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Ace sat Stella on the edge of the bath as he held her up. Gently he cleaned and wrapped up her hand.

"I leave you alone for one fucking evening." He grumbled as he almost laughed.

Stella smiled faintly at him. "I was hungry."

"So you tried to cut your own hand off?" He scoffed as he let out that laugh. "Must have been pretty hungry."

Stella shrugged slightly. "Guess it's what happens when my babysitter walks out."

Ace glared at her but she only smiled in return. Rolling his eyes he finished strapping up her hand.

"Come on, I'll make you a burger or something. Least that way you don't have to use another knife." He mumbled as he nodded at her.

Stella gave him a small smile as he led the way back downstairs.


"Okay I didn't realise you actually knew how to cook." She said as she sat at the table.

Ace put a plate with a burger and chips down in front of her as he shrugged slightly.

"My mum died when I was a kid and my dad fucked off so I kinda had to learn to fend for myself." He mumbled as he sat down.

Once again, sauce went all over his chips and he watched as, once again, she put the sauce in a little pile on the edge of the plate.

"Take it you're still no closer to remembering your own?" He asked as the pair began to eat but Stella somewhat struggled with a hand that caused her pain.

She shook her head slowly. "It's like, no matter how hard I try, it just doesn't happen." She mumbled as she dipped a chip in sauce before putting it in her mouth.

"Like, the harder I'm trying, the further away it's slipping."

Ace nodded slowly. "Guess that must suck..." he mumbled as he tried to eat.

"Hey though, I'm not your girl so I'm not your problem right?" She asked cockily as his head snapped up to her.

He had so often used that line, always referring to any girl as not his girl, not his problem. Yet for some reason, hearing her say it back to him, hit different.

"Yeah I guess so..." he mumbled again as he looked away.

"And as soon as I remember I'll be out of your hair!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah sure..." Ace grumbled.

"Unless you wanted me gone sooner, Connie said I could stay-"

"No." Ace snapped quickly, looking back up at her.

She leant back slightly as she stared at him confused.

"I mean you can just stay here." He mumbled. "Might as well, all your stuff is here."

Stella nodded slowly as she watched him go back to focusing on his food.


"Night then." He mumbled as she sat down on the sofa, grabbing the blanket from the floor.

Stella nodded up at him. "Night." She replied as he walked out quickly and she fell back against the sofa.

They'd shared yet another awkward moment as she needed him to unbuckle her jeans and help her out of her top.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now