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"I'm so nervous for you!" Miyu was with me and we were waiting for the evaluation result. I have to spend the whole night at her place so I can concentrate.

"Don't be. I need you. " I said, and we both held hands. We were here in the lobby of the hotel. This morning I already met the staff of the Institut Français de la Mode-Paris. I was terrified because they all appeared to be very strict.But then when I handed them my portfolio and they watched the composition of my works that were being modeled, I saw them nod and smile. They even check my grades and standing, and I'm proud to say I always maintain my high grades. They told me that they would give me the results today after deep evaluation.

"Ms. Yoon?" One of the staff called me and I gulped. When I entered the room, I saw them all smiling and they handed me a paper.

Welcome to our school. One of the staff said, "I'm lost." I still don't know French and I'm planning to learn once I get accepted. I looked at them and they smiled.

"Welcome to our school!" My eyes widened in excitement when I heard that! I cried because it was my dream.

"Félicitations!" I almost jumped from joy. After they explain to me the curriculum, they expect me to be in Paris before the preparations for the Winter collection start. I've still got two months.

"Ahhhh!" We both shouted.

"Omg! This is it! "Design for your happiness, Hannie!" Miyu said, shaking me. I'm still in shock. Everything went so fast, and all I want to do now is to get home and tell my parents.

"Where's everybody?" I asked when I got home. I texted mom that I'd be home and I have great news, but the house is so freaking quiet. I roamed around and found no one. I went to the poolside and sat in one of the chairs and checked my phone.

"Hi Princess," We will be late. We just had dinner with your brother and Cassie to celebrate the baby. Mom texted. I just rolled my eyes, literally.

"Looks like I'm celebrating on my own." My parents are too excited for their first grandchild. After an hour, I went to my room and decided to check on my designs. I'll be selling some of my designs so I can earn money that I will use in Paris.

"Princess? Breakfast? " "Dad he said when he saw me running down the stairs all dressed up. I have a meeting for our next evaluation, and I'm running late.

"Sorry, Dad. I got an early meeting. "See yah! " I ran out and I even noticed Jeonghan looking at me. I looked at him then at Cassie.

"Ok, so it's settled then." And by the way, Hannie, congratulations! " They all greeted me, smiled at them, and even thanked my professors.

"You haven't told your parents?" My professor said I shake my head.

"After the semester evaluation, I'm pretty sure they will watch. " I said, and he nodded. I saw Seungcheol waiting for me.

"Choi..." I called him and saw him smile.

"What's making you busy these days?" Miyu won't tell me. " He said as he held my hand and we started walking.

"Well... do you remember my dream?" I told him.

"To be a famous fashion designer?" He said and even tilted his head, making him more adorable.

I just got accepted at the Institut Français de la Mode—Paris, and I'll be flying after two months! I told him excitedly, and he even hugged me, congratulating him, but then he stopped.

"How long will you be there?" I stared at him. Suddenly, he looked sad. I held his cheeks.

"Choi, I will be away for 3 years only." And I can always go home on every vacation. I said, trying to make him smile.

"Or I can visit you there!" He said, getting my hands and kissing both of them.

"Hannie." We both looked back and saw Jeonghan looking deadly. Seungcheol didn't release my hand, he just gripped it tighter.

"Jeonghan." I said, and he went near us, snatching my hands from Seungcheol.

"Dude! "What the?" Seungcheol said, trying to stop Jeonghan from pulling me away from him.

"Stay out of this Seungcheol. I need to talk to my sister! " He shouted that got the attention of some students.

"But you're hurting her, can't you see?" Seungcheol shouted too.

"I never intend to hurt her! Stay away from my sister or I will forget that you've once become my best friend! " Jeonghan said angrily, and pulled me out of the crowd.

"What do you want from me?" I immediately pulled my hands away from him when he locked the door behind me. He pushed me through the door and kissed me on my lips. My eyes widened when I felt him trying to open my uniform. I push him hard and slap him.

"Stop Jeonghan! What the hell is wrong with you? Stop making me feel this way, it's very frustrating!"I shouted, and I saw him looking at me.

I'm really sorry. I was planning to break up with Cassie when she told me she was pregnant, and I know it's mine. I'm her first! "He said, looking at me with his pleading eyes. I pushed him.

"Now what do you want me to do, Jeonghan? Tell me! " I said, and he grabbed my arms.

Stay with me. Don't leave me. Don't avoid me. You know, I love you. I really do. more than I am aware ofI love you, Hannie." He said and kneeled in front of me.

It's no use, Jeonghan. "Be a man and be a father to your child." I said as my tears started falling. He hugged me at my waist.

"I'm sorry, Hannie... please..." He pleaded, but I can't deal with it anymore. We should accept the fact that we can never be together. I remove Jeonghan's arms and pull him to stand.

We can never be together, Jeonghan. I love you, but love is not enough. You are my brother by blood. Just think of what people will think! " I said, trying to stop crying.

"Why should I think about them when I'm starting to lose you?" He said, and I shook my head.

"Everything is so wrong. "Just wrong." I said and dried the tears in my eyes. I breathed out and opened the door only to find Cassie crying.

"Your here..." I looked back and saw Jeonghan wiping his tears.

"You two?" She asked, trying to control her anger.

"No we don't." You already have him. I don't have any intention of taking him away from you. " I said as I walked past her. I had just taken my 5th step when I heard her.

"Jeonghan... our baby." I looked back and saw her standing looking at her thighs with blood. Jeonghan carried her bridal style and walked past me.

"Shhh, baby, relax.... relax... don't cry." I heard him whisper to Cassie to make her relax. And people started following them and I was left there alone when someone hugged me and I automatically started crying.

"Shhhh... you can cry all you want." Seungcheol said while he was hugging me.

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