Chapter 60: So... We crashed a plane

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—---------Wally's POV:-------------

"So, does anyone have a plan?" I asked, the others all sending menacing glares up my way for what felt like the 6th time today.

"No Kid Idiot, unless you forgot we're all stuck." Artemis growled, and if looks could kill then I'd be 6 feet under.

"I'm not seeing anyone else coming up with anything. So who's really the-" I was cut off by the sounds of screams and gunshots, the noises sounding distant. I could feel my muscles tense as worry filled me. Something was coming.

Then the screams got closer, louder, and the gun shots sounded a whole lot clearer, but a new addition showed up as well, the sound of thumps and the sounds of heavy things crashing. The thumps sounded like things hitting the metal walls of the warehouse.

"Guyssss what's that?" I asked, hoping that Dick had gotten a message from Batman or something.

"Your guess is as good as mine!" Dick called back, the sounds becoming much closer.

Panic filled me as a man ran into the room, worry and fear evident on his face as he kept his back to the wall, the other guards in the room also looking unnerved as the man panted.

"A monster!! A Monster's coming!!" He yelled, his eyes furiously scanning the area.

The other men brought their guns up as they aimed towards the doors, the yelling man running to the side and hiding behind some boxes.

The sounds got nearer and nearer until it sounded like it was right besides our room. Then there was a pause, and you could hear a pin drop as the room filled with a heavy silence.


The doors flew off their hinges as a person walked in, and I gotta say, relief has never been so sweet.

Percy walked in, arms out as a water barrier stopped any incoming bullets, waves of water rushing in behind her like the tentacles of an octopus, grabbing and slamming people against the walls and floors, knocking them out cold before they fell to the ground limp.

Once the coast was clear Percy lowered her arms, the man from behind the crates letting out a scream as he ran for the doors, running out and into the hallway but Percy didn't seem to mind as she scanned the scene in front of her.

Once her eyes stopped glowing she seemed to look over us all, her gaze stopping on me and a smile coming to her face.

"Hey! Here I was starting to get worried and you're hanging around?"She shook her head, placing her hands on her hips. She gave me a sweet smile and I couldn't help but let out a laugh of relief.

"Ahem" Artemis cleared her throat, her face clearly unamused.

With the prompt Percy ran forwards, quickly undoing the cuffs of the other people by stabbing them with her sword, the metal slicing like butter beneath the glowing golden sword.

When they were all released Percy looked up to me, extending her hand out and suddenly I was falling. I let out a very manly yelp before finding myself not splat on the ground and rather in the arms of Percy, her eyes filled with amusement.

"Hey there" I said smoothly, trying to play off my previous capture and very manly scream.

She rolled her eyes, dropping me to the ground as she turned around. "gods why did I choose to date such a lovable oaf." Dick helped me up as I walked over.

"Yo Wally, you talk with the Missus, we can handle the rest!" Dick winked with an evil smirk as the others ran out of the room.

I turned to Percy, whose smile had fallen a bit. Immediately an inkling of guilt built up within me.

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