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"Hey come on!" I looked at Jeonghan who is leaning by the door frame then I looked at the clock. It's almost 8.

"You go ahead. I don't have my morning class." I lied. It's been a week since that day. I barely talk to him maybe I was just a little sad. I'm not used to seeing him to be attached to someone else aside from me.

"Really? Don't you think I didn't notice that you're avoiding me?" My brother said and I decided to face him.

"I don't have a morning class. You go ahead and do your duties as the University Ambassador. I'm fine Jeonghan." I said coldly with my emotionless face and I saw him clench his jaw and just stare at me.

"I can still be your brother and we can still do the things we used to do just like before. " He said and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Just go Jeonghan." Then I turn my back on him and I heard him closing the door. I sigh when I heard his car going.

"Why didn't you go with your brother?" Mom asked when I went down from my room carrying my things.

"I got other plans mom." Then I saw my phone, Seungcheol is calling.

"Hey, Seungcheol...." I answered.

"Are you ready? I'll be there in a minute." He said.

"I am. I'll be waiting ." And I ended the call.

"Go home early tonight Princess." Mom said and I looked at her.

"I'm not sure mom. I have to finish my designs, we will be having our monthly evaluation by next week." I told her and she showed me her sad face. Oh no!

"Today is Friday, Princess. Jeonghan said he will introduce someone and invited her over for dinner. I think it's her girlfriend." Mom said and I mentally cursed. Not even in our house. The university is so huge but I can still see them around even though I avoid looking at them and it's frustrating.

"I'll try mom but I won't promise," I said before I went out and wait for Seungcheol outside.

"They're getting official huh!" Miyu said. We were seated on the grass while I'm finishing my designs.

"I guess. It doesn't matter, they can do whatever they like. They're old enough." This day I'm slowly trying to avoid Jeonghan. I just don't understand myself. My heart aches every time I saw the two of them. It feels like I am torn into a million pieces and I know it is very bad.

"You're talking like your one of your brother's ex-girlfriends. Wait I can smell bitterness. Are you jealous of Cassie?" She teased me and I looked at her.

"Maybe? I don't know?" I said and she tilts her head.

"Awwwww poor Hannie. You're just used to having Jeonghan around and now that he has his world revolving around that Cassie you feel left alone." My eyes went huge with what she said.

"How did you know that! That's almost exactly what I'm thinking right now!" I almost shouted at her.

"Chill. Don't get overly excited. I was just trying to squeeze information from you. You seem so reserved this day. So unlikely you." She said then opened her can of soda. I sigh and lay on the grass.

"The dinner will be the death of me. Seriously." I said. Still undecided if I should ditch that dinner or join them. I don't want to see the two. It's like watching a Korean drama with a cliche setting. Argh.

"I can come with you," Miyu said and I look at her and smirk.

"Sleepover!" We both said and giggled. I miss sleepovers with her. We arrived at almost 8 in our home. And I can hear my mom talking to someone and when I peek at the kitchen I saw Cassie talking to my mother like they've known each other for a lifetime. I breathe out and greet them.

"Hi, mom. I'm home I'm with..." I said and went over to her.

"I'm with her Auntie!" Miyu said on my back still carrying her backpack with her clothes on.

"I'm glad to see you Miyu. How's school?" She asked Miyu and they hugged. I'm not looking at Cassie and I don't have any idea if she knows me. I don't give care.

"Princess your here." I heard Jeonghan and I looked at him wearing that nice pair of pants with his polo. His long hair freely bounced on his shoulder. He gave me a hug which I didn't return and I feel stiff, not like before.

"Yeah as you can see," I murmured and I saw his forehead creased.

"Something wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing. We're just heading to my room so Miyu can fix her things first." I said walking away from him when he held my hand.

"Wait I want you to meet Cassie, my girlfriend," Jeonghan said and I face the two of them. Cassie smiled at me. I don't know I don't like that smile though.

"Babe, she's my younger sister. Hannie." Jeonghan introduced us and I just look at her.

"Finally, nice to meet you." She said and hugged me. I didn't bulge or anything. I gave her a faint smile before I look at Miyu who is hiding her smile.

"Come on Miyu. Let's get you settled." I said pulling her out of that awkward kitchen.


Miyu is a girl also the same as Hannie.

Wrong kind of loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن