Chapter 61: Bedroom of the past

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-----------Percy's POV: ----------

Since when did this visit become a guy's trip?

This was my only thought as I watched Poseidon boast and show off his castle to Wally who continued to look back at me, giving me thumbs up as if this was the best thing, which in a way, really is the best outcome but it wasn't the most appealing outcome.

"Come Percy, let us show your boyfriend the training room, I'm sure he'll love it!"

I put on a smile as I pushed myself forwards, following behind the duo as they talked enthusiastically.


"Dad!! I'm back!!" I called out, pulling Wally along with me as the guards let us pass by, some looking with wide eyes as we passed. I could hear stumbling and crashing off in the distance.

When we entered the main hall, Wally continued to stare in awe at the surrounding architecture, but my gaze landed on my father who was quickly picking up a wrapped gift, the wrapping paper ripping off at certain sections and revealing a box filled with various trinkets that looked to be made of celestial bronze.

I stopped where we were as I met his eyeline.

"You're back" He replied, a smile growing on his face.

I nodded, a small smile falling on my own lips. "Yeah, I did say I I kinda announced it when we came in."

"We-" And like a sudden revelation his eyes flickered from me to Wally. "Oh" he paused, taking a deep breath as Wally also turned to meet his gaze.

"Is that-"

"Yes Wally. Dad, meet Wally West, Wally, meet my dad, Poseidon." The two stayed quiet for a minute, continuing to stare at the other. I could feel Wally's hand squeeze my own.

"Is he your-" Poseidon began.

"Yes dad. He's my boyfriend." Poseidon took in a sharp breath though I could see he was fighting off the urge to, well, fight.

Another long silence later and Wally's hand removed itself from my own, and he tried to step forwards but failed to, so he turned to me with an asking look. Understanding, I pushed him forwards, close enough for Wally to do whatever he wanted to do but not to close so that if Dad decided he didn't like Wally then I could pull him away.

Wally extended his hand out, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Hello sir, I'm Wally West." My dad seemed taken aback before putting his own hand forwards and shaking Wally's hand.

"Hello Wally, I'm Poseidon, Percy's father."

I just kinda stood back as I watched them both talk quietly, their words too quiet for me to hear and then suddenly Poseidon let out a loud laugh, Wally's face breaking out into a smile as he turned to me with a thumbs up.

And suddenly I was as clueless as a bird flying into glass.

Poseidon let go of Wally's hand and looked at me. "Percy, he may not be such a bad mortal!" I smiled and nodded though I couldn't suppress the weird feeling that was growing in my gut. "Come, I must show the both of you around the newly renovated castle!"


And with that I was immediately overshadowed at my own reunion, it's not like I was complaining though, no, if my father liked Wally well then that was only making way for good times. I'd be way more worried if dad didn't like Wally.

This didn't change how weird it was to see the both of them skipping around like school girls though.

"And this room is Percy's, we never got rid of it" Poseidon looked back at me and waved me over. I put on my smile again and went over, Poseidon immediately wrapping an arm over my shoulder and pulling me in.

"I missed my little girl," he said lightly, squeezing me tight.

My small smile grew a little.

"You wanna go inside Percy?" Poseidon asked, looking down at me and Wally leaning forwards to look at me from the other side as well.

"I uh..." I read both's expressions, though I didn't get much from it. "Sure" I responded, my dad's smile seemed to triple and Wally's grew as well.

He opened the doors to reveal a highly updated room compared to the one I had left. When I'd last left it had been barren, I mean I only rarely came around anyways, plus triton had never really liked me all that much and as much as Amphitrite had tried to say she was okay with me, I always noticed the grimaces from my peripherals. I wasn't stupid.

But now, my room was a luxury. Various pictures of me lined the sides of the room, many with my friends but also some kid and baby photos of me. The baby photos were pictures I'd never seen before and while most looked to have been taken from far away and they were slightly hazy I could easily identify me and my mother.

I found myself drifting forwards, removing myself from my father as I looked at the pictures in wonder.

"Awwww baby Percy!" Wally called out, moving forwards and stopping beside me as he admired the same photos as me.


"I didn't hate you Percy, I just didn't want you in danger." I turned back around and noticed the various plushies on the bed, most from finding nemo and some were just random ocean themed plushies.

On the ground was the most luxurious carpet I think I'd ever seen, the material seemed to glow in the few rays that came in from the window. That wasn't what was stunning about it though, rather it was what was depicted. In the material was the engraving of me, surrounded by various things in the ocean like coral seaweed and fish around me were the seven, Grover, and Tyson. I could almost feel a tear well up in my eye at the sight.

"I..." I was speechless as I wandered over to it, trying my best to admire it as closely as possible.

"I had it made after you disappeared, well, Triton came up with the idea and I merely had Athena make it."

I continued to stay quiet, afraid that if I opened my mouth something less than tangible would come out. Instead I just turned around and hugged my father as hard as I could. I could eat the startled grunt that he released before he wrapped me in a tight hug as well.

"Holy Chaos you have no idea how long I've wanted to be able to show you all this, I was starting to believe Hades was just being stingy." I chuckled into the hug, trying my best to ignore the feeling that I was most definitely crying right now. Luckily they wouldn't be able to see it .

When I collected myself we parted and I walked back over to Wally who had a smile on his face.

"Wanna stay for dinner?" Poseidon asked with a smile.


1165 words

So, helloooo :)

I just wanna say that I feel that this book may be coming to a close soon but I do have some lingering ideas that could potentially spread into a new book. It would follow the same timeline and such just later on in the future. Anyways I just wanna thank everyone for sticking with me, I finally finished all my tests (Huzzah) and I have passing scores from what I've last seen (Hooray x2) .

Thank you all once more, I love you all (fr tho y'all the best) and I hope you have a great morning, day, or night! -R

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