Silly little love story

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Ace stirred slightly as he felt a body against his, his arms tightened around them as he pulled them closer.

Clearly he must have pulled at the bar last night...

He paused his thought. He hadn't gone to the bar last night.

His eyes shot open as he stared down at Stella, just as she quickly shot up and slid backwards across the sofa, letting out a small noise of fear.

"What the fuck?!" Ace couldn't help but snap out.

"You were hugging me!" Stella bit back.

"I thought you were some other girl!"

"Well I'm not!" She snapped as she ruffled up the blanket. "And I didn't need this!" She chucked it down on the floor.

"I didn't fucking do that!" He snapped. "How do I know you didn't?!"

"Why would I put a blanket on us?!"

Ace shrugged. "I don't fucking know."

They fell into silence as Ace quickly got up and walked out, letting Stella hear his footsteps going up the stairs.

She sighed as she got up and walked to the bags from yesterday. Pulling out fresh underwear and a new top she grabbed her jeans and began attempting to pull the zipper down on her dress.

Spinning around, twisting and turning, she continued to struggle. Feeling more and more frustrated with herself, she couldn't help but feel useless. How didn't she know how to get out of a dress?!

"Need me to call Eyeball?"

She stopped struggling as she turned and saw Ace in the doorway. Sighing she nodded slowly. Ace gave her a small nod as he walked in and over to the phone.

A few minutes had passed before Ace began snapping down the phone.

"Yeah you need to come help her... the fuck you mean you can't? Why can't you?... you're ill? Right and I'm supposed to believe that bullshit?... no I fell asleep watching tv... look you fucking wanted to... hello?... fucking prick." Ace snapped as he slammed the phone down.

Turning slowly to Stella, who was now shuffling uncomfortably on her feet, her hands began rubbing together, her fingers twisting around each other.

"You're nervous." Ace mumbled.

Stella didn't reply.

"I wasn't snapping at you, Eyeball can't come over."

Stella nodded slowly as she turned away and subtly continued to try unzip her dress.

Ace watched her struggle for a moment as he sighed.

Taking a few steps closer to her, he took her hands in his and made them move around her back as he took the zipper in his grip and gently pulled it down her back.

Stella was frozen still as he slowly released his grip, letting her go.

She held the dress to her chest as she turned around but Ace had gone.

Letting out a small sigh she released her dress and let it fall to the floor. Kicking herself out of it she kicked it to the side and looked down at her fresh clothes.

How in the hell was she going to do this?


Ace lay flat out on his back. His head rested against one of his pillows as he picked up the other and dropped it onto his face.

Groaning out he heard a small knock on his bedroom door.

He shut his eyes tight as he slowly sat up. He knew it was her. He knew she needed help. He knew he would struggle.

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