Chapter Seventeen

Beginne am Anfang

"DON'T EVER BRING HER FUCKING NAME UP AGIAN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND" He yelled as I nodded my head to scared to respond to him, as he starts the car once again and speeds away. We spent the entire journey in dead silence, no music, no talking just the sound of the tires on the road. 

I had no clue where we was heading, maybe to a forest so that he could easily kill me and dispose of the body. Wherever it was, it was not the route back to his house, instead we had already gone past that about an hour ago. 

It wasn't long however until we reached what looked like an airport, I wanted to ask him where we are going however I knew that he would only ignore me, and I wanted to be continue being stubborn. He lead me through security before we headed directly to the runway where a private jet was parked waiting for us to board. I gathered that his mother must have planned this as our honeymoon. 

The plane was surprisingly large considering it was only going to be taking the two of us, there was only three members of staff, and two of them are the pilots. I placed myself onto a row of seats allowing myself to get comfortable, Giovanni does the same however places himself in an opposite row from me. 

There is a television that I can watch and I grab the remote from the table and switch it on, picking a movie that interest me, as the hostess comes to let us know that we are taking of, well she doesn't address me, only Giovanni but I still heard. As the plane started to rumble I stare out the small window and look at the ground below that was starting to be covered in the night darkness, as we flew higher and higher into the night sky. I continued to watch the movie as Giovanni typed away on his laptop, mostly likely business stuff, and I instantly felt tired the drama of everything that had happened today took a tole on my body. It wasn't long until I had fallen asleep. 

When I awoke we where still flying, however Giovanni's jacket had been wrapped round me like a blanket to keep me warm, and the smell of his aftershave hit my nose, which only made me want to wrap myself up tighter with his jacket. He had also moved and was no longer in a different row, instead he was facing me still typing away on his laptop, however he had paused the movie. 

He looked up from his laptop briefly to look at me before almost instantly looking away once more. I wanted to say something to him, but I knew that it was going to be a waste of my breath. Instead I just starred out of the window looking at the darkness as we flew thought it. 

"We are almost here V." He stated as I stood up rubbing my stomach, and having a good stretch, his eyes starred at my hand on my stomach as I headed towards the snack bar to grab something eat, settling on some crisps. I noticed that his eyes where glued to my stomach, although my bump was not large it was visible soon I will be entering the fifth month meaning that it was only going to get bigger. 

He must have noticed that I had realised he was looking and quickly looked away, focusing his attention on the view from outside. As we where dropping lower and lower we could see the lights of the city we where flying into, it already looked beautiful, there where house built right next to the beaches and you could just make out that there where people gathered around the fire, drinking and talking. How much I wished my life could go back to normal so I could do that with my friends again. 

"Where are we?" I asked as the plane touched the ground and started slowing down, I didn't think he was going to respond. 

"Cyprus." He stated as he grabbed his laptop before heading towards the doors of the plan that the lady had just opened. I had never been to Cyprus before although Mia had and she went on and on about it for ages. I understand why now, It truly was something out of a movie scene. 

I followed Giovanni into the car that was awaiting us, I was still really tired even after the nap I had taken on the plan. I blame the baby. I didn't mean to, but as the car started I leaned my head on Giovanni's shoulder before drifting back into another sleep. 

Giovanni lifted me from the car, which awoke me slightly, before unlocking the front door to our home for the next however many days. I snuggled closer into his chest, breathing in his aftershave, causing him to chuckle slightly. I felt the soft fabric of the bed touch my back as he laid me down, kissing my forehead before walking of. 

He joined me a few moments later in bed, climbing under the covers and pulling me back into his chest, his hand wrapped itself around my small bump, and my heart fluttered slightly. "What should we name her?" I ask quietly as he breaths deeply onto the back of my neck. I thought he was going to ignore my comment but instead he responded.

"Molly." I laughed causing him to prop himself up to look at me, our eyes met as the smile was still on my face. "I'm being serious V."

"I know, I just didn't expect you to say that." 

"Well what where you thinking?" He asks, and I look at him shocked that he was showing any type of interest towards the baby. 

"I really like the name Miya, or May." I say as he returns back to him earlier position. 

"I like the name May." He agreed as I flicked the covers of my body feeling to hot all of a sudden. Giovanni got out of bed suddenly and I though I had scared him off with the baby conversation, however he returned moment later with a glass of water for me, which he placed on the bedside table. 

"Giovanni... I didn't mean what I said earlier, I was just angry and frustrated and I was wrong to say the things that I did. But I don't think that pulling a gun on me is a thing I can just forget because you are being nice all of the sudden." I watched his reaction and his pursed his lips before turning to face me properly. 

"You're right, it shouldn't have happened." It wasn't an apology however I gathered that it was most likely the closest that I was going to get, and I couldn't be bothered to start another argument again today. So instead I snuggled up against him and drifted into a deep sleep, the fact that his hand stayed on my little bump comforted me. 

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