Q/A Poptropica Edition

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~Hello everyone Mystic here. Welcome to my poptropica q/a hope you all enjoy!~

1. How did you discover Poptropica? I discovered poptropica thanks to my oldest sister who actually made me a account so I can try the game.

2. When did you start playing Poptropica? It had to be when I was in either 1st or 2nd grade but I remember that Cryptids Island was the newest Island

3. What was the first island you completed? That would be Early Poptropica as my sister told me that was the easiest island. She did have to help me with the spider as they honestly terrified me as a kid. But other than that I did the rest of the island.

4. Favorite Island? That's kinda tough to pick one so I'm gonna say my top three which are 24 Carrot Island, Survival Island, and Monster Carnival Island.

5. Who is your favorite Villian? Well I made a ranking list on my ranking book so If you want more info on why their my favorite go check there. But it's gotta be between Dr.Hare or Ringmaster Raven.

6. Favorite side character? That's kinda hard but I'm gonna say Edgar from Monster Carnival Island and Max McGullicutty from Survival Island episode 4/5 is when you meet him.

7. Who is your least favorite villian that you battled? Zeus don't get me wrong I liked the fights It's just felt like the motives were kinda weak to me.

8. Least favorite island? That had to be the Galactic Hot Dog Island It honestly felt boring and I haven't read the books before so I kinda forgot about this island.

9. What Island would you want to go to If possible? Definitely Monster Carnival Island because poor Raven needs hugs and I know how it feels to be misunderstood and bullied.

10. What was your Poptropican named? That would be Magic Grape surprisingly I still remember my password and such.

11. If you could create a Poptropica Island what would It be called and be about? I'd probably would make an island where you the player are sent to a alternative universe and would have to help the villians you defeated in your world who are heroes In this universe to defeat the villian which Is you In their world. The island name would probably be something like Swap Island or something like that Im not good with naming things besides pets and baby names.

12. Which Island would you changed If you could do that? Easy answer Monster Carnival Island ending though I'll make a happy ending to where the hero doesn't make Ringmaster Raven into thinking he Is a chicken instead convinced him to stop his plan and undo the damage that has happened and that you become friends with him In the end.
But the bad ending I'd probably would add that he managed to snap out of his hypnotized phased and manages to get you while your distracted and makes you a monster.

13. Did/Do you have anything Poptropica related? I used to have a Mad Libs book that was Poptropica themed but I have no clue where It went I had it when I was in either 4th or 5th grade.

14. Do you ship anyone in Poptropica? At first I didn't really think about shipping but then DeviantArt came to me and I saw cute fanart of Binary Bard and Dr.Hare as a couple to which made my heart melt. I also saw Captain Crawfish and El Mustachio Grande so now I have these two ships but Im still kinda new to Poptropica ships so please be nice but I don't mind hearing your guys ships also.

15. Do you wish that you were actually in Poptropica as the hero? Heck yeah I do it seems like lot's of fun and I get to see my favorite Poptropica characters what a win win.

Now this concludes my Poptropica Q/A I really hope you all enjoy this and thanks so much for all the love and support on my stories truly greatful that so many people love my stories.

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