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Stella watched as each of the boys drank more and more. It didn't take long before different looking girls soon came to join them.

Stella felt herself slink back slightly, she definitely felt out of place.

"You alright Artois?" Eyeball asked as he appeared by her side.

Stella looked up at him confused as he laughed slightly, holding up the bottle in his hand as he pointed to the label.

"I ain't fucking stupid. Ace's favourite drink." He mumbled as she saw where the name suggestion had come from.

"Now because I'm amazing, I managed to convince him to let you stay at his."

She looked up at him blankly.

"You're welcome." He gave her a smile. "Not much of a talker are you sweetheart?"

Stella looked down at the floor slightly. "Sorry."

Eyeball gently nudged her, "Ain't a bad thing sweetheart. Just means you're a lil different than us."

She looked back up at him as he gave her a small smile.

"So about staying with Ace, couple of things." He mumbled as he laced an arm around her waist, gently pulling her closer.

"Ignore the girls." He whispered into her ear as she stared up at him confused.

Eyeball nodded slightly to where Ace was leaning up against one of the walls, a completely different girl from the other two she had seen before was leaning against him as they spoke quietly together, she was planting kiss after kiss on him.

Stella grimaced slightly as she involuntarily slunk into Eyeball.

"Ace usually goes for the bitchy ones, so just don't let them get to you." He said as he kept a firm but still relaxed grip on her.

"But hey we've all seen you can hold your own so I think you'll be alright." He gave her another smile.

"Oh and just try not to piss him off."

She raised her eyebrow up at him as he shrugged slightly.

"He's got a little bit of a temper so it's best not to push his buttons. Anything he says to do, just do it."

"He told me to stay by his side tonight." Stella quietly spoke.

Eyeball sighed as he looked back over to where this girl was now full on making out with Ace against the wall.

"Didn't think that was your style Artois." Eyeball mumbled with a laugh.

Stella shook her head again as she grimaced at the sight of the girl again.

"Okay so stick with me then," Eyeball added.

Stella turned away from Ace and nodded up at Eyeball. He gave her a softer smile as his arm went from around her waist to dangling around her shoulder.

"Now about that pool game you're about to offer me?" He asked with a cocky grin.

Stella laughed slightly and nodded, letting Eyeball lead her over to an empty table.


The longer the night went on, the more relaxed Stella found herself feeling. True to his word Eyeball had pied off every other girl and let Stella stick to his side.

She went with him to the bar each time and in turn, he waited outside the bathroom for her.

Yet as the cobras finally began to pile out the bar, Eyeball's arm returned to dangling around her neck.

Ace stumbling along behind them, the same girl from before under his own arm as she continued to attempt to kiss him.

They all piled back into Ace's as the girl began trying to drag him upstairs. He, however stopped her as he grabbed Eyeball's shirt and yanked his best friend closer.

"Get Stell a shirt." He slurred out as he kept his new piece downstairs.

Eyeball took the stairs two at a time as he went to grab one of Ace's shirts. A smirk coming to his face as he knew this new side piece wouldn't be pleaded not being the only girl in the house and seeing Stella wearing one of his shirts.

Eyeball soon came back just as Ace sent the girl up to his room. He took the shirt from Eyeball as the pair walked into the living room and looked at Stella, who was warily sat on the edge of the sofa.

"You can sleep in this..." Ace mumbled as Eyeball nudged him forward slowly.

Stella stood up and accepted the shirt with a small smile. Yet Ace and Eyeball stood still as Stella began to yank and tug at her own top.

"You can't remember how to get changed?" Eyeball asked quietly as he slowly moved closer. Something in him clicked as he realised just how much he wanted to protect this girl. This helpless girl.

Stella stopped struggling as she stared up at Ace. "Help me please..." she pleaded, taking a small step closer to him.

Ace was silent as his eyes scanned her over. His hands slowly went to the hem of her top as his fingers softly brushed her skin.

"Arms up." He mumbled as he couldn't stop his eyes from wandering her bare neck, the way her shirt revealed just enough to spark any guy's imagination.

Stella slowly raised her arms above her head as Ace continued to stare, his fingers continuing to play about with her top as he gently tugged at it.

"Ace..." Eyeball spoke quietly as he sensed his friend's distraction.

Ace didn't reply. His eyes were too busy taking in every inch of her skin as she stared right back at him.

"Eyeball, take over." Ace snapped quickly as he quickly pushed himself away.

Storming out the room he went straight up the stairs as Stella slowly lowered her arms and took a few steps to Eyeball.

"What did I do?" She asked quietly.

Eyeball shook his head slowly. "Nothing Artois." He mumbled. "Come on, let's get you changed. Shirts gonna suit you." He forced a smile as he helped Stella get changed.

Buttoning up Ace's shirt on her, he gently pulled off her jeans. A small anklet was revealed on her left leg as he looked down at it curiously.

"Hey nice chain." He mumbled.

Stella brought her leg up to her as she softly fumbled with it. It was a thin and dainty silver chain with a little 'M' charm dangling down.

"M?" Eyeball asked as he crouched down to gently touch it.

"Your name starts with an 'M'?" He asked again.

Stella shrugged as she looked down at him.

"You don't remember any family or friends with the letter M?" He pushed further.

Stella sighed as she shook her head again. Nothing was coming back to her.

Eyeball sighed as he stood up and chucked her jeans. He reached behind her as he grabbed the blanket draped over the back of the sofa and placed it on her lap.

"Get some sleep then Artois." He mumbled as she nodded slowly.

"Are you coming back?" She asked quickly, something about him made her comfortable and she wanted that to stay.

Eyeball nodded as he grinned at her. "I'll be back tomorrow. And hey don't worry about that thing with Ace earlier."

Stella gave him a blank look as he shrugged it off slightly.

"Guy's got no self control if you ask me." He mumbled with a laugh.

"Now sleep." He ordered with a smile as he walked to the door.

"Night Artois."

"Night Eyeball."

The lights were shut off and Stella stretched the blanket over herself, laying back on the sofa as she heard the soft sound of the door opening and closing.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now