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"Are you OK?" Joshua asked me. I was sitting here on our couch eating popcorn. He sits beside me and gets some.

"I am. I guess... " I answered unsurely. He looked at me and waited for me to tell him what happened. I sigh and start telling you what happened when I went to the grocery awhile ago.

"Hannie?" I heard a voice and it appears that he is nearby.I didn't bother and continued choosing ice cream. I was about to pick up the Rocky Road ice cream when someone grabbed my arm and faced me.

"Hey!" I immediately said, but he hugged me so tight and I felt him crying.

I miss you, Yoon. I miss you so much. Where have you been? " I was stunned and I don't know what to do. I slowly push him away, but he is hugging me so tight. I saw people looking at us. I just forced a smile. He finally let go of me and wiped his tears. I saw his eyes all red but still charming.

"Are you OK?" I asked him and he nodded at me.

"Imma" Are you going?sure you're OK? " I asked again, but he stopped me.

"Don't you remember me?" I stare at him and slowly shake my head.

"What happened to you?" He asked, holding my hands tight.

"I'm sorry I have to go," I said, but he wouldn't let go of my hands.

"Have lunch with me." he said. He seems like a good person. His eyes are so expressive and I don't know, I can't say no. I sigh and nod. I saw his face lighten up. He brought me to a Korean restaurant and ordered ramen for me and bibimbap.

"Unexpectedly, but I'm Seungcheol Choi." You are? " He asked, still watching me eat. I pushed the plate with kimchi, bibimbap, and bulgogi.

"I'm Jessica Hong. Do I look like someone you know? " I asked him to get some bibimbap. Since we arrived, I've been enjoying Korean food.

"I think you are just one person. Don't you really remember who I am? " He asked again with those hopeful eyes. I stare at him and shake my head.

"I'm sorry. It's been almost two years since my accident and a part of my brain was removed," I said, and I almost winced when I remembered that. Joshua even showed me that part and I almost puked. That brute! I can't believe he is my brother.

"Accident?" Then I told him what happened and I could see him focusing on what I said.

"Well, that explains. You suddenly disappeared after 2 years ago and no one knows where you are. " I frown at him.

"So you really know who I am?" I asked him. He fished for his phone and was looking for something to show me.

"This is you. The last picture we took before you went to Paris. " He said, and my eyes widened. It's really me. I mean, I have long black hair.

"You didn't change even a bit, except for your memory." He said, smiling at me. Why do I feel safe around him and I just stare at his eyes? Such beautiful eyes, and I feel like drowning.

"So where is he now?" Joshua asked after I told him about my short encounter with Seungcheol.

"Errr, I think he's a model." I don't know. I didn't ask much, I just got his number. Do you think I should be looking for my past? " He looked at me and hugged me.

"Do you want to?" He inquired, and I nodded slowly.

"It doesn't mean that I want to know about them. I will totally leave you, our family." I heard him laugh.

Of course you can't do that. Were your real parents, Jessica? And I won't let you either. " He said that made me giggle.

"Such a possessive brother." I teased him and he just laughed.

"I am possessive." "He said after hugging me again." The next morning, I saw the baby girl trying to walk with the help of her nanny. I approach them and smile at the nanny, then kneel.

"Goodmorning!" I happily greeted them. Her nanny smiled at me, then stared at me, and the baby smiled at me also.

"You're so cute!" I said, poking her chubby cutie cheeks and making the baby laugh.

"Can I carry her?" I asked her nanny, and she immediately nodded.

"Hi, baby..." I was playing with her, and she bit my finger and pouted!She's really adorable. I just want to steal her in case her nanny is not looking at us.

"Hmmm. "Ms.?" Her nanny shyly called me.

"Yes?" I answered with a smile.

"Do you happen to know his father?" She asked what makes my forehead knot. I slowly shake my head.

"No? Why? Who is he? " I curiously asked her. Then I remembered the guy who was carrying the baby the other day.

"I saw your picture in our house. I know it's you... She said, and that makes me more curious.

"Really? Can I see it? " I asked and she looked at me then sighed.

"I guess it's OK." She said in a low voice, something that made me smile. When we were inside the house, I looked around and it was real homie.

"This is you, right?" She pointed in one picture. I got closer and my eyes widened when I saw it.It's a family picture. Me with my other family and the other picture is me with a long-haired guy.

"Who is he?" I asked, and she looked shocked.

"He is Hanna's father, Jeonghan." She said, and I stared at the picture again. I suddenly felt something in my chest.

"Jeonghan?" I repeat myself while looking at the display pictures. The name sounds familiar and it brings a different emotion that I can't name.

"Hannie?" Someone held my hand and I took a look and it was Jeonghan. He looked bothered and his eyes were so sad. I try to get my hands off of him, but it becomes tighter.

"No, please Hannie. I miss you... " He said, and I felt it again. That strange feeling in my chest Hurt and longing? I don't know why, but I felt hurt.

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