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Cassie needs to stay at the hospital for a week or so because the baby might be gone if she's not well taken care of. My mom's always at the hospital, and I haven't talked to anyone in our home. Dad's in New York for a business deal, and Jeonghan is too busy with Cassie and so with mom.

"Papers ready. Money is ready? What else? " Miyu said she was checking my papers and other stuff that I needed to bring when I left for Paris.

"I just need to tell my parents." I said while lying on her bed. It's almost semester break and in a week I will be leaving, but I haven't told anyone in my family. They are so busy and don't have time for me.

"Oh yes," she said, then looked at me.

"And you will be there, right?" I looked at her and she smiled and held my hand. There's going to be a dinner, and it's for Jeonghan and Cassie. Cassie's parents finally agreed to let her marry Jeonghan. Yes, they are getting married after what happened to Cassie. Our parents want them to get married immediately. I even heard my mom say, "She's my daughter and I want her to be part of my family." They never heard anything from me. I never talked to Cassie even though we saw each other. I will always see her with Jeonghan. I hold him as if I'm stealing him away. He was my brother, for goodness sake, and that's what it was going to be.

"All the way." She said, smiling at me. Miyu is always and will be my best friend forever. She never left my side at the time I needed someone to lean on.

"Oh, your daughter is really beautiful." Cassie's mother praised me while we were having dinner. Miyu looked at me and smiled.

"Of course she is! She is my daughter. Just look at Jeonghan here. " Mom said, and they all laughed. We used to be like a true big happy family. Now, all I can feel is awkwardness between me and them. Or maybe it's just me because I know something that I can't tell them.

"You're on your 2nd year in fashion design?" She asked again. I looked at her before I answered.

"Yes, Maam, I am," I said in a very cold tone, and I noticed Jeonghan looking at me.

"Oh!! That's great. Just a few more years and you will be graduating. Do you have any plans?" I sighed and looked at my parents. Then I felt Miyu holding my hands.

"I'm leaving," I said, then looked at my dad. Mom touched my arm and looked at me questioningly.

"Mom, I'm leaving on Monday." That is two nights from now.

"Wait? Are you going to be the school's representative again? " Mom exclaimed happily.I smile at her but shake my head.

"I was accepted into the Institut Français de la Mode—Paris almost two months ago," I said, and dad looked at me also.

"You didn't tell us?" Mom said, sounding hurt. I just smiled at her.

You were too busy with Cassie. You don't have time for me. I'll be a full-time scholar and be working under VS as a junior designer. You don't have to worry about everything. It is already settled. Miyu and Choi helped me with my documents. I also have my money to use. " I try to sound happy while telling my family everything.

"You don't have to leave Hannie." Jeonghan said, and everyone looked at him.

"I have to and I will," I said, looking at his eyes and telling him that he couldn't change my mind. My mom holds my other hand.

"I'm so sorry, we were just too busy, Princess." She said, and I just smiled.

"I'm fine mom. Really. It's my dream. I have to dream big and I think Paris is the place for me. " I said to her.

"How long will you be gone?" the dad finally asked.

"3–4 years. It depends on what will happen to me in there, dad. My scholarship is for 2 years, then internship and stuff. " I said he just looked at me and sighed. My dad never doubted my talents. He believes that everything I do will make me happy and I love him more because of that.

"Will you still go home?" Mom asked me and I could see tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Every vacation," I said, trying to make her feel lighter. The dinner went silent. My unexpected news shocked them all.

"Can we talk?" I looked and found Jeonghan. I'm sitting here by the lounge at the poolside having some juice and eating a few slices of my favorite fruit. Tomorrow is my flight. I just want to relax.

"Sure. "Sit." I pointed to the chair in front of me. I stared at him. He looked matured, or maybe bothered. Since when? Are we really that busy that I didn't notice the changes in him, or maybe I avoided him so much that I didn't even know his whereabouts?

"Your leaving." He started and I sighed.

"I am. "Everything is ready." I answered and took a sip of my drink.

"I'm sorry..." he said.

"Stop saying sorry, Jeonghan. I'm sick and tired of hearing that. Mom kept apologizing to me and now to you last night.I had enough. I said, trying to hide my annoyance. We kept quiet for a while.

"Let me drive you to the airport, Tom." I shake my head.

"No. "Choi will do that for me," I said, and I saw his jaw clenched.

"You seem very close." He said, and I can sense jealousy.

"Oh, you were closer than you thought, Jeonghan," I said, hoping to irritate him even further.I didn't give him a chance to talk; I went inside the house and saw Cassie. She is watching me and I stop in front of her.

"Take good care of my brother Cassie," I said, and she nodded as I walked past her.

"Puis-je avoir une tasse de café?" I ordered a cup of coffee since I still had time before class. It's been 4 months and we're so busy for the winter collection. I rarely call home because it makes me miss them more. I make myself busy as much as possible, taking double shifts if needed.

"Voici votre café. Voulez-vous un certain nombre de témoins? " The waiter asked when he placed my coffee in front of me.

"Non, merci." I answered. I looked out the window and watched the people getting busy with the holidays. Kids are running and playing with their parents. I suddenly miss home. I dialed dad's phone.

"Princess?" He immediately picks it up after one ring.

"Hi, Dad," I said while mixing my coffee.

"How are you, honey?" Did you call your mom? " He asked, and I sighed.

"Mom's busy." With the wedding and holidays. " I said, and I heard mom's voice in the background laughing.

"Well, she is." Right now, the dressmakers are here. Can't you attend the wedding? " Dad asked. I stare outside.

I can't be sorry. It's the VS Winter collection launch and I need to be there. Jeonghan will understand. " I said sadly. To be honest, I never intended to attend his wedding. I don't want to hurt myself and also hurt him.

"He wishes you to be here, Honey. You know how much your brother loves you? I simply smile bitterly.

"And I love him also," I said, trying not to cry over it. I have to start forgetting about him. He's getting married, and soon another member of the family will be added. I bid goodbye to Dad and finish my coffee before I head to class.

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