Chapter 47: Dinosaur soap operas

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-------------Percy's POV:---------------

"RAWR!!" Estelle yelled as she crashed her dino nugget into her potatoes, the mashed potatoes denting underneath the force. I smiled as she used another dinosaur to walk over, biting the head off the original dinosaur as she made another roaring noise.

I chuckled as I watched her little story unfold before her. I will admit that I let out more than one gasp when it came to her plot twists.

"Percy! Percy!!" She smiled up at me with her big smile, her chubby cheeks fitting her adorableness beautifully. She looked like a little fluffy puppy.

"Estelle! Estelle!" I repeated, leaning down so we were face to face.

She giggled before getting back to the point. "If we're sisters now then does that mean that I get to have your chicken nuggets??" I smiled. She's definitely cut from the same cloth.

I put on a fake thinking face, tapping my finger on my chin slightly. "Hmmm, I don't know... what do I get in return?" Her smile dropped as she went into think mode, her eyes scanning invisible numbers and calculations before she stopped, meeting my eye line again.

"I will allow you to have THREE cookies tonight" She leaned back in her chair, eyebrows raised and arms crossed over her chest as if she'd just dropped the mic. I forced my laughter in as I leaned back and nodded thoughtfully.

"Make it four and we have a deal" I replied, smirking to myself as she narrowed her eyes.

"You two are hopeless." My mother teased from the side, even without looking at her, I could recognize the smile.

"Deal" Estelle shook her head, taking a deep breath as she put her hand out for this official agreement. I happily shook it, her grip was surprisingly strong.

Eventually she let go, allowing me the chance to pass over my dinosaurs. They landed on her plate and immediately she smiled menacingly as she got to work conducting her soap opera.

"Percy" I looked over to see Wally with a small smirk, his hand over his mouth as he stifled his laughter. "If I traded you my cookies, can I have your mashed potatoes?" Wally tried, trying to copy my seal eyes. I sighed, shaking my head.

"You best be lucky I'm feeling kind today" I passed over half of my potatoes, as soon as they hit the plate Wally had them down. I wouldn't have said no even if he hadn't offered the potatoes, and honestly I wasn't gonna take his cookies. I know that he requires a tiny bit more sustenance than the average person.

"So..." I looked up to see Paul looking at me, his eyes losing their shine and rather gaining a solemn look. "Where have you been? And a little more detail please" I pursed my lips, keeping my smile as I noted that Estelle had paused her miny movie to observe my response.

"Ah well uh, once I left camp half-blood I stuck around-" I noted my mother and step fathers surprised looks as they looked from me to Wally. "Right, don't worry, he's all filled in." They nodded, once again giving him a smile to which he happily accepted, though the mashed potatoes made it hard to respond. I kept my laughter down as I continued. "I stuck around New York for a week or two before I decided it was a bit too...painful, so instead I traveled around the states, I stuck around Colorado for a year or so, I even ended up in Utah, but for now I'm sticking in Keystone. It's a nice city, plus we've got pretty decent monster repellent zones due to the stench of a certain nearby town."

Mom and Paul smiled though mom's was a bit more strained. "Hon, why did you leave, especially without at least telling Paul and I where you were heading. Nico ended up having to alert us of what was believed to be your d... demise." I felt my shoulders stiffen at the mention of Nico.

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