Understood. Ma'am.

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Stella sat cross legged on the grass. Her fingers gently twirling around the blades as she pulled them out one by one.

Austin and Hugo stood around her as they tried not to snap at each other but she wasn't listening.

"You're okay aren't you?" Hugo asked as he crouched down in front of her.

She glared up at him. "What the fuck do you think?" She snapped.

Hugo sighed as he reached out and took her hand in his.

"I'm sure they're all fine." He offered up some kind of comfort.

Stella sighed herself as she shrugged. "What's going on?" She asked looking between him and Austin.

They were silent.

"I'm not stupid you know? Dad would never choose to stay here unless there was a reason."

Again they stayed silent as they shared a look.

"That car accident... it wasn't an accident was it?" She asked quietly.

To her annoyance they continued to stay silent.

"Can you just fucking tell me?!" She snapped as tears formed in her eyes.

"Oceane when we agreed to be your security detail our main role was to protect you." Hugo started.

Austin sighed as he walked over and crouched down in front of her.

"This is us protecting you."

"But what are you protecting me from?! What the fucks going on?!" She snapped once more.

"We're protecting you from the truth!" Austin snapped back. "Now come on, we gotta get you back to your dad." He grumbled as he stood up.

Stella sighed as she allowed him to help her up. Both men stood either side of her as they slowly and cautiously walked back into town. Their hands over their guns attached to them, ready to do their job and protect the daughter.


"Oh my god Oceane!"

She was greeted with her father's open arms as he scooped her up and clung to her tightly.

"Dad I'm fine." She mumbled against him, still somewhat in a mood.

"What the fuck happened?!" He shouted as he pulled away from her and turned to Austin and Hugo.

Before he could answer Skylar walked in, with his hands behind his back.

"All cobras present and accounted for next door Sir." He spoke firmly.

Stella tried to take off to leave but Austin reached out and held onto her wrist, keeping her in place.

"Let me go see them." She snapped as she turned to face him.

Austin remained firm with his grip.

"Dad." Stella snapped at her father.

"Oceane I don't think-"

"Now." She spat out, glaring at him.

Her dad sighed as he waved his hand, gesturing for Austin to let her go.

The moment she was free she almost pushed past Skylar to leave.

Wilder and Graham were standing outside the door as some of her guards stood around.

"Let me see them." She snapped at Bruce, who was standing in front of a door.

Slowly he nodded as he moved aside and let her in.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now