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Ace looked around quickly. Where the fuck was he?

Looking up he saw two massive gates. Looking down the floor almost seemed to glow.

The faint images of couples flowed all around. Slowly his head fell as he attempted to squint to see them better.

Yet his attention looked up as one of the gates opened. A girl walked out.

Completely dressed head to toe in a while robe she didn't spare him a look as she walked along barefooted.

The images beneath her seemed to glow and sparkle more with each step she took.

His breath literally flew away as his eyes focused on her. She was absolutely beautiful, even with a scar on the top of her head.

Yet he stood and watched as she continued walking, further and further away. Her smile only growing as she continued to look down at the ground, fixed on the breathtaking images of romance tales underneath her.

His head tilted to the side as he could take it no longer. Racing after her he almost tripped as he landed to a halt in front of her, falling to his knee.

She offered him a small smile as a slight shade of pink rose to her cheeks. He felt his hand move out to touch hers, yet the moment their fingertips touched she pulled hers away.

"Oh mirror of Aphrodite, let me speak. Be not unkind to me. Do not tell me to go. Instead, heal my heart that is so wounded for love for you."

The words flew from his lips before he had a chance to even understand what was going through his head.

"But you have only set eyes on me for the first time just now."

He wanted to shake his head, he knew her. He knew that face.

"Whoever loved, that not loved at first sight?" He asked, once more being unable to stop the words that came from his mouth.

"I cannot return your love." The girl paused. "For I have made a promise to another."

His eyes fell upon the ring on her finger.

Shaking his head he responded before he could understand once more. "Do not tell me you are bound by a promise." He pleaded.

"It is wisely said that it lies not within our power to love or hate, for will in us is overpowered by fate."

The girl nodded down at him gently. "You are correct. We can be held responsible only for our actions, and not for our feelings."

He smiled softly up at her. "We are nothing more than the sun of our deeds. How better to honour your devotion to your mistress, the Queen of love? Why isn't it obvious? Devote your entire heart and soul to love, starting right now!"

She returned his smile. "There are too many guards now. Tomorrow night I shall leave my candle burning in the tower across the sea. Come to me then and we shall be married far from here."

"Ma'am, for such a sweet reward, I would prove myself to every guard you have by your side if there was no other way. For now, farewell. Oh, and my name, by the way is Leander - your husband."

Ace felt confused. His name wasn't Leander?

"And I am Hero, your wife."

Ace stared up at her. Hero. Hero? No. She was Stella. Oceane.

Ace shut his eyes tight, forcing his head to remember.

Yet when he opened them he was no longer standing on the glowing scenes of love.

A harsh ocean lay ahead of him. A small island lay across the way. A small flickering light burned from across, sending its glow across the ocean.

He dropped to his knees as he prayed for the ocean to part.

Yet it didn't.

Looking around he saw no boat.

One more option remained.

Without hesitation and not understanding why, he dove head first into the water.

Pushing himself to swim hard across, he felt the pull towards the light.

He had to reach it.

What seemed to be halfway across caused a huge storm to begin to take him.

Ace kicked and fought but he soon found himself being dragged under. The darkness of the deep surrounding him as the light flickering got dimmer and dimmer.

A great castle stood before him as men appeared by his side.

There were 9.

Ace knew he had never seen them before, yet somehow he had?

The men led him inside as he came face to face with another. 2 more men by his side, he seemed to know?

"No Sir, I am mortal!" He shouted as he found the ability to breathe underwater.

"Then stay! Stay forever! My team need another like yourself!" Boomed the great man in front. Medals littered his chest.

"You belong here, with a job you can be proud of. One that will bring you peace, here is where you belong!"

"But Sir!" Ace found himself pleading on his knees. "I swore to the woman I love that the waves of the sea and the long for a job would not not keep me from her, even if I had to swim."

"I have risked my mortal life for her love, and she is waiting for me. If I do not wake tonight, she may die of heartbreak. For the life of Hero, my love, makes the world more beautiful!"

"Your words are as powerful as your strength." The man in front spoke. "For Hero is my daughter, a girl named after your very surroundings." He gestured to the ocean around them.

"Your love must be true, if you are willing to turn away such a life as I can offer. At least take this, for it will bring you both comfort and seal your life as one."

Ace reached his arm out as a small silver chain appeared around his wrist. A little 'M' dangled neatly from it.

"It will keep you safe forever from the sea, and whenever you sail or swim, you shall never drown. Oceane will be your new home."

Ace glanced at the men surrounding him as they nodded in sync. Looking straight up he saw the light once more.

He kicked and fought but the waves and tide almost seemed to allow him to pass. They sent him floating straight to the surface, to the waters edge.

Ace pulled himself from the water as he coughed and spluttered, desperately trying to clear his lungs from water.

Yet as he slowly looked up, he found himself in a place he seemed to know.

Climbing to his feet he followed the light, shining brighter than anything.

He stopped by a house, the familiar feeling rising through him as he looked up to the top window.

The single candle was being attacked by the wind, yet it remained lit.

"You called?" He shouted out as he saw the familiar sight of the girl appear.

A smile came to her face as she leant her head out the window.

"Just checking it worked." She said with a smile.

Ace looked around as he saw a drainpipe going up the side of the house.

This was how he had to do it. The door didn't seem right.

Slowly he began climbing the drainpipe as he heard a voice calling out his name.

"Ace... Ace... Ace..."

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now