That I did, ma'am.

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"Why would he choose some job over you?" Connie asked after Stella had told her everything, her eyes flicking over to Ace and back.

Stella shrugged slightly. "Money?" She questioned with a sigh. "My security team are some of the most well paid."

Connie shrugged. "You said if he didn't take the job he'd of had to have to stayed here. This way he still gets to be in your life?"

Stella scoffed. "Fat load of good that does me when I'm not allowed to actually be with him. Oh on top of the fact that someone's trying to kill me."

Connie's mouth dropped slightly as Stella just nodded.

"None of them have actually told me but I'm not fucking stupid. I've pieced it together."

"Maybe that's why Ace is so set on protecting you, and the others have stepped up." Connie suggested.

Stella looked at her blankly.

"It could be it, if someone is in this town trying to kill you then maybe that's why the cobras wanted to help more and took the job your dad offered?" Connie said again.

Stella shrugged as she sighed. Connie's boss appeared and called her back inside. The girls hugged as Connie went back inside.

Stella stood up and brushed her dress down as her eyes fell on her old/new security detail. Her eyes locked with Ace as she bit her tongue before spinning and walking away.

"I've really fucked up." Ace mumbled as they all followed her, keeping a steady distance.

Salvatore rolled his eyes. "You chose the fucking job." He snapped at the cobra. "Fucking act like it."

Ace was about to retaliate when a shot was heard. Immediately Austin, Hugo and Salvatore pulled out their guns and to Ace's surprise even Eyeball had a gun?

Both Austin and Hugo instantly formed a protective stance over the girl as she attempted to look around.

"I don't see anything." Salvatore snapped as he looked around.

The others all agreed.

"Wanna get off me now?" Stella grumbled from underneath Austin and Hugo.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you know the drill." Austin spoke as he kept his body pressed up against hers, keeping her covered with Hugo.

Ace watched the way Austin and Hugo were. They had no hesitation in covering her body and would take as many bullets as necessary for her.


Another shot was heard as Salvatore nudged Eyeball and the pair took off running in one direction.

Yet Ace watched as Stella began to panic, Hugo trying to reach out.

Hugo's hands grabbed Stella's arms and yanked her from between them. She was flung out towards Ace.

"Do your fucking job and take the girl!" He snapped as he caught Austin from falling.

Austin had taken the bullet.

Ace's arms wrapped around Stella.

"Get her back now! Get the boss and the boys!" Hugo shouted as he slunk to the floor.

He chucked Ace his gun before focusing on Austin.

Ace caught the gun and stared down at it. Even for him this was happening way too fast.

"FUCKING MOVE MERRILL!" Hugo shouted. "Protect the fucking girl!"

Another gunshot was heard as Stella screamed and clung harder to Ace.

"Let's go." Ace snapped down at her as he took her hand in his.

Giving it a gentle squeeze he quickly pulled her into an alleyway and began running along with her.

"Where are we going?!" Stella snapped at him.

Ace sighed as he stopped and looked down at her. The alley was dark and quiet.

"I'm sorry Stell." He mumbled as she stared up at him.

"No you're not." She replied as she looked down.

Ace's hand went out to her face but he stopped himself. Stella looked at it before back up at him.

"You're not touching me?"

Ace shook his head. "Protocol states clearly you're not to be touched unless it involves saving your life."

Stella forced a small laugh. "You read your rules then?"

Ace nodded slowly. "That I did," he paused "ma'am."

Stella felt herself clench, it just didn't feel right. Even though he had called her Stell, that had felt right.

"Just get me out of here." She snapped herself back into the coldness from before.

"That's my job ma'am." Ace said with a small smirk.

Stella reached out and shoved him. "Not yet it's not and if I end up dead then you really won't have anyone to protect."

Ace nodded slowly as he offered his hand out to her. She looked down at it before back up at Ace.

"It's for saving your life right?" He asked trying to hide the smile.

Stella nodded slowly as she reached out and took his hand.

She let Ace lead her through back alleys as he walked slightly ahead. His attention focused on looking around and even up at any roofs.

His hand kept a firm grip on the gun as he pulled her through, thankfully this was his home turf. He knew every secret little alleyway and they were back at the B&B in no time.

They burst through the front doors just as Skylar was about to go racing past.

Yet he was stopped as Stella dove into him, her arms going around his waist as she clung to him. Skylar was startled at first but let her hug him as his eyes went up to Ace.

"The fuck happened?!" He snapped at the cobra. An arm already protectively going around the girl.

"We were out with the others and-" Ace started but Skylar interrupted.

"Yeah I know that dipshit! I meant with her?!" Skylar snapped out as he nodded down at the crying girl in his arms.

Ace looked down at her before back up at Skylar.

"No no nothing like that!" He quickly tried to defend himself. "I didn't fucking hurt her!"

Skylar glared at Ace as he leant down and mumbled something in Stella's ear. Ace watched as she shook her head against him but kept a firm grip.

"Let's get you upstairs ma'am." He spoke as his eyes fell on Ace.

"Your pal and Salvatore caught someone, you might wanna go see if they need a hand." Skylar fired his order out.

Ace looked down at Stella, "I think I should-" he started but Skylar cut him off.

"Go see if they need a hand." His order came out harsher than before.

Ace nodded slowly as he saw Skylar gently begin to lead the now crying Stella away. All he heard her say was that they had shot Austin, while Skylar tried to comfort her.

Ace then realised it wasn't because of him that she was crying. Austin had taken the bullet for her and she had no idea if he was alive or dead. Something told him her team of agents were going to be incredibly tense too now.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now