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"So you've met Jeonghan?" Seungcheol asked me. The meeting should be just for lunch, but here we are having dessert in one of the finest bakeries in town.

"Yeah, yesterday," I said while swirling my tea. I looked at mom, who was enjoying her reunion with Auntie.

"And?" Seungcheol asked again, eyeing me. I sigh.

"Nothing? I mean, we didn't talk much. But I get to meet his daughter, who is really cute. " I answered and I saw him stare at me then get his coffee.

"I guess it's better that you finally get to know Jeonghan," Seungcheol said as I watched him.

"Are we really this close? You know, sibling close. " I asked him.

"You're close." more than you expected. " He said meaningfully before checking his phone. Closer than siblings? What does he mean?

"Are we keeping you up?" I remember he's a model, and maybe he has someplace to go.

"Oh no. I was just checking. I told my manager that I would be busy the whole day. Mom's been bugging me about today and I see it's worth it. I got to see you again. " He said, smiling at me. With that gummy smile, he looks adorable. I mean, really adorable.

"I think you should meet my brother." I'm pretty sure you two will get along. " I said, remembering Joshua. I'm sure he's busy right now because they have a board meeting if I'm not mistaken.

Maybe I'll drop by your place then. Or I can drive you within the city. " He offered and I smiled at him.

"Seungcheol, I know you're busy with stuff and your career," I said, and he just laughed at me.

"Priorities." He said, and winked at me. All I can do is laugh with him and shake my head.

"Seungcheol looks like a decent guy." I rolled my eyes as Mom said this.I know where this is going.

"Mom, stop. Seungcheol and I knew each other way back when. Before everything happened, I feel comfortable with him and I guess we were good friends before. " I said, and Mom held my hands.

"Whatever you say, Jessica, I like him for you. " Mom said this, and I just laughed.We arrived at the company at almost 5 pm. We saw dad and Joshua already talking to the other board of directors.

"Oh, look at my lovely wife and daughter," Dad said, and I noticed mom blush.Oh, how I love seeing my parents all so sweet with each other. Joshua smiled at me and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Now that you've mentioned that, Your family is such a beautiful one! " One of the boards said And I can see Dad being proud.

"You can say that." He said, and everyone laughed. Dad introduced me and Mom to the directors.

"Your office is stunning!"I said while roaming around Joshua's office. Dad just gave him his office since he's going to start to train as the new CEO.

"You like it?" He asked while finishing his paper work. I nodded and went to the bookshelf, and then I saw the fridge and opened it. I got a can of soda and opened it.

"I wonder when I will have my own office," I said while sitting in his visitor's chair.

"Do you want to work?" He asked me I nod and drink my soda.

"I'm getting bored," I admit. After being homeschooled and completing my degree, I feel compelled to assist in our family business.

You can ask your dad. We have a new condominium that is going to be built next month here in Seoul and on Jeju Island. I might need a hand, plus we can use your talent in decorations. " He said, then smiled at me. I stand and walk over to his back to hug him.

"You're the best brother." I love you, Joshua. " I said, and he laughed.

"I am your only brother, Jessica." We both laughed, and I told him that I would be going to my dad's office. I told my dad that I wanted to work and help Joshua with his project. At first, mom was hesitant; it's not like she doesn't want me to work, but when I told her that I just wanted to help and to use my talent, she eventually let me. Lately, I discovered that I can draw. I started by designing my room back in Paris, until Joshua asked me to design his whole flat in New York.

"Here it is." Joshua handled the files I asked him to.

"Thanks!" I started scanning the files.

"What do you plan after reading those?" I guess it would be better if you could talk to them properly. They are your parents. " He said. I asked him to get some info about me before I went to Paris. I know that I'm Hannie Yoon and I'm a fashion design student.

"This weekend. You're coming with me, right? " He asked me, and I saw him nod.

"Of course." He said, smiling while playing with his pen. I also started working for our company, but we both need to go back to Paris in two weeks to fix some papers. I stayed at his office and waited for him to finish. My own office is already on its way. I designed it, and my father wants me to showcase my skills on it.Last night I tried designing clothes, and I was impressed with my work. I even showed it to my mom and even she was shocked. She told me to design more and we would open our own boutique, which made me laugh.

The weekend came and I'm already nervous. I have already read every single detail in the files. I even memorized every part of it, but I still feel nervous. Joshua told me that he asked his secretary to tell the Yoon's that we would be coming over.

"Ready?" He asked. I looked at him and he was wearing plain faded jeans and a navy blue polo, and he looked insanely handsome. I stand up and approach him and smirk.

"You do know we were just going to the neighbor's house, right?" I sarcastically asked him. And he just laughed at my remark.

"Of course I do." I rolled my eyes at him. I was just wearing a sunny dress paired with my 3-inch sandals. My brother is too tall. He was carrying a box of red velvet cake, and I was carrying a basket full of freshly baked cupcakes which I baked with my mom.

"Oh, finally you're here!" It's Mrs. Yoon who opened the door for us. She was tearing up when she saw me. I give her my sweetest smile. Even though I don't remember her, I can feel the motherly love from her. I gave her a hug and even Mr. Yoon.

"Come in, come in. The food is ready." And I cooked all your faves, Hannie. " Mrs. Yoon said while holding my hand. I looked at Joshua, who was watching us, and then they looked at Joshua.

"He's my brother," I said, and I saw them knot their foreheads.

"Goodevening, Mr. and Mrs. Yoon. I'm Joshua Hong, Jessica's older brother. My brother said and even bowed a little.

"Jessica?" Mom repeated what Joshua said. I nodded at her and I saw Jeonghan at their back with a woman hugging his arm.

"Let's talk about this over dinner." Mr. Yoon said, and we all agree.

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