Chapter 31: Poking the bear

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------------Percy's POV:-----------

"You know when he said I'd need to be under 24 hour surveillance I really thought he was Joking!" I said, turning back to an angry Annabeth as she followed me closely, a knife in hand.

"We are not friends, don't make small talk" She said cooly, eyes narrowed as she glared at me.

"Tough crowd." I mumbled looking in front of me again as I walked through the massive cave. Sure the feeling of being underground was uncomfortable but not scary. Now I had uncle Hades's protection.

We continued to walk in silence, the distant sounds of yelling could be heard from behind me. I felt bad. Wally didn't deserve any of this. Yet another twist of the fates that was trying to have me die alone and single, love that don'tcha?

"How did you collect Percy's things?" Annabeth asked angrily, her voice teetering on the edge of unbridled rage and sadness. "Her body was...disposed of by the time we'd arrived at the scene and all we could find was her Nemo keychain and her torn up jacket.

I took a deep breath, chewing on nothing before starting. "I happened to be in the area. I was getting sent over to camp. A Poseidon child lost at sea was definitely an ironic situation but one that was funny to onlookers." I said, "Anyways, I eventually found myself at camp, but as I traveled through the woods I stumbled upon a bloodied mess. I guess it belongs to your friend Percy. Well I found a pretty nice sword and some other stuff so I took it. Though the mess was enough to convince me that maybe Camp half-blood wasn't the safe haven I'd believed it to be so I turned around and made a life for myself out here."

"You're disgusting. How could you take a dead person's items like that?" She asked, malice filling her voice.

"It's not like they were using it anymore" I mumbled, looking away from her and back to the corridor.

"You're awful," She said.

"Yeah well, I'm not the one who neglected her till she left the camp" I said, a small smirk forming on her face. I didn't hear a reply, instead her footsteps got a bit heavier.

After another long while, and a lot more walking she eventually spoke up again. "So you weren't in camp but you found out what happened?" She asked, suspicion key in her voice.

"Godly creatures talk. Doesn't take much to get word out about a dead hero" I said, turning to the right as we entered a new corridor. In all honesty I had no idea where I was going but I was gonna keep this charade up until she figured that out herself.

She didn't respond, seeming to have tired herself out. My sentence was spending time with Annabeth till tomorrow, where I'd be passed off to Jason, then to Connor, then Super man and so on so fourth. Sure it was a busy schedule but it's not like I was sticking around for long. Only for when I was needed.

I turned down another corridor, smiling to myself as we reached another massive room, one that seemed to be among many.

"You know, you're really cheery for someone who faces the danger of possible death. Going against a bad guy this big could result in-"

"I'm not afraid of dying. I've faced death many a times before, and tasted his cooking." I chuckled to myself as I heard an exasperated sigh.

"gods do you take anything seriously?" She asked.

"Nope, now prepare to suffer because this will be my evilest-"

"That's the cruelest thing you've done so far"

I shut my mouth at the remembrance of that woman and her child. She was right, my cruelest act was not telling my mother. I felt myself blinking more as my vision blurred.

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