Ace leave it.

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Stella sat on the windowsill in the room she'd been given. It was sweet and simple enough. Neatly decorated as her bags had been placed at the end of the bed.

A knock came at the door, snapping her from her thoughts as she was leaning against the window.

"Come in!"

The door opened as her dad walked in, gently shutting it behind him.

"Hello love." He said as he slowly came closer.

As he stood beside her, he fought the urge to reach out and hold her again. He didn't want to push her.

"You can hug me you know? I won't break." She mumbled with a small smile.

He nodded slowly as he reached his hand out and gently brushed her cheek. His attention fell on the scar on her head again.

"It's okay dad, I'm fine now." She mumbled as she looked back out the window down at Castle Rock.

"Those guys..." he started. "They must have done a good job looking after you. You look really good."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah they did, they're good guys dad."

"You seemed close with that Ace one?" He asked, begging for her to open up.

She simply nodded again as she kept her attention out the window.

"He was the one that found me actually." A small smile came to her face. "I was completely fucked up and he..." she paused.

"He saved me."

Her dad smiled at her. "I can tell. And we're all very grateful, everyone's been so worried about you Oceane."

She nodded slowly. "So I heard."

"Didn't you see the tv or radio broadcasts?"

She shook her head. "Kinda spent all my time learning everything again. Ace had to reteach me how to read, Eyeball helped too though but that was just a menu." She laughed slightly as she remembered.

"A menu?" He asked curiously, sensing a happy memory.

She nodded quickly. "We'd gone out for food and I kinda chucked the menu at Vince because I realised I could read it so Ace ordered for me and Eyeball tried to go through the menu with me really quickly before food came."

"Did he?"

She shook her head as she finally turned to face him. "Nah we only got halfway through. Did say we'd try again but Ace ended up taking over and taught me with one of his books."

"Sounds fun. What was the book?"

"I'm not sure on the exact title but it had loads of Greek mythology stories in." She mumbled as she remembered the many many times she had made Ace read her the tale of Hero and Leander.

"Well I'm sure we can get you some of those books if that's what you're interested in?"

She nodded quickly. "Very much."

He gave her a small smile. "How about you show me this diner aye? Jordan is desperate to talk to you."

"Dad I-"

"Please sweetheart, just one brunch and see if you remember, you two were so happy."

"I was Oceane back then." She mumbled as she hopped off the window sill and slipped on her shoes.

He sighed slightly, having heard and not fully understood her comment.

"Let's just get it over with." She mumbled as the pair walked out her room.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora