Chapter 14: Eating with a Zing

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----------------Percy's POV:----------------

Why in all of the godly world was I expecting that meet up to go well?! I grumbled to myself, stomping up the stairs as my eyebrows furrowed. 

gods I mean can't a girl catch a break? Meeting up with a couple evil friends is supposed to be a private thing, doesn't anyone have manners now a days?

But then again, that ambush showed me Leo. 

Leo was alive. Sure I felt relief, Leo was one of the things that kept me up at night. I'd always hoped I could've saved him, but now I could let that guilt go. It still didn't explain why they all ambushed me though. 

The seven had returned, and they did so in order to try and kick my a** and take back a sword that belonged to me, even though they didn't know that part. It was all too much and I honestly just wanted to relax. 

I sighed as I walked up to my door, starting to unlock it when I heard a small clicking noise from beside me. 

My head turned quickly to see Wally, his head poking out his door as he looked at me with a small smile. We had yet to talk after the kiss and I still didn't know if I wanted to persue this and put him at risk or if I wanted to back off. He had the right to choose but I know he'd never stay with me if he knew the truth. 

"Percy? Anyone there?" Wally asked, his hand suddenly way to close to my face. I quickly backed up as I tried to ignore the rising heat that rose to my cheeks either from embarrassment or from the fact that I was able to tell that his body wash smelled of oranges and lemons. 

Wally's hair was wet and had been combed back and I swear I had to stop myself from running my fingers through it. 

"Right uh, sorry Wally. Just have a lot on my mind!" I said with a small smile, letting go of the key in the door as I turned back to face Wally, my bag of clothes hitting the door with the momentum of my spin. 

Wally let out a bit of a chuckle before nodding. "It's all good. I was uh... just wondering if you wanted to possibly hang out? Maybe go out and eat or something? It doesn't have to be today and I understand if you know..."

"You wanna go on a date?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm as my heart pounded. 

Wally seemed to visibly pause, his eyes widening before a big smile appeared on his face. "I- uh. You wanna go on a date with me?" He asked, almost as if trying to confirm. 

I took a deep breath and nodded, praying to Hestia that just this once I wasn't wrong about something. 

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'd love to. Now or-" 

"If you give me a couple minutes I can shower and come right out. We can go out and eat at a restaurant or something cause I'm starving." Wally quickly nodded. 

"Yeah okay! Uh, I'll see you in a few!" I nodded, a big smile making it's way onto my face despite the evening I've had. Guess I was gonna have to crack into my ambrosia bank. 

Wally smiled a bright smile, one that made my heart pound a bit faster before turning and going back into his apartment. 

I couldn't help but smile back as I fully unlocked my apartment, heading into the dark abode. 


I soon finished preparing myself, looking myself over in the mirror with my long sleeved shirt and shorts. I decided to go a bit more casual this time. My hair was free roaming as usual, with half of it resting on my shoulders and the other half falling down my back. It was an okay look, and I'd covered most of my scars up with the make up that I'd bought.  

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