She's real

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"I'm fucking telling you it's true!" Ace said with a laugh as he reached out and whacked Eyeball.

Eyeball just laughed as he drove along. Billy and Charlie laughing along in the backseats.

"Yeah, because Ace Merrill wants a girl for the night, she just magically appears." Charlie said sarcastically while laughing.

None of the guys had believed his tale of the girl from the night before.

"Let me guess she was already half naked for you?" Billy said through his own laughter.

Ace shook his head. "She was only missing a shoe."

"Ooo Ace you tease!" Eyeball wound him up.

Ace once again slammed his hand into Eyeball's chest as he pointed forward.

"There." He snapped as his car appeared into view.

Eyeball soon pulled up behind it as the four jumped out.

"So where is she then?" Charlie asked as they all looked around.

"Fuck do I know?" Ace snapped as he grabbed the bag of tools from the footwell.

Walking over to the front of his car he dumped the tools on the floor as he was now thankful he could see properly.

"Hot girl! Come here hot girl!" Billy teased as he slapped his thighs and looked around.

Charlie began whistling like you would to a dog as Eyeball just laughed.

"She ain't gonna come out for your fuck ugly faces!" Ace snapped from under his car hood.

Eyeball sauntered over and leant against the side of Ace's car.

"But she came out for you?" He questioned as he lit a cigarette in his mouth.

Ace moved his head as he glared up at his best friend. "You gonna fucking help or stand there like a fucking asshole?"

Eyeball shrugged slightly. "Jury's still out." He answered with a smirk.

Ace rolled his eyes as he went back to his car.

"So she was fit?" Billy asked as he steadily looked around but went closer to Ace.

Ace shrugged from under the hood. "She'd do for a night or two." He mumbled as he grabbed a spanner from the bag and went back to the car.

"What was her name again?"

Ace sighed as he moved out from the car and turned to stare at Charlie, who couldn't stop himself from asking.

"I got an idea." Ace snapped. "Why don't you fucking ask her yourself?!" He used the spanner to point behind the boys.

They all spun as they saw a girl standing there.

"Shit she's real." Eyeball mumbled.

Billy and Charlie nodded in agreement as they stared at her.

"Definitely a few more than two nights though." Billy mumbled as his eyes went up and down her body.

The girl shivered slightly as she stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You alright love?" Charlie asked quietly, he'd always been the softer of the cobras and he could tell she was hurt.

"I thought you said she spoke English?" Eyeball asked, leaning back slightly to Ace as the girl just stood in silence, staring the 4 guys now in front of her.

"She does." Ace mumbled as he pushed his way through them.

"You figured it out yet love?" He asked.

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