You chose the job.

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The cobras were awoken to the someone flinging clothes on them and demanding they get dressed.

Each one grumbled and groaned as they realised they'd been chucked suits and ties.

"Don't you guys ever fucking sleep?" Charlie groaned out.

"Sleep is for the weak."

Each cobra shot up as they looked up and saw Eyeball standing there, a small smirk on his face.

"Fucking hell..." Ace mumbled as he looked his best mate up and down.

Though Eyeball had a split lip and black eye, he was now wearing a full black suit, standing there with his hands behind his back. The rest of the cobras couldn't believe their eyes as Jack even had to pinch himself.

"Who are you and what have you done with Eyeball?" Charlie asked with a laugh as he got off the bed and gave Eyeball a half hearted hug.

"Salvatore's a fucking harsh teacher I'll say that." Eyeball mumbled as the others all greeted him warmly.

"This is actually fucking happening..." Billy mumbled as he looked down at the tie in his hands.

"We've actually got fucking jobs and they're fucking big gigs..." Jack mumbled as he held up the shirt.

"Just don't fuck up." Vince mumbled, whether it was to the rest of them or himself was unclear but the message remained.

Don't fuck up.

"You fuckers should get dressed though. Apparently it's a shadow day and Oceane's going for breakfast with the boss." Eyeball said in the same flat voice as the other agents used, as he looked about the rest of the cobras.

They all stared at him blankly. Marco wasn't kidding when he said Eyeball would come back a different person.

"That felt fucking weird." He mumbled to himself, laughing slightly, as the cobras all smiled slightly.

Okay so he hadn't completely changed.


Stella and her father walked out of the B&B. Wilder and Graham followed, alongside Austin, Hugo, Ace, Eyeball and Salvatore.

Stella flat out refused to acknowledge Ace's existence as she walked side by side with her dad.

"So are you going to tell me what happened with Jordan?" He asked as he looked down at his daughter.

Stella shrugged and shook her head. "Not even worth it dad."

"Oh come on Oceane," he said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gently tugged her into his side. "Your dad has an entire countries army at his disposal!" He laughed slightly. "Some guy breaks my daughter's heart, you just let me deal with it."

Stella shook her head again as she released herself from her father's grip. "I think it will be a bit pointless for you to shoot one of your own men." She grumbled as she finally made herself glance over at Ace quickly. "Especially one with so much fucking potential." Her words came out harsher.

"Oceane-" her father started as he sighed but she stopped him.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She snapped harshly.

Turning to Eyeball, Salvatore and Austin she snapped her next order.

"Have all the books on Greek mythology removed from my room, burn them for all I care but get rid of them."

Ace grit his teeth together.

"Of course ma'am." Austin mumbled.


Stella and her dad sat opposite each other in the diner, talking quietly.

"Get it out your head." Austin snapped quietly to Ace by his side.

"I haven't got anything in my head." Ace retaliated.

Austin scoffed quietly. "Tell that to your face. You look harsher than Salvatore right now."

Ace glanced over at Salvatore. Mr Happy.

"You chose the job." Austin snapped quietly again.

"I had no fucking choice." Ace tried to defend himself.

"There's always a fucking choice." Austin bit back. "And you chose the job so fucking stick with it and show her dad you've actually got balls."

"What fucking good would that do me?" Ace scoffed out as his eyes fell upon Stella. What good would the job do if he couldn't have her.

Austin shook his head slowly. "Do you ever plan anything in your life?" He snapped sarcastically.

Ace looked at him blankly.

"Do your fucking job. Protect the daughter. Prove you're a fucking man. Quit the job. Get the fucking girl." He snapped again. "Jesus Christ, how fucking hard is it to understand?" He grumbled as he moved away.

Ace thought over what he'd said. The thought had never crossed his mind. He'd only been so set on not having her leave his life completely. That's why he'd taken the deal, clearly it was affecting her the same way it was for him.

Stella and her father's food arrived as she smiled slightly down at her pancakes with strawberries. Yet as she picked up her knife and fork she paused slightly.

Ace watched hopeful as the rest of them all did too. Even her father sat patiently as they watched her slowly take a small deep breath.

"Fork first, knife after..." Ace muttered under his breath as he prayed she could do it.

Yet she slammed down her cutlery.

"Ac-" she started but stopped herself. "Austin."

Austin nodded at her as he went over and cut up her food.

Ace felt his stomach sink lower into his gut as he felt someone nudge his side slightly. Turning he saw Eyeball give him a small weak smile before it went again.

Ace nodded slowly, understanding his friend wanted to give him some kind of comfort but they were all set on proving themselves and that meant remaining professional in front of Stella and her father.

"All yours ma'am." Austin said as he stood back to his spot.


"I'm sorry sweetheart, I've just got a lot of work on. You go have fun though." Her dad said as they all stood outside the diner.

He handed her his card and gave her a kiss as he gestured to Wilder and Graham, who followed him off down the street.

Stella sighed slightly as she watched him go. He always had work to do, it only made sense as to how she became so attached to her guards. They were always constant.

"I wanna go see Connie." Stella mumbled to the rest of them as she began walking down the street.


"Bloody hell it's true." Connie mumbled as her eyes fell upon Ace and Eyeball in their new suits.

Stella nodded. "You got a break coming up?"

Connie nodded. "Come out the back?"

Stella nodded again as Connie led her out the back door, her guards following as always.

Austin, Salvatore and Hugo had to move Ace and Eyeball back more as the two cobras seemed too desperate to hear what Stella was going to tell Connie.

"You're assigned to protect her." Austin reminded them. "That includes protecting her privacy." He spoke sternly to both boys.

They nodded as they stood in silence while Stella and Connie sat down on a bench. Connie couldn't stop staring at Ace and Eyeball as the two girls talked quietly.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now