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"Make a choice Merrill?" Jordan said as he pointed the gun towards a bag, now resting on the table at Stella's bedside.

"Inside there is enough antidote to save everyone in this room, except one." Jordan snarled out as a small smile came to his face.

"Who's it gonna be?"

Ace clung to Austin in his arms tighter.

"Shame they've all been exposed, I mean even you have!" Jordan laughed. "Of course me too but I got plenty of that antidote running through my veins." 

"You could let her beloved Austin die? Lord knows I would. The fucker never trusted me." He snapped harshly.

"But then how would she see you then?" Jordan laughed. "Feels pretty coward like to me, sacrificing himself so you could save yourself."

Jordan tutted. "I mean we all know, he's the closest to a big broth-"


Jordan's words were cut short. Ace looked about, he hadn't fired a gun?

Skylar's hand slumped again as the gun fell from his grip and he returned to being unconscious.

4 doctors came rushing in, having heard both gunshots. They knew this room was full of army personnel as Ace snapped his head up at them.

"Save him!" He barked his order out as he nodded down to the unconscious Austin in his arms.

They quickly moved around in front of him as he gently handed over Austin over.

Getting up he raced to the bag on the side, opening it up, he grabbed one of the vials.

"This is some kind of anti poison thing, give it to him too!" He shouted as he tossed it to one of the doctors.

"They all fucking need it!" Ace snapped as a handful more doctors came in.

He handed them off the bag as he stumbled backwards. His head slowly beginning to feel woozy, like he was tipsy after having a few too many.

Steadily he slumped to the floor as he saw Jordan stirring from his side. Skylar had only managed to shoot him in the shoulder and he'd temporarily passed out from the shock and pain.

Ace slid himself over as he pushed his forearm down over Jordan's throat.

Jordan's eyes opened as Ace's shut tight, he didn't want to see it.

Yet as he pushed his arm down harder, cutting off more of Jordan's air supply, he thought over everything Jordan had said.

He had only planned to marry her so he could gain access to her father's codes. Yet they weren't married yet and he had already attempted to kill her in the car.

Opening his eyes he released the pressure on Jordan's neck as he began gasping for air.

One of the doctors made the move towards them but stopped upon receiving a glare as Ace turned back down to Jordan.

"Why try kill her in the car?" He attempted to say as he felt himself becoming breathless.

Jordan shook his head slowly. "That wasn't me."

Ace tried hard to push his arm back down on Jordan's throat but his strength was fading as his sight became patchy.

"It's the truth..." Jordan gasped out. "My boss..."

Ace blacked out.


Stella shot up with a glance, panic setting in as she frantically looked around.

Doctors fussed over her as they tried to keep her calm but all she could see was her unconscious father, unconscious agents and unconscious cobras.

And an unconscious Ace.

"Him!" She shouted as she tried to gasp for air. "Focus on him!"

A doctor holding a bag stood up slowly. "There's not enough..." he whispered quietly.

Stella's father and her agents slowly began walking, along with the cobras they all coughed and spluttered, trying to breathe normal air again.

Stella flung the blankets off her as she pushed herself off the bed and crashed onto the floor.

Marco was slowly recovering on the floor as he saw her crash down. He tried to reach out but his arm went limp as he couldn't find the strength to reach out.

The doctors were instantly trying to help her up but she attempted to fight them off.

"The blood, it's in the blood." She mumbled over and over.

"Transfusion." One of the doctors said as he stopped fighting against her, looking at his colleagues.

Instantly the other doctors began grabbing everything they needed. Stella forced herself to crawl over to Ace as let her heavy head fall onto his chest.

Her eyes shutting as she fought against sleeping. Feeling a sharp pain in her arm didn't even wake her.

The tube was attached, injected correctly to her.

The tube was attached, injected correctly to Ace.

The bag and machine in the middle.

Slowly the doctors watched as the blood began flowing from her, up the tube, into the bag and finally into Ace.

"What... the fuck... is happening?!" Her father tried to snap as his breathing was trying to return to normal.

"We're trying to save his life." One of the doctors said as he helped one of the most important men in the country to the bed that had been occupied by Stella.

Her father looked down as he saw his daughter laying unconscious on Ace as her blood flowed into his also unconscious body.

He looked up slowly as he saw the candle flickering and going crazy, due to all the intense movement in the room.

Yet no matter how strong the winds seemed to be with the doctors moving around to help them all, the flame could not be extinguished.

"Is it working?" One of them asked.

Another crouched down beside Ace and Stella as he brought his fingers of both hands to their necks, trying to feel for a pulse.

The agents all slowly regained proper conscious as their eyes fixated on Ace and Stella.

The cobras all slowly regained proper conscious as their eyes fixated on Ace and Stella.

Her father lay in the bed, his eyes fixated on both Ace and Stella.

The blood continued to mix between the two as the doctor, attempting to find their pulses looked up.

The candle flame finally went out.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now