part 2): Last Good bye

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Lin Jin opened his eyes, what greeted his vision was a grey ceiling and an exquisite chandelier lighting the room enormously. He sat up from the bed.

What the...

[Host! You... You're finally awake! You scared me! Why were you unconscious?]

Poppy flew around him with a worried expression.

Butler Zhao: Are you awake, sir?

The gentle voice of a middle aged man came from the door. He was carrying a tray with a teapot and a cup adorned with intricate patterns.

Oh! Isn't this comrade Zhao?

Butler Zhao: You needn't worry, this is the Zhang mansion. The maids found you lying unconscious in one of the rooms near the study. I thought you were amongst the guests invited to young master's birthday party. May I ask if you remember how you fainted?

Seeing his confused expression, Butler Zhao lied without batting an eye.

Lin Jin processed his memories.

Was it all a dream?

Yeah, that must be it! Why would a stranger and that too a MAN kiss me out of nowhere. That must be it!!

Lin Jin: Actua- ...sss!

He gasped as pain shot through his swollen lips. His fingers instinctively reached for his mouth, the pain made him flinch.

[Host, why do you have so many bruises on your mouth? Did someone beat you up again?!! ( °□°) ]


Is there any need for you to bring up my tragic past?

'No, I just bumped into something.'

Damn it! I didn't know my first kiss would be stolen by a stranger, if I knew I would have kissed one of my fan girls first!

It... was... kinda... enjoyable... though...

Wait, what?

Lin Jin blinked rapidly to clear the memory of those full lips and searing kisses.

Ok, but... It's not my fault, that person was too good at kissing. He should have kissed a lot of people. Maybe he was just a playboy fooling around? Did he mistake me for a girl?

That makes me even more angry!

Lin Jin: I wasn't feeling well. Thank you for taking care of me, where is Zha- ... What's the time right now?

Butler Zhao: It's currently 7.30 in the morning.

Don't tell me, I slept the night here? What about my school? Oh god! Su Qing! She must be worried out of her mind right now!

Butler Zhao: Pardon sir, your phone kept ringing, so I picked it up and answered it for you. I told a lady that you were here and advised that you stay the night here, the lady didn't have any objections and let you stay for the night.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

They believe in Zhang Wei a bit too much, don't they? They probably thought Zhang Wei had invited me to stay the night again *sigh* but then too they should have at least asked for my confirmation!

What about my school?

It was currently 7: 30 meaning, just half an hour more for the school to start.

He hurriedly got up from the bed and thanked butler Zhao once again before taking his leave with poppy.

Lin Jin: I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. Did you tell anyone about me?

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