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Connie had picked out a few simple dresses for Stella and hung them in the changing room.

"I'll let you try them on and tell me what you think." She offered her another smile.

"Sorry I never got your name?"

"Stella." She said quietly, "but Eyeball calls me Artois."

Connie rolled her eyes. "Course he does." She laughed slightly.

"And Ace calls me Stell."

Connie's face changed. "Ace gave you a nickname?" She asked curiously.

Stella nodded slowly. "Is that bad?"

Connie quickly shook her head. "No no, you're okay." She smiled at her. "Anyway, try those dresses on."

Stella nodded slowly as she looked around, trying to find Ace or Eyeball.

"Are you okay?" Connie asked quietly as she began to get confused.

Ace and Eyeball appeared from behind a rack as they were talking quietly.

"You got something yet Stell?" Ace asked as he looked over at Stella.

"I gave her some dresses to try on but um..." Connie mumbled as she quickly looked back to Stella.

"Oh shit right." Eyeball quickly mumbled as he came over to her.

Stella comfortably walked into the changing room as Eyeball followed her. Connie turned to Ace blankly.

"Am I missing something?" She asked quietly as Ace came closer.

He nodded slowly as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

Connie sighed. "Ace you know you can't smoke in here." She grumbled slightly.

Ace shrugged it off as Connie sighed again, it was pointless ever trying to argue with him.

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" She asked, trying not to snap. Ace was incredibly infuriating at times.

Ace shrugged slightly as he continued to smoke. "It's complicated. I'm sure Billy can fill you in. Lord knows it's the only filling in he'll do." He mumbled.

Connie took a deep breath. She was wrong. Ace was always incredibly infuriating.

"Can't you tell me now?"

Ace shrugged it off again. "Not my girl, not my problem."

"Who, me or her?" Connie asked confused.


Connie was now definitely confused. She wasn't Ace's girl but she was wearing his shirt.

"So she's with Eyeball?"

Ace shook his head. "Eyeball ain't allowed to touch her."

Connie was close to giving up. Eyeball had gone in the changing room with her though?

"Why can't he touch her?"

"I said so." Ace said as he stubbed his cigarette out on a counter, ignoring Connie's grumbles again. "You fucking done yet?"

Eyeball came out the changing room. "Think we got one." He said with a smile as he moved aside.

Stella walked out wearing a pale blue dress. To Ace's annoyance it covered her chest and collarbones but his attention was caught at the way it ended just below her knees and the whole bottom half was covered in multicoloured flowers.

He locked eyes with Eyeball as he saw the small smirk on his best friend's face. Ace knew what Eyeball had done. Eyeball knew Ace had a shirt that matched it practically perfectly at home.

"You sure?" Ace questioned slowly as he took a small step closer.

"I love it..." Stella mumbled with a smile as she gently swayed side to side.

"Fine." Ace somewhat grumbled out. "Connie what else you got?" He snapped at the girl.

Connie rolled her eyes at his attitude as she quickly walked off to get a few more things, underwear included.

Feeling confused and somewhat uncomfortable about the situation she returned back to them.

"Maybe I should help her with this stuff." She mumbled as she gestured to the wad of clothes in her hand.

Ace and Eyeball realised what she was getting at as Eyeball turned to Ace, who looked at Stella.

"Changing room." He snapped as Stella nodded and disappeared again.

Walking over to Connie he looked down at the pile of clothes.

"Don't fucking hurt her." He snapped out.

Connie nodded slowly. "I could say the same to you."

Before Ace could respond, Connie pushed past him and went into the changing room with Stella. Eyeball laughed slightly.

"I've always said Connie's had more balls than Billy." He mumbled as Ace just ignored his comment.

Yet if the pair hadn't been so concerned about Connie and her "balls" they'd have heard the plea to find a missing girl Stella's age on the radio.


"Do you mind me asking what's going on?" Connie asked quietly as she unzipped the dress for Stella to step out.

Stella looked down as she got out the dress. "It's complicated."

Connie nodded slowly as she sorted out the dress. "I can tell. You got Ace's shirt but had Eyeball help you? You're not Ace's but Eyeball can't touch you because Ace said so?"

"Ace told you that?" She asked, facing the girl.

Connie nodded as she handed her a bra. Stella took it slowly as she began to attempt to get her own off.

"You need a hand?" Connie asked, not liking the sight of the girl struggling.

Stella let out a frustrated sigh and nodded. "Eyeball did it for me before and after the shower earlier."

She noticed Connie's even more confused expression as she helped her slip out of her old underwear and into some new ones.

"It's complicated." She mumbled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Look if you're in trouble just say so." Connie quickly blurted out, moving closer to her. "I know what the guys can be like and I can help you."

Stella shook her head. "No, Ace and Eyeball are helping me."


"My names not actually Stella."

Connie stared at her, her mouth open slightly. "What is it then?"

Stella was silent as she looked down. "That's the thing. I don't remember..."

She looked up at Connie as she raised a hand to her head. Connie saw the scar forming by her hair.

"I don't remember anything. My name, my home, if I have family or friends or anything... they're helping me."

Connie instantly drew the girl into a tight hug. Stella was a little taken aback but returned the hug.

"I'm just trying to remember and Ace is letting me stay with him. Eyeball's dad apparently isn't too friendly with young girls like me."

Connie grumbled under her breath. "Eyeball's dad isn't friendly to anyone but a beer can." She sighed slightly. "Okay well if Ace becomes too much then you can come and crash with me."

Stella smiled slightly. "Thank you. I like his though, he has nice nuts."

Connie coughed and choked slightly as Stella looked down at her confused.

"What did I say?"

Connie quickly shook her head. "Nothing, don't worry. Let's just try on some jeans a new top." She mumbled quickly as she grabbed some more clothes.

"Funny." Stella mumbled. "Eyeball made a joke when I said that."

Connie sighed loudly. "Of course he did." She grumbled as she helped Stella into a new top.

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