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"Jessica, you need to eat." Mom said, and I just looked at the window. It's been almost 3 months since I last heard from Jeonghan. Joshua said he already talked to Jeonghan about what happened and even told him where I was, but he still didn't contact me. I don't want to think that he abandoned me and our baby and went back to Cassie, but I'm still praying that I'm just overthinking things and that's what did not really happen.

"Jessica?" I felt Mom hold my hand. I bit my lower lip to keep from crying as I looked at her.

"Ohhh... darling. Please don't cry. Everything will be OK. Why don't you go out today? The weather seems fine; eat outside, call your friends. Enjoy the whole day. Come on... I sigh and wipe my tears away.

"Ok, mom." After eating, I decided to go out to look around and maybe to try to forget, even for just a short time, about everything. I went to my favorite mall to check for baby clothes.

"Bonjour, cette robe sera parfaite pour votre bébé." The lady said, and I smiled at her. I'm checking for different designs of dresses for my baby.

"Thank you; I am also looking for boy's clothing."I asked her and she beamed and I could see she was so pleased.

"You have twins?" She said, and I nodded at her. She helps me choose the style and the baby clothes that I will need. She made sure to give me all the best designs, and I'm happy to shop and buy them all. I have to admit it, shopping for my babies makes me calm and happy, just for a short time.

"And where have you been?" I looked around when I heard that voice. I miss him so much.

"Joshua!" I said and almost ran to hug him.

"Oh! Oh!Be careful! How are you? How are my niece and nephew? ' He said, hugging me tight and helping me sit.

"They are fine and such good babies." They are not giving me a hard time, but I think they are all very active. I can always feel them moving. I said, and Joshua smiles widely and even touches my tummy to feel it also.

I'm so excited to see them. I'm pretty sure they will be as beautiful as you are, Jessica. " He said, kissing me on my forehead. I looked at him, and I think he already knows what I'm going to ask.

"He is fine, Jessica." He told me that he would just finish everything and he would be here with you. " "Joshua I said softly, and just by hearing that, I felt my tears falling from my eyes.

Don't cry... Mom said, "You're always crying and you know it is not good for you and the baby." Joshua said, wiping my tears.

I said, "I guess these are happy tears," and he just chuckles and tucks my hair behind my ears.

"Let him explain everything, Jessica, and just to make you feel good." No, they are not together. "Jeonghan filed the divorce petition right after the DNA results were released." Joshua said and nodded slowly, then I remembered the DNA.

"What were the results?" I curiously asked, and Joshua leaned on the couch before answering.

"It was Wonwoo's," Joshua answered, and that made my eyes wide.

"What?" How can that be?" I ask him and even hold his arms.

"Well, apparently Wonwoo used to visit Cassie way back when and they are still seeing each other even when she's dating Jeonghan," Joshua said, and I looked at him in disbelief.

How can she let Jeonghan think he is the father? And why did Wonwoo let that happen? Are they both out of their freaking minds? I mean! " I'm getting frustrated now. I want to see Jeonghan and talk to him. I want to know how he is doing with everything that just happened.

"Relax, Jessica. Don't worry about Jeonghan. I can assure you that he is perfectly fine and he is doing everything to make the process faster than usual. Another thing that I also found out is that the conference that Wonwoo used to go to in New York is not really a conference. He was seeing Cassie behind your back. " My eyes went wide upon hearing that. I used to feel sorry for Wonwoo because I was carrying Jeonghan's children, but now all I feel is rage and betrayal. What I felt for Wonwoo was real. I cared for him and loved him because he showed me things that made me happy. He takes care of me and makes sure I'm always OK.

Jessica, we should talk about this when Jeonghan is here. It is better that he will be the one to tell you all about it. All I can assure you now is that Jeonghan is doing his very best to speed the process along. So don't worry too much, please. " "Joshua said," and I nod at him. I reach for my phone and type a message for Jeonghan.

"Je vous manque." I already miss you... Nos bébés also miss their father. I want you to see I want to look at your beautiful face and tell you at what point I love you. Come on over, Jeonghan. "We await your arrival..." vous aime..." I miss you. I miss you already... Our babies miss their daddy too. Please hurry back to us. I want to see you. I want to stare at your beautiful face and tell you how much I love you. Come home to us, Jeonghan. We will wait for you... I love you. I prayed a short prayer for his safety after sending my message. I'm not a religious person, but at this time I can't be with him. I wish him safety. I still haven't told him about our babies. I'm pretty sure he will be happy with my news, and I can't wait to see his reaction. I know it will be a precious and memorable one.

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