Chapter One

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Streetlights loomed above our heads, lighting up the cobbled path that we stumbled along, Mia kept ensuring me that it wasn't  much further, however I wasn't sure if she was trying to convince me or herself. The shoes that we had decided on were a poor choice for walking conditions, getting stuck in every uneven crevice possible, and the blisters that where slowly beginning to create on the backs of my feet convinced me that trainers would have been a much better option. However the pre-drinks that we had downed before we left were they only thing motivating us to continue to this 'amazing yacht party.' 

Mia was convinced it was going to be the best party we had ever attended, however I very much doubted that. The concept of being of a yacht was one that exited me, however the idea of all the rich snobby people littering it, did not. I wouldn't be surprised if they assumed we where bar staff or cleaners, considering I was wearing a very simple black dress, and all of them will be waltzing around in their designer outfits.

These thoughts however very quickly left my head as I saw the dock where the yacht was awaiting its passenger's, the music already blaring from the built in speakers, as a sea of people danced on the deck, glasses of alcohol gripped tightly in their hands. A waiter was stood by the ramp, offering a tray of Champaign to oncoming guest, a rather plastic smile drawn across his face. Both me and Mia accepted the drinks thanking the waiter before heading towards the toilets to ensure that the night's wind hadn't messed up our hair. Like all toilets however they where packed with other females loitering as they chatted away to their friends or greeted familiar faces. It was surprising that a lot of these people where not actually upper class snobs as we had previously expected, instead they where all similar ages to both me and Mia and they appeared to be of the same wealth. "How do I look?" Mia asks as she brushes a comb through her long blonde hair, smiling towards me as she asks the question. 

"Beautiful as always!" I remark as I quickly apply some more lip-gloss to my own lips, smiling brightly towards my best friend. I watched as she finished her flute of Champaign before leaving it on the bathroom counter. "Is Luke and Jai meeting us?" I ask as she pulls her dress further down her legs.

"Yeah, they are upstairs already, we better go and find them." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the crowded bathroom. Both Luke and Jai attended the same university as us, however Jai dropped out in the second year to become a full-time artists and Luke made it the full three years before working in a business firm. Mia and Luke have always had a thing for each other, constantly flirting and often sleeping together however they both decided that it was better if they where friends. Secretly I think that broke her heart, but she will never admit that. 

As we reached the top deck both the boys stood in their black suits, and glass of beer in their hand that they sipped now again as they spoke to one another. Luke's eyes lit up when he saw Mia walking towards them, her white dress hugging every inch of her figure and showing her long tanned legs. He whispered something in her ear as he wrapped his arm around her back, causing her to giggle at whatever his remark was. "You look lovely V!" 

"As do you Jai!"  I say as I beam towards him, unlike Mia and Luke, Jai has been my best friend since we where children, and I would never view his as anything more than a friend, jai doesn't always seem to reciprocate those feelings however. Often he will drop in a flirtatious remark, or hold his gaze for longer than a 'friend' would, but I decide to ignore it, not wanting to have that awkward conversation with him. "Shall we get another drink." 

Jai agrees and we head towards the neon light bar, as Mia and Luke start kissing one another, It wont be long before they disappear and leave me and Jai by ourselves. We spend a long period of time at the bar nattering away about stupid things that have been going on in our lives recently, constantly having a flow of shots and drinks in our hands. It wasn't long before my head began to feel lighter than it was previously, and my eyes become more unfocussed. "Shall we dance?" I shout standing up as I throw my hands into the air, spilling a small portion of my drink onto the flooring. 

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