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Jessica was busy at her office when someone unexpectedly visited her.

"I want to talk to you." She looked at the intruder and saw Cassie. followed by her secretary, who looked scared.

"It's fine." She said and stood. Her secretary closed the door, and she focused on Cassie.

"What can I do for you, Mrs. Yoon?" She asked, and Cassie went near the table.

"I just want to tell you to get away from my husband." She said it in a really scary tone, but Jessica didn't flinch a bit.

"You can tell him not to." I'm not doing anything. I'm just his designer. " said, watching her get more annoyed.

"It's a warning." If I see you with my husband, I'm going to rip your hair out. I'm not kidding. " She said, then turned her back and walked out. Jessica was left alone, contemplating what to do with Jeonghan.He went out and went to Joshua's office.

"I need advice," I said, and I saw Joshua stop whatever he was doing and go to me.

"Come on, tell me about it over lunch." We went to our favorite French restaurant, and there I told him everything except the kissing part.

"And now you're confused?" Joshua asked while slicing his steak. I nodded a couple of times.

"How can I have a relationship with my own brother?" Can you imagine that? " I heard him chuckle.

"Tell me, do you feel happy around him?" I slowly nod.

"I do. I feel different around him. It's like my heart won't stop beating and it's crazy! " I said and finished my wine.

"The brain can forget but not the heart," Joshua said that made me think more. I decided to go home for a while. When I said home, I went back to Paris. I need to clear my mind of all the things that happened. Unfortunately, Wonwoo is not in the country. He went to a medical conference and won't be back until next month.

"And you're here." My forehead knotted when I heard that voice. I looked back and saw Jeonghan standing near me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and looked around. Maybe he's with his family.

"I'm alone, Jessica. I came to see you, but Joshua said that you're here in Paris and he didn't know when you would come back. " He went with me and gave me a hug.

"But why?" I asked him, but he just hugged me tighter.

"I want to see you." I miss you, Jessica, and it's been toxic at the office. I need some time off. " He said then he let go of me. I stared at him and pulled him to sit down on the bench.

"How long will you stay here?" I asked him. He holds my hand and he starts kissing it.

"As long as you're here." He said, "That makes my eyes widen."

"Jeonghan! You ca do that. " I said. I remember Cassie and his daughter, Hannah.

"I can. I own the company. " He said, and winked at me.

"Jeonghan, did you forget that you have Cassie and Hannah?" I reminded him, but he just chuckles.

"I can bring Hannah here if you like." I rolled my eyes at him. It's unbelievable. As in really, he totally disregards his wife.

"And how about Cassie?" I asked him and I saw something in his eyes.

"I will divorce her soon." And I will pursue you. " I immediately stood up. How can he say those things as if they were nothing? It is their marriage we are talking about.

"Stop saying nonsense." Jeonghan Yoon! You're giving me the creeps! " I said and walked away from him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close, and his lips landed on mine and gave me the sweetest kiss. I just felt my hand around his neck and him kissing me more.

"We should do this more often," Jeonghan said, kissing my bareback. I'm laying on his bed all naked and he's hugging me from behind. I didn't respond. Sometimes I'm really stupid. I didn't think before I agreed to come with him to his hotel room. I heard my phone ringing. I reached for it and saw Wonwoo calling. I bit my lip.

"Who's that?" Jeonghan asked, and I saw his forehead knot. I exhale deeply before I answer him.

"My boyfriend." I saw shock written on his face.

"Hey, babe!" I answered, gathering the sheets to cover my body and went to sit on a chair and open a soda.

"Hey, babe. I'm sorry I'm not there. I'll make it up to you. I'm going to Korea next month, and I can't wait to be with you. " With what Wonwoo said, she immediately looked at Jeonghan, who was sitting on the bed watching her.

"Next month?" I asked him again, and he happily answered on the other line.

"Yes, babe! Finally, a vacation I've been longing for. I can't wait to meet your old family and your weird brother. " He said and laughed.

"Yeah, My very weird brother. " I said. After that call, I went to clean up myself.

"I'm going home next week, Jeonghan." I said while fixing my make-up. Jeonghan, who is sitting by the bed's edge watching me,

"Come home with me." He said, then he stood and placed his hands on my shoulder. I stare at him in the mirror.

"I can't, if I'm not mistaken, Wonwoo will be arriving at the same time as me," I replied.trying to figure out why we ended up cheating on our own partners.

"When will you break up with him?" Jeonghan asked. I stand and face him.

"Not anytime soon!" I answered with wide eyes.

However, we already have something.You have belonged to me since then until now! " Jeonghan shouted.

"No, we don't! It was just a spur of the moment! This is all wrong, Jeonghan. You should go back to Korea. " I answered him while checking my bag.

"Oh come on! I know you like it also, Jessica. You love me! " Jeonghan said, and that made me stop.

I don't know Jeonghan. As I told you, I can't remember a thing. We had better forget about this. This is so wrong in any way. " I said, leaving him there standing in the middle of the room. I felt my chest aching and I just wanted to cry. It feels like I've been breaking up with someone I love for so long. I felt my tears running down and I harshly wiped them away until the elevator opened.

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