CHP 0 (Part 2): Even gods can be bald

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Davi who was dozing off in his seat sat up straight hearing the announcement.

{Beep! The 'Hell prisoner' soul has been cleared by soul 150983837. Repeating the announcement, The 'Hell prisoner' soul has been cleared by soul 150983837.}

All the employees which were working there froze while hearing this. They made sure they have heard the right thing and burst into crying. They hugged each other and sobbed with happiness, even Davis was trembling with excitement.

Davi: Jane, Hurry let's go to the soul!! Quick!! Quick!!

This is the first time someone has actually managed to calm down the 'Hell Prisoner'. This prisoner soul was the most troublesome and powerful, it was so powerful that even gods couldn't handle him. No matter who it was the soul would start attacking them as soon as he saw them and sometimes the soul would even destroy other dimensions.

This has happened so many times that they were forced to use their system code and lock the soul up in a world, but the soul didn't stop. Atlast, the soul killed everyone in that world, day by day he's bloodlust increased and he was on the verge of breaking the system codes and escape the world.

So they setted a 'soul summon' program in the world, whenever someone died in any of the nearby worlds, they would be summoned by the 'soul summon' and be killed by the 'Hell Prisoner' again. This was how they satisfied his blood lust, this has been going on for nearly 300 years. Their hair has gone white with tension, thinking what would happen, if the soul got bored of killing people and again tried to break the world codes.

This soul had given them a new hope, they wanted to employee this soul so that they could, use him to tame the 'Hell Prisoner'.

Jane hurriedly got up from her chair and followed Davi. Just as they pushed the door and exited the office, a warning sounded in the room, the whole room lighted up in a red light.

{Warning! The space and time barrier has......zzz.....been...zzzz....broken.}

{Reb.....zzz.....ooting the barrier....zzzz.... Failed!!}

Jin whistled a tune and sat cross legged in the space, while listening to the red warning being displayed on a glass like window in front of him. The warning continued for sometime then the windows went off with an electric sound, like something had short circuited.

He was very bored, why the heck was he even in this place. What was that man on the slaughtered scene? He had many questions in his mind. But by looking at the situation it looked like those things were some sort of trial.

He suddenly saw a hand appear in front of his eyes, the hand covered his eyes and pulled him back, a cold voice sounding in his ears.

???: Remember the only reason, I'm retreating is because of you. Now, that I have finally found you, don't think of escaping from me...... again..... My kitty cat.

The enchanting voice sounded a little husky and it's cold tone made it sound even more charming. But there was something strange, the voice sounded slurred in his ears like it was coming from a very far away distance, he couldn't even hear what the voice had said. The hand on his eyes disappeared, he looked around in confusion but there was no one there. He's shrugged and yelled in an impatient voice.

Lin Jin: Hey!!! Will anybody tell me why I'm here??

..... Silence .....

He sighed and drooped his head down again.

A bright light shone, forcing Lin Jin to cover his eyes with his hands, the light disappeared after some time revealing a bald man and a little girl in front of him.

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