Chapter 19: "Everyone deserves help"

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-------------Dick's POV:-----------------

I'd barely managed to get back far enough as I turned back to see Orca tackle the woman and child, her arms wrapping around them as the explosion shook the building around us. Everything seemed to be coated in orange and red as the explosion never ended, Orca, the woman, and child all hitting the ground and yet Orca was wrapped around them, shielding them away as her clothes seemed to disintegrate from the heat only barely managing tocling together as massive holes exposed most of her skin. I watched her back and it seemed to become shrouded in red and brown as she huddled above the two civilians, burn marks covering her whole back.  I could barely make out Kaldur and Leo running at full speed towards the trio when a sudden shadow grew above them and that was when I realized Artemis had hit a pillar. 

A pillar key to the structural integrity of the building. The whole corner of the building seemed to collapse before our eyes, the trio getting in-cased in the building avalanche, the air becoming thick with cement dust and other particles that weren't safe to breathe in.

I felt myself stiffen up, my body frozen with shock in horror as I most likely witnessed the death of the three, all caused by the stupid error of one of my own. I could barely hear the gasps and running footsteps as Artemis cried out, desperately trying to reason that it wasn't her fault as she tried fruitlessly to pull away at the massive building chucks covering the bodies. 

My throat seemed to close as I could only hear the cries. 

I knew everyone else was behind me, probably stuck in a similar if not the same state of shock that I was also in. At least that was what I believed before the demi team ran forwards, each pulling away at the rocks as they tried desperately to lessen the damaged. 

"Jason! Frank! You guys pull up! Try and get the heavy rocks out of here, everyone else, let's all try and get the smaller debris out of here, we need to reach them!" They worked almost like a machine, going into immediate action as Frank turned into an elephant, using his trunk to lift massive chunks of rock, the others each pulling away the smaller pieces. Hazel was missing but that was because she was tending to Wally, of which was knocked out cold on the floor surrounded by ice. 

I shook myself out of my daze, turning to my own team. "You heard the woman! Connor! Me'gan! Get to work!" The two nodded quickly, running forwards as I followed. 

I prayed desperately that they were still alive underneath there. 

--------------Percy's POV:----------------

Pain. That was the only thing that seemed to be working in my body as I tried desperately to keep the rock digging into my wrecked back from crushing the two quivering people below me. 

My jacket had somehow gotten destroyed, though I guess that explosion was pretty hot. The air around us was filled with cement dust and was making it hard to breath. The woman had a hand over her childs mouth as they shivered, and I could tell she was finding it hard to breathe. Her eyes looked panickedly between me and her child.

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