Chapter 21: Waking up

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---------Percy's POV:-------

I woke up to warmth. It was a strange feeling and way different from having passed out in pain. The room I was in was dark, but not pitch black. I groaned as I sat up, a small ache appearing in my back, it wasn't painful per say but more like pulling at my skin. 

I looked around and found myself in my room, though I clearly remember passing out in my living room, with severe pain at that. I also spotted a soup beside the bed, though it looked to be cold. I reached over to grab it, but as my hands wrapped around it I realized my wrists were also fine, but how. 

I didn't question it long as my stomach growled, so I pulled the soup closer to me and started to eat the noodles and chicken inside. I smiled as there was more noodles than actual vegetables. Just the way I liked it. 

Before I knew it the bowl was empty and the growls coming from my stomach were gone. Now that I solved that issue, it was time to figure out who, exactly, was in my house. 

I slowly pushed myself out of my bed, my feet hitting the cold floor immediately sending a shiver through me. I pushed myself up before walking to the door. I opened it with ease to see Hestia and Hades sitting on the couch, they looked to be talking about something quietly, two glasses sat on my coffee table in front of them. 

I couldn't stop the smile the appeared on my face as Hades eyes met my own. A small smile appeared on his face as he stood up. Before I knew it he was in front of me, the shadows dripping off of him as he wrapped me in a tight hug. I quickly wrapped my arms around him as well as a giggle escaped me. 

He wrapped me up so tight that a small grunt escaped me, but this didn't stop my laughing as he held me tight. 

"Hera Percy, I missed you. Look at you! Those Iris messages do you no justice." I smiled as I looked up at his black eyes, the light catching in them to show the dark brown color just underneath them. 

"I missed you two uncle Hades, how is Persephone? Is she still trying to make the underworld more cheery?" Hades smile momentarily fell as he rolled his eyes. 

"yes, and the flowers continue to mess with my allergies, but you do anything for love." He said the smile appearing back on his face before he let me go. "But to the point, what happened!? Your back was completely burned!" I winced at the memory of the pain.

"It wasn't-"

"Percy, you were passed out on the ground." Hestia said, walking past the couch and making it over to me. I thought she was gonna lecture me but instead she wrapped me up in a tight hug. Immediately I was enveloped in a comforting hug. "Percy honey, you really need to call us if something is happening okay? we worry about you. It's not like you talk around you know." A bit of guilt tore at my heart as I didn't say anything, instead pulling myself closer to her. She just gently combed through my hair. 

Eventually we broke apart and I was in front of both the gods. They both had small smiles on their faces, though a concerned look over shadowed it all. 

"Did you eat?" Hades asked quietly, his voice more comforting. I gave him a small smile and nodded. When I'd just run away from camp half-blood eating had been hard, and it didn't take long for my weight loss to appear over IM messages. Hades, of course, noticed in my weekly check ins and refused to let me wither away so instead he would come to my house every other day and cook. It was nice, and it got my eating habits back on track. 

This is why Hades knew just about every way to make my favorite dishes, and I admit, I'd grown a liking to his dark chocolate cookies. He was a true cuisine master at heart. 

"Percy, we asked what happened" Hestia said quietly, lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. I snapped out of my memories and nodded. 

"You guys know my nightly activities" They both nodded, their faces going down a sadder route. "Yeah well, I had to get away from these people chasing me, and well, one of them shot the wall to this building, and I would've gotten out of there but there were these two pedestrians and well...the building it collapsed... from an explosion. From the arrow in the building." Hades pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head slightly as he mumbled to himself. Hestia just sighed before putting on a small smile. 

"Percy, you know we love you, and we can appreciate how much you care for others, but you need to worry about yourself. I'm sure that there would be a way to have saved them without risking your life." She pulled me in for another small hug before pulling me back. "You are by far the best thing that has happened to me in my immortal lifetime so I need you to continue to be that before I lose you to this sucker okay? I mean obviously I'll visit you but like, Hades can't visit you more then me! What kinda custody loss would that be!" I couldn't stop the sad giggle that escaped me as Hades's face broke out into disbelief. 

"Wait what!? I'm totally visiting her more! Why should you see her mo-" 

Hestia placed a finger to his lips, shushing him quietly. 

"Shhhhh, my baby cannot hear you're small insecurities okay?" Hades looked between me and Hestia with wide eyes. 

"How DARE you!" I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled them both in for a hug, the fighting ceasing as they each wrapped their arms around me, causing a very confusing mix between cold and warmth. 

"I love you guys" I said quietly but I heard small giggles from Hestia and I swear Hades grip got tighter. 


1039 words

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