Chapter 28: Team Effort

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-------Wally's POV:--------

I couldn't help but find myself pacing around the halls of the yj cave. Sure, to any onlooker I probably looked deep in thought, even reminiscent if we were stretching it, but honestly I was panicking. The idea that I might've just sent uncle Barry and Uncle Bruce to their deaths was picking away at me, pulling at my soul and devouring me slowly. In all honesty I wouldn't be mad if they came back empty handed. I just needed them to actually come back. As much as I wanted to become a big time hero, I didn't want to be forced into that role at the expense of... I just didn't want that yet.

I'd been wandering the cave for minutes? Hours? Honestly it was hard to tell how long, minutes seemed to meld into hours and hours occasionally felt like seconds. Time was funny like that honestly.

I'd considered stopping and getting a snack but the thought of what could be happening seemed to make my stomach do flips and I really didn't feel like puking right now.

I let out a sigh as I tried my best to push my concern to the side, focusing instead on the thumps of my feet on the ground, echoing around me almost mockingly.

*Thump thump thumpthumpthumpthumpthutthtuhtuht*

Now I know I wasn't walking that fast. I looked up, turning around just in time to catch Dick running towards me, a massive smile on his face.

"Dude! They caught her!" Immediately I knew what he was talking about, the stress and guilt leaving immediately and being replaced with questions.

Why did she give herself up?

"Really?!" I said, trying my best to sound convincing and, I had to give it to myself, if I wasn't winning an acting award for my fake fighting I should get an award for this.

"Yeah dude! And you wouldn't believe how easy they made it look, all Wonder woman had to do was strike her twice, not to mention a couple hits from Superman and she was out with a light!"

"We should really try giving that a try next time" Dick let out a laugh before nodding.

"Yeah, if only it were that easy."

"So uh, what did they do with her?" I asked, turning to him with slight concern creeping up within me.

He turned to me with wide eyes as if he'd forgotten his favorite part of his own story.

"So get this! They brought her here for interrogation! Apparently she made some off hand comment to Wonder woman and now she's all gung ho on trying to find out what her plans are. Bat wasn't all too happy about it so we're all getting called in for a meeting in a few. Apparently what Wonder Woman heard was big news. So big that even we get a decision in voting." I felt my insides clench together, my stomach deciding that flips weren't enough and instead hopping on its own private roller coaster.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself but instead feeling a bit of panic rising. This seemed to tic Dick off though as he turned to me with a confused expression.

"Dude? I thought you'd be all excited for this, this is like big news" Dick tried giving me a smile but I couldn't return it, instead my conversation with Orca played in my mind.

"After that I only want to speak with you,"

She'd said this to me during our fight. Was she serious? If she was then this could be bad if Batman hears, he might think I'm conspiring or that she's mind controlling me in some way. If so everything she has to say will be taken with a grain of salt.

"Uh...Can we go see where she's at now? I think I'm just in a state of shock" I said, giving my best smile as I met Dick's eyes.

His eyebrows fell a bit but he put on a reassuring smile. "Yeah? Uh, come on" He waved for me to follow as we started our way down the hallway. The walk was short, but felt like it was forever, as the hallways extended out, warping to almost feel like a marathon.

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