One way to find out.

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The others slowly trailed off, leaving Austin alone with Stella.

"You told Ace to stick at the job?" Stella finally asked quietly.

"Ma'am, I-"

"You told him to stick it out, prove to my dad he's got the balls and then quit so he can be with me?" She interrupted.

Austin sighed slightly. "Permission to speak freely ma'am?"

Stella nodded slowly as she shuffled backwards so she was copying him, leaning back against the headboard.

"Ace is a very angry guy." Austin started. "You can see it in his demeanour, Eyeball has something there too but none match to what Ace is capable of."

Stella continued to look at him.

"He needs to learn control." Austin spoke firmly. "He's had no control his whole life and the thought of leaving you completely in his charge?" He sighed slightly as he looked away.

"Safe to say, none of us agreed with the thought." Austin admitted.

"I was with Ace before I remembered though and I was okay." Stella tried defending him.

"Really? You can look me in the eyes and tell me that in that entire time you were never scared of him and he never left you?"

Stella was silent. That first moment she had met Ace, he had scared her with his angry vibe and blade. He had left her out cold and hurt, with no care for her.

"My point." Austin mumbled. "It was agreed we work with the guy. Get him under control, ensure your safety first."

"Hence my dad's ultimatum?" Stella asked quietly.

Austin nodded. "Your father knew that if Ace really wanted to win you over and have you then he would agree to taking the job and proving himself."

"So all this is him proving himself to my dad and you lot?"

Austin smirked at her. "The boy's got a lot of work to do you know, we don't get pleased easily."

"How is he meant to impress you all?" She asked confused.

"Oh you mean like how is he meant to show us all he can disarm someone coming at him with a gun?" Austin's smirk grew.

"That was planned?!" Stella snapped.

Austin shrugged slightly as the smirk stayed there. "As I said, boy's got a lot of work to do."

"You're gonna keep dropping little tests on him aren't you?"

Austin pulled a shocked face as he placed a hand on his chest. "Now would we do such a thing?"

Stella raised her eyebrow at him as he laughed slightly.

"He wants you, he's got a lot of tests." Austin said as he gently nudged her. "You're special sweetheart, ain't just no-one worthy of you."

"Did Jordan pass these tests?" She asked sarcastically.

Austin shrugged. "We don't know, he never got one."

She turned to him confused. "Why not? I was meant to marry him."

"We would never had allowed that ma'am."

"How would you have stopped it?"

Austin smirked again at her. "Have you seen what we're capable of? Jordan ain't exactly a match for even Skylar and he's a fucking moron."

Stella laughed slightly. "About dad's deal with Ace. What would have happened if he had declined?"

Austin smirked at her. "I don't think that was an option ma'am."

Stella smiled slightly as she sighed, letting her head rest down on Austin's undamaged shoulder.



She paused before replying.

"Im glad you're okay." She whispered.

Austin let a small smile come to his face as he gently rested his head on top of hers.

"I'm glad too ma'am."


When Stella awoke she saw it was night out, the moonlight filtered through the half opened curtains.

Sitting up she stretched slightly as she saw Austin sleeping beside her.

A small smile came to her face as she stood up and grabbed the blanket from the end of the bed. Gently laying it over him she made sure not to touch his strapped up arm as she reached out and brushed the dark hair from his face.

"Sleep well Austin." She whispered as she sweetly kissed the top of his head.

He stirred slightly but remained asleep as she walked out of the room and slowly shut the door behind her.

"Eyeball." She mumbled as she came face to face with him, Billy and Charlie.

Wilder and Graham were at the other end of the corridor, presumably guarding the door to where her father currently was.

"Ma'am." Eyeball responded as Billy and Charlie began to question just what had Salvatore done to their friend.

A smile came to her face. "I need your help. Actually I kinda need all three of you..." she spoke quietly as their interest was peaked.

Gesturing for them to all come closer, they all leant in as she whispered what she wanted.


"He ain't fucking talking!" Ace snapped out of breathe as Salvatore had dragged him back out into the hallway, slamming the door behind them.

Ace was shoved against the wall as Salvatore pinned him up using his forearm to press against Ace's neck.

"You're not fucking tough enough!" He shouted, getting as close to Ace's face as he could.

"It's either his life or hers up there!" He snapped. "Make your fucking choice newbie."

Salvatore shoved him against the wall again as he took a step back.

Ace regained his breathe as he involuntarily looked down at the gun hanging from Salvatore's holster.

"His life," he started as he pulled it out and offered it to Ace. "Or hers."

Ace didn't need any more. He reached out and took the gun. Pulling it back so it clicked and loaded he turned and opened the door once more, going back in.


Salvatore allowed himself to smile slightly as Seth appeared by his side. The pair looked in as they saw Ace towering over the man, who now had a bullet wound in his foot.

He was crying out in pain as the gun was pressed against his head.

"Not bad for a newbie." Salvatore mumbled again as Seth nodded.

"Pulled a Skylar and went for the foot." He said with a small laugh.

Salvatore nodded. "Indeed."

"Think he'll talk now?" Seth asked, looking up at him.

Salvatore shrugged as he pulled out his second gun.

"Only one way to find out."

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now