Chapter 42: "Percy?"

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-------------Wally's POV:---------------

"So how'd the mission go?" Percy asked, her hand holding mine tightly as we walked down the street, the dim street lights illuminating where we were going.

I let out a small sigh, sounding more defeated than I'd like. Her hand squeezed mine lightly. She seemed to already understand.

"I see, so I guess I'm not off the hook either?"

"No," I said quietly. "In fact, I think Batman has more intention of arresting you now than before." I said solemnly. I heard a small exhale from beside me. I looked over to see Percy had a small smile on her face.

"You know it's not your fault right? I mean some people just don't trust me, maybe they never will. Doesn't matter honestly." I took a deep breath and nodded.

"You're right-"

"As usual," She added before I could continue.

"As usual" I agreed, nodding slightly.

We continued to walk quietly, the cool night air blowing by and making me shiver ever so slightly. It was a nice night. Not too much noise, not too many people around. Honestly it was probably as close to perfect as you could get in this city.

"So, Dick" Percy said, bringing my attention once more to her. I felt an eyebrow raise.

"Yeah? What about him?" I asked. She turned to me with an eyebrow raised, quickly looking around before turning to me.

"Is he... one of the others?" She emphasized others, clearly trying to ask if he was one of the team members. I paused, stopping ever so slightly.

"How'd you know?" I asked, her face shifting into a small smile.

"The way he said "not human" Kinda tipped me off. Not to mention he looks almost exactly like blue wing dude."

"Blue wing dude? You mean nightwing?" I asked, a bit of humor finding it's way into my voice.

"Wait, it's been nightwing this whole time!? And no one's corrected me!!" She half yelled, sounding slightly exasperated.

I nodded, my smile growing ever larger. "Yeah, I'm not too sure how you haven't figured it out yet" I said, stifling a laugh. She stared at me in frustration before sighing and shaking her head.

"Great. Now I need to apologize next time I see him. I'm sure I've said it straight to his face like 3-4 times by now." She mumbled. I couldn't help but chuckle and I heard her join in with me.

We both went quiet, the sounds of the city once again were the only thing to accompany our walk.

Soon we hit a nicer part of the city, the bright lights accompanied by beautiful plants and magnificent restaurants. I'd totally want to go if the meals weren't completely overpriced.

The streets seemed to busy around us though, more people coming by and with that more noise to accomy us, occasionally we'd even hear music from inside of the restaurants as we passed.

"You hungry?" Percy asked, looking over to me with a small smile. I returned it, shaking my head.

"I can wait till we get home. No point in buying something if I'm really only looking for a snack." Percy let out a breathy laugh but nodded.

"That's rich coming from you, but whatever you say I guess."

"Wally?" A familiar female voice spoke up from behind me. I felt my blood run cold and Percy's hand grip mine so tight I swear if it was any harder my hand would break.

I quickly let go of Percy's hand, turning around to be met with Piper and Jason, their faces cracked into warm smiles. Piper was in a fancy dress and Jason was in a nice suit. They must've been going out to eat.


"Hey you guys!" I said, trying my best to give Percy time to leave.

"Hey, didn't know you'd be out here. I see you brought someone else?" Piper said with a raised eyebrow. I nodded, chuckling lightly as I turned to Percy who seemed to be frozen in place. During her explanation she'd told me that she'd been close with Jason so he was a bit more tough to be around.

"Yeah! We were actually just heading back so if you don't mind-" I immediately noticed the look on Jason's face. One of seriousness, his lips not turned up into the same smiles moments before.

"Hey, hold on a second..." Jason said, moving forwards, I tried my best to inconspicuously get in between the two but it seemed I was too late as Jason turned Percy around, her face turned towards the ground as she tried looking away.

I could physically feel their hearts stopping, Jason's hand retreating back into the air as his and Piper's face held similar looks of disbelief and sadness, tears appearing in both their eyes as Piper put a hand over her mouth.

"Percy..." Jason's voice was quiet, filled with so many emotions I couldn't tell which one was more prominent. Percy quickly grabbed my hand, trying to pull me back to run off and I was more than happy to follow but Jason ran in front of us, putting his hands out as almost a barrier. "Percy!"

She looked caged, scared almost. Her breathing quick and her hand squeezing my hand tight.

"Wha- I mean" Jason seemed to be at a loss for words, his voice stopping suddenly. Piper ran over as well, seeming to have gotten her bearings.

"How" Piper asked quietly.

Percy seemed to bite back a response before taking a shaky breath. "Hey superman, princess. How's it hanging?" Her words were obviously meant to try and cover up how she was feeling but her words were soaked in fear and sadness.

"How's it... Percy you disappeared 5 years ago! How do you think it's hanging!?" Piper yelled, though it was a much sadder yell rather than angry.

I gently squeezed her hand in comfort, she took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd try and ease the mood." She said quietly, so much so I wasn't even sure they heard her.

"Percy we thought you were dead of course the-" Piper was cut off by Jason walking forwards slowly, lifting his arms up, almost offering a hug, but allowing Percy to decide whether or not she wanted to accept it. She looked at him for a moment and gently squeezed her hand once more before letting go. She turned to me giving me a small smile before she rushed forwards, wrapping Jason in a tight hug, getting on her tippy toes in order to wrap her arms atop his shoulders.

He hugged back tighter, burying his face in her shouler as best her could. I could see that his eyes were shut tight, small tears running down his face as he did so.

"Gods Percy, why did you leave for so long?" Jason asked quietly, seeming to try and hold on for as long as possible.

Percy just shook her head, her heavy breathing indicating she probably was crying or was about to at least. Eventually they parted but Percy didn't have much of a break as Piper quickly wrapped her in a tight hug, crying quietly into her shoulder.

"Percy you scared us! Everyone thinks you're dead and-"

"And it has to stay that way" Percy said, Piper instantly backing up, a confused expression on her face.

"What? But everyone misses you dearly, why not-"

"Cause I don't want to." She said quickly. "You two need to be quiet please. I- I may come back, but if I do I want it to be on my terms and when I'm comfortable." Jason and Piper nodded, but instead of responding they both wrapped her up in a massive hug. Squeezing her tight as she let out a small chuckle.

I couldn't help but smile, I was happy to see Percy reconnecting with the two. 


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