Rumpelstiltskin x Angel

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This is a request by Alligatorrrterrorrr with their oc Angel that uses he/they pronouns. Hope you all enjoy!

{Pay attention to me instead}

Angel was working on a few things in their home since he didn't have to go on a adventure at the moment. Though a magic man- I mean Rumpelstiltskin from Fairytale Island decided to show up to hang out with Angel since Rumpelstiltskin was bored. As Angel continues to work on a few things Rumpelstiltskin decided to mess around with a few things in his home to try and get Angel's attention but they were quite stubborn to which surprised Rumpelstiltskin a bit but that didn't stop him from trying. "Annngggeeelll look at me right now." Rumpelstiltskin says as he purposely knocked over a empty cup to which Angel stayed quiet and picks the cup back up and puts it away. Angel knew Rumpelstiltskin often acts like this when he wants attention and considering that he was away on an adventure it's obvious that Rumpelstiltskin missed him a lot. Angel wanted to mess with him just a bit as he continues to take care of some things while Rumpelstiltskin was starting to get annoyed. This went on for about fifteen minutes until Rumpelstiltskin had enough and picks up Angel and brings them to the couch and just holds them close. "You quit trying to ignore me when I haven't seen you in ages. Give me attention and be grateful I decided to be nice." Rumpelstiltskin says as he holds Angel close to which Angel also holds Rumpelstiltskin close as they said "I know it's been a while since I was here but I couldn't help myself with teasing you a bit because I love how you react to these moments." Angel says as Rumpelstiltskin makes a huff sound as they both continue to cuddle on the couch and decide to put a random show on the tv as they both relaxed on the couch together. All in all they both got what they want attention and cuddles with each other after not having that for some time. Sometimes being the hero has it's pros and then there's some cons with being the hero.

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