Chapter 45: A Trip Back To Where We Started

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(Yall, drawing is giving me carpal tunnel. My fingers hurt so bad. Also enjoy the long chapter to make up for my absence :)  It's like 4:30 in the morning for me so wish me luck)

------------Percy's POV:------------

It was a nice day, the sun was shining, the air was cool enough to make it comfortable, and it was cloudy, with a high probability for rain. Overall pretty great, not to mention the fact that I'd just finished a date with Wally, though he was called off by his uncle and aunt. Obviously I told him he could go which led me to where I am now, walking towards the apartment building in silence, hands in my pockets as I reveled in the happy feeling from the date.

I smiled to myself, walking slower than normal as I admired the nice day.

The Joker hadn't said anything and Batman decided to take the information and form a plan with the justice league therefore pushing us off for a while. I wasn't happy that I was benched but I was gonna wear Bats down one way or another.

I chuckled to myself, turning the corner only to feel something hit my legs. I let out a startled grunt as I looked down to see the little girl sitting on the floor, a disgruntled look on her face as she looked up at me, I could already see the tears in her eyes.

My body went into crisis mode as I leaned down quickly, putting my hands out in an attempt to stop her from crying.

"Hey hey! Are you okay?" The girl looked at me with wide eyes, seeming to try and decide if I was a threat or truly a friend. Eventually she nodded.

"I'm okay..." She said quietly.

I gave her a smile. "Good." I stood up, offering my hand as I helped her up.

Once on her feet the girl looked around, almost like she was worried someone was gonna grab her. I felt a bad feeling growi in my gut as I also looked around, spotting no adults that looked concerned about her in the least.

"Where's your parents? Or Guardian?" I asked, looking down to the girl who stood in front of me.

She looked to the ground, her shoulders tightening slightly as she spoke. "They're down the street shopping, it's no big deal." I could practically hear the lie.

"Right, well do you mind if you lead me to them? I wanna make sure you're okay" The girl looked at me with an angry expression.

"I'm a big girl, I don't need my mom or dad!" She said hurriedly, her tone carrying almost an angry hint to it.

I pursed my lips as I tried to think of what to do. "Okay... well if you're such a big girl, where're you heading?" I asked, trying to see if she at least had the street smarts to not tell strangers where she was going as she obviously failed the strangers test.

"That's none of your business!" She yelled, stomping her foot down.

I nodded. "Okay, well why are you leaving your parents?" I asked, leaning down so I could get on her level.

The girl looked off to the side, crossing her arms as she let out a small huff. "Mom said I'm too little to do stuff on my own so I wanted to prove her wrong!" She said in a determined fashion.

I gave her a small smile as I nodded. "I see, well then, where are you gonna live?" I asked.

She paused, seeming to only now realize an issue was occurring. "I...I'll be living in the park! I can eat the bread with the ducks!" She replied.

"But aren't you stealing the duck's bread?" She stopped and crossed her arms.

"It doesn't matter anyways, I'll just be able to live by myself." I let out a small sigh.

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