Chapter 10: Ms.O'leary RUN!

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-----------Wally's POV:------------

"I'm so winning!" I yelled as I passed Dick in Mario cart, his character trailing close behind. 

I turned over to see Dick's eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his shoulders were tight as he leaned so far forwards I thought he'd fall over. His jaw was clenched tight as he focused. 

"In your dreams Wally" He quickly pressed some buttons and suddenly his character started to butt into my own, pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I felt my eyebrows scrunch together as I tried to hit him back in a futile attempt to knock him off the edge of the map. 

"HEY! You can't use my technique!!" Dick yelled as I pushed him dangerously close, his wheel practically hovering over the edge. I couldn't stop the evil grin that spread on my face as I turned for one more shove. 

"Boys! The bat wants us in the main room, there's an attack he wants us to take care of" Artemis called from behind us. I couldn't stop the groan that escaped me. I heard some cursed mumbling underneath Dick's breath as well. 

"Fine" Dick finally said, putting down his controller as he stood up. I did the same, following as he left the room, until I looked back to see that Dick had somehow gotten ahead of me. With my super speed I ran back, shoved him off the edge before going back to following Dick. A satisfied smile appeared on my face as we hurried down the hall, a bit away from Artemis who had the head start. 

When we all arrived in the room we found Batman and the others lined up in front of him. We quickly got into formation just as he turned around. 

"Lately a new villain has shown up in keystone, she goes by the name of Orca." Batman's cape was suddenly painted in the colors of blue, purple, and white as Orca's picture appeared on the screen behind him. His face seemed to become angrier as he looked at me. "Kid flash has clashed with this villain a couple of times and each time she's managed to get away. A couple of minutes ago we got a call placing her around the north-east district. I need you all to go in and capture her before she can gain anything further." 

We all nodded, quickly racing off to the zeta tubes. As we ran I could feel Me'gan create a link. 

"So kid Dork, you can't even stop a new villain? Are you sure you can handle yourself." I heard Artemis say over the link. 

"Shut it Arty, she's obviously trained. I can't wait till she owns you" I retorted, giving her a small glare. 

"How about we cut the arguing and just try and beat her together? I think that'd be better than failing to stop her." Kaldur said, his calm voice grounding me from Artemis's annoying insults. 

"Fine" Artemis and I said at the same time, both sounding equally as angry as the other. 

The rest of the run was silent aside from Kaldur going over procedures and who was doing what. Basically it was me running around and scouting alone while everyone else paired into groups as we split up in order to find her. Whoever found her first would hold off till the rest of the team arrived so we could take her down. 

So when I arrived up in an alley alone I immediately split off in search of her. I could hear the others in my head giving confirmation that certain areas and I had yet to have caught sight of her. The more I ran the less hope I had that we would find her until Artemis's voice spoke up. 

"Caught sight of Orca, she's on south park street and heading west, there's a child in her arms and shes jumping from roof to roof, we're gonna follow her and initiate a fight, hurry to our location!" 

"All right! but be careful of the child!" Me'gan spoke over the link and I could almost see the eye roll from Artemis. 

"Duh, I'm shooting now" 

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