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Deidara pov

We went to the training field, i lean on the tree while Naruto is laying on the grass. Actually i'm wearing my Akatsuki cloak hm.

Good thing we barely escape from Pervy Neji and Playboy Sasuke

"This world is really weird, first Hinata is so strict and wearing revealing clothes, Ino is a shy girl, second Gaara is not kazekage, Sasuke is a playboy, third Neji is a pervert" Naruto said, i just nodded, i don't know what to say...

"Naruto, Deidara i want you to meet my three students from Amegakure" A white haired old ma- wait he is one of the legendary sannin! Naruto stood up and i get close to Naruto.

"Ero senin( pervy sage )" Naruto said, He just smile.

"Heh~ Yahiko,Konan Nagato come here, meet the childrens of the fourth hokage Minato" a orange haired guy showed up, my eyes widen when i see him... He looks like our...


Konan is Leader's partner! the red one looks.. His eyes is same to our leader...

"Heh, I'm Yahiko, this girl is Konan and this red one is Nagato" leader introduced, i just waved my hands 'hi' to them "We are the Akatsuki from amegakure (rain village) which isn't too catchy or cool at all, but Akatsuki will bring peace to this world, we will do anything to stop the war" He said- so there are only three people in Akatsuki??? Their cloak have no red clouds red.. Is this true? The Sannin clapped his hands.

"That's my Yahiko" he patted his head, leader looks so soft "I will wait for Akatsuki to bring peace in this world" he said, Leader is kinda happy and soft person... And he used sword. He looks cool without the piercing.

"Wow Akatsuki is cool" I said proudly, even though the Akatsuki in real world are criminals... Including me... Huh... What does Naruto is thinking now?

"Thank you... I thought you were a girl" Leader said, WHAT A GIRL?! Naruto burst out laughing. Even konan laugh a bit

"Shut uppppp you cactus hair!" I yelled at him, he lowered his voice, but still laughing!

"Naruto don't laughed like that" Sannin pulled me and that red hair one "Our hair hair may be long, but this two used to cover their other eye i don't know what's the reason behind it, but we are handsome! Right Konan?!"

"Yeah sensei" Konan shyly said

"Maybe that Nagato guy can date Deidara hehehe~" Naruto teasingly said, idiot- i pulled his two cheeks.

"Naruto is such a funny guy" Konan said, hell no! I let go of his cheek, now his rubbing it because of pain.

"I see you are wearing a nice Cloak Deidara, Red cloud, it's look like out village, the rain never stop" Leader or Yahiko said "May i know how you discovered it? It's nice" he asked, i have to think fast---- i'm an Akatsuki member too but not in this world.

"I just found this in store, it's pretty Artistic design hm" I lied, but it's Artistic design

"Well you know Yahiko, Deidara is into fashion too, he even refused train a rasenggan and focused to his art" the sannin said, so i have air nature in this world? "But he is a good boy"

"I see, the way he amazed us is great, i can tell that he is a great person with Artistic appearance" Yahiko said, i blushed uhmmmmmm Artistic looks huhuhu "We can't stay here too long, we have journey to continue"

"How do Akatsuki bring peace?" Naruto suddenly asked, he looks serious this time...

"We will do anything to stop the war, even we will risk our life for peace, i won't let the other orphan childrens to supper and feel pain, we want them to be happy and love the live" Yahiko explained, The sannin clapped his hands.

"Good thing, this time you are good at making speech Yahiko" The sannin said earning yahiko a smile.


"Akatsuki will promise you to bring peace" the red haired guy said, konan just smiled

"Okay okay sensei, were going now... We will visit you here next time" Yahiko said, Konan made a big bird made in paper and three of them hop on and fly away.

So that's leader... Pain.


Were heading home.

"Naruto" i called him, Naruto turned his head to me and saying 'eh?' "remember that orange haired guy Yahiko earlier?" i asked

"Yeah, he is pretty cool" Naruto said while smiling.

"He is our leader in our organization" I said, Naruto wide open~~~~ "But his looks is different! He have many piercing on his face and his eyes are same to that Nagato guy"

"ehh?! I wonder what happened to Yahiko in our world... Maybe i can ask Ero senin!" Naruto looks so confidently

"Ero senin?" i asked, Naruto just let out a small laugh.

"Jiraiya sensei, i just love to call him ero senin because of his Pervy personality" He said, i just let out a 'ohhhhhh' to him.


"Deidara... I never heard you calling me Mom this days... ARE YOU DISRESPECTING ME?" Naruto's mom said while pointing me a spoon, we are having a dinner know.

"Kushina maybe he is just tired" Naruto's Dad trying to calm her down. I feel someone poked me, i turned to see who is it. It's just Naruto.

"Just call her mom this time or we will get killed" Naruto said, it's very weird to call mom if that is not your mom.

"You sure?" i asked while she is fighting with her husband, Naruto just nodded.

"What are you two whispering there?" She asked, Naruto poking me again down the table using his feet. I clap my hands like praying even i'm holding my chopsticks and lowered my head.

"I'm sorry.... Uhmmmmm..... Mom" i shyly said, i felt silence first when i raise my head i feel warm hug from her.

"I just missed when you call me mom, pls make it everyday" she said while her eyes are closed.

"Ok..." i said, she shut her eyes open again glaring at me, it's scary "okay mom he he he" i nervously smile, she then smile.

"Kushina, Deidara apologized he he" Naruto's dad said. He he he

I'm shy

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