Shoot him.

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"Trust is key." Austin snapped. "Your team is your lifeline." He walked around the cobras.

"Don't trust them and you may as well just hand the girl over to every arsehole out there."

The cobras all nodded slowly as Austin faced them.

"Yet it's been known for people to not be who they claim to be." He spoke sternly. "When that time comes you need to have no hesitation in doing what's necessary to protect her."

Skylar came up to Austin and whispered something in his ear, handing him a gun. Austin took it as he looked at the cobras.


Charlie looked up confused as Austin walked over to him. Shoving the gun in his hands they watched as Skylar began jumping really quickly on the spot, from foot to foot he hoped as he took multiple quick breathes.

Austin dragged Charlie slightly forward as Skylar finally stopped, facing them.

"Shoot him." Austin snapped.

"What?!" Charlie questioned.

"Shoot him." Austin snapped, slightly louder.

"I can't fucking shoot him!" Charlie blurted out as the other cobras were somewhat in shock at the request.

"You can. As I stated. You'll have people try and infiltrate your team, get to her. They'll gain your trust before fucking you over and that's a problem." He snapped.

His hands wrapped around Charlie's holding the gun. "There's your solution." He snarled out.

Taking a few steps back he nodded at Charlie. "Shoot him."

Charlie looked between Austin and Skylar blankly.

"Just not the face or chest, that shit ain't got a good survival rate." Skylar said forcing a laugh as he did a few more jumps.

"Do it in the foot!" Marco shouted out from the side.

The other agents laughed as Skylar turned and scowled at them.

"I fucking told you it was an accident!" He tried to snap back but none of them stopped laughing.

Charlie shook his head quickly. "I can't fucking do it!" He took a few steps back.

"You can." Austin snapped back. "Shoot. Skylar."

"Just not the face or chest!" Skylar blurted out again. "Come on, anything else I can take!" He said, doing a few more jumps.

"The foot!" Nico shouted out as Skylar gave them all the middle finger and stared at Charlie.

"Fucking shoot me Charlie Boy." He said with a laugh.

"Fucking shoot him Charlie." Austin snarled out.

Charlie kept shaking his head as he took another step back.

Austin groaned as he walked back to Charlie, snatched the gun from his hands.

It was aimed straight at Skylar and in a split second several clicks were heard.

The cobras all stood in shock and a little terror as Austin turned back to Charlie.

"It wasn't even fucking loaded." He snarled out. "You're too fucking soft!" He snapped at the rest of the cobras.

"This is her fucking life in your hands and right now you're letting it end over and over!" He snapped as he moved away.

"Wouldn't want that now, would we?" He asked quieter as he faced Ace.

"Someone comes at you with a gun, you got to get it off them." Austin spoke as he kept his focus on Ace straight in front of him.

The others all watched as he kept his stare on Ace, while reaching into his pocket, he produced a single bullet.

"You haven't got one but he does." He spoke as they all watched him effortlessly load the gun and click it so it was locked and loaded.

"Get it off him before he shoots you in the middle of the eyes." He snapped at Ace.


Eyeball landed with a thud on his back as Salvatore stood over him.

"Again?" Eyeball groaned out.

Much to Eyeball's surprise, Salvatore shook his head slowly.

"Rest." He ordered down at the cobra.

Eyeball felt himself let out the biggest sigh of relief as he let his head fall back onto the dirt. Never had he been so glad to hear the word.

His entire body was screaming out in pain, completely exhausted. Salvatore wasn't kidding when he told him that training one on one with him would be much worse than their day before.

He reopened his eyes as he saw Salvatore offering him a hand up. Reaching up he took it and allowed him to pull him up.

"Feel better?" Salvatore asked as Eyeball brushed himself down.

Eyeball nodded with a sigh. "Much."

"Good." Salvatore nodded. "Again."


The cobras were escorted back with the agents. Yet just as they were arriving at the B&B, the front door opened.

Jordan walked out with Stella behind him. They were followed by Wilder, who gave a small silent nod to Austin.

Austin and Hugo left the cobras as they moved themselves to Stella's side.

"Where you off to then Stella?" Jack asked, trying to be cheerful but still in pain.

"We're just going for a walk before we get some dinner..." Stella mumbled as she subtly looked over at Ace.

"Do you want some guarding or company?" Vince said jokily.

Stella however didn't laugh, she just continued to stare at Ace.

"I'm sorry, but your future roles forbids us from having any close friendships." She spoke firmly, turning to Seth. "Maybe you should introduce them to the correct protocols."

Seth nodded. "Of course ma'am."

Stella nodded in response as she turned and walked off. Jordan gave the cobras a little wave as he too, turned and walked off. They were both followed by Austin and Hugo naturally.

"What the hell was that?!" Charlie asked, still somewhat breathless.

"The protocol is to address her as ma'am and she is correct. Any and all romantic relations are forbidden. You have to remain professional with her, you don't get to just relax and act the way you used to." Seth answered.

"You treat her the way we do now." Marco spoke firmly as he opened the door for them all to come in.

Ace stood as he watched Stella walking away, Jordan by her side as they were laughing together.

"Get it out your head." Skylar said as he gently placed a hand on Ace's shoulder and pushed him forward.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now