Chapter 16: A positively evil get together

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-----------Percy's POV:----------

I admit. Finding a note in a bank was not at all what I expected. Finding a note addressed to me was even more off putting, but what seemed to be the final nail in the coffin was that the note was sent by my weirdo accomplice, Joker. 

Aside from the note though, things had been looking up. While not officially stating it yet, me and Wally had been going steady for a week or so, and to say I've never been happier was an understatement. Truly he was amazing to be around. 

Overall, I was happier than I'd been in years, whether I'd like to admit that or not, it was true. He truly was relaxing to be around and his smile, gods his smile was so amazing to look at. 

But I couldn't think about that now as I approached the massive sky scraper looking building. The dark clouds circled around the building, almost adding to the awful atmosphere. This was where I was supposed to meet up with the legion of doom, which, weird name for a hero group but hey, who was I to judge. 

The height of the building was a bit too much and there was no way I was gonna go up those stairs. I let out a short breath before I vapor traveled up as high as I could go, landing near the glass top. I looked inside to see tons of people, their costumes mainly consisting of black and purples, though you could see the odd stand out. 

I took a deep breath as I vapor traveled inside, appearing in the corner next to a woman who was completely green aside from her red hair. 

After appearing she looked at me with big eyes. "Where the fu-" 

"Sorry, I'm not a big fan of elevators." I said quickly, cutting the woman off. 

She paused, seeming to collect her thoughts before nodding slowly. "I assume you're the newbie then?"

I nodded confidently, looking out at the bustling crowd of men and women, bright colors everywhere contrasting highly to my own black and white dress, though it was simple enough to look elegant I guess. I looked over to see the woman beside me sported a short green dress, vines growing up the side and swirling into little wave-like patterns.

"Right, well I hope your not a total b**** like half the people in here." I felt my brows furrow slightly.

"I like to think I'm not" I mumbled before clearing my throat.

 "Well I think I better go, I was supposed to meet up a while ago." The woman nodded before raising her head to look around mumbling-

"Where are those damn shrimp cocktails?" Before wandering off. I really hoped that not everyone was like that.

I nodded to myself in reassurance before entering into the crowd, voices surrounding me as people laughed and conversed, the smell of alcohol heavy in the air and forcing me to hold in a gag.

Without warning though I felt my arm get grabbed as I was pulled off the side. I looked back to see Harley with her big smile. Her ponytails were still there but now with intricate gold jewelry hanging down within them.

"Heya puddin, I didn't see you come in!" I smiled and chuckled nervously.

"Heh yeah, I tend to do that." I said, her hand releasing my arm.

"Mista J's been lookin for ya hun" She said quickly, placing her hands on her hips as if she were a disappointed mother.

"Oh, well uh, where is h-" I was cut off by my arm getting grabbed again. Harley's smile growing.

"Let me lead you to him puddin" I didn't have time to say anything as I was once again pulled through the crowd, people turning and looking at me momentarily before I felt myself stop suddenly.

" Well look who finally made it! Orca! Our newest member!" I turned to see the Joker with a purple and green suit, his green hair slicked back tight giving it almost a shiny look as the light reflected off the gel.

"Hey Joker. Nice party you have here" I said with a small smile, trying my best to ignore the discomfort I was feeling.

"Why thank you, I had to go all out to celebrate our newest link" I gave him a small lopsided smirk as he approached me. "In fact, why don't we introduce you now!" I was once again pulled from my spot as they dragged me onto a stage I hadn't noticed before.

Before I knew it, bright lights flooded my vision, leaving blue dots in my vision whenever I blinked. I could barely make out any faces in the crowd, though I did pick out one massive dude with an almost wrestler mask on. He seemed to tower above any of the others.

I tried to pick anyone else out but the light was too bright.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The Joker started, placing his hand on my back gently. An icky feeling seemed to grow from this one touch. "I am here to present to you our newest member! Known best for her great take down of the kiddy league, raining her presence down on Keystone, and managing to hide in plain sight, we have Orca!" The crowd seemed to erupt in applause, a couple of people even whistling and I swear I heard a cat call or two. "Yes yes, please show her your love and gratitude. Orca will be the one to help us with our final plan in capturing the nuisances and finally giving our cities the true treatment that they deserve!" Another round of applause picked up and people cheered and whooped. "After years of hard work we will finally be able to do what we do best" And with that a final round of applause broke out as the lights shut off, my vision momentarily going black before my eyes adjusted and I could see the people out in front of me.

They all looked strange, with a few having odd hats like a man with a glass case that seemed to be frozen and another with a pumpkin head. Though the women looked to be more classy with an especially beautiful woman standing over to the side, her black dress hugging her figure as she leaned on the wall, her brown hair laying gently against her shoulder. Another woman had long black hair, her purple pink dress had highlights of white and dark purple littered around. They looked like a strange bunch, but if their ambitions were right they could look like anything they wanted.

I looked away from the crowd only to be met with the Joker's face. I admit I jumped back a bit in surprise.

"Orca, let's talk business real quick, okay?" I nodded, confusion washing over me but I placed a confident look on my face. Joker seemed to smile at that as he grabbed one of my shoulders, pointing me out towards the crowd. "These people out here are depending on you, you know that right?" I nodded slightly as I continued to scan the crowd. "Then you know just how important it is to help them achieve their goals. In order to do that though we need that diamond, so I was wondering if you could possibly collect the gem for us, and maybe bring it by sunday. I feel our park meet up was compromised so how's about you just meet me here. This is a safe spot for villains." I took a deep breath as I tried to come up with a plan. It was Thursday. That gave me two days to think of a plan and act it out then one full day of traveling. Not enough planning for something so important but I guess I could try and squeeze it.

I took a deep breath and nodded, putting on a smile."Yeah okay, I'll see you on Sunday." My voice held confidence but I truly had no idea how I was gonna do this. At least without risking a lot.

Joker smiled, his teeth had red lipstick stains all over but otherwise his teeth were scarily white. "I'm so glad we could come to an agreement. I'm excited to see your future work." I patted my back once more before walking off, Harley following close behind as she skated on roller skates I hadn't realized she'd been wearing.

With newfound pressure being placed on my shoulders I took a deep breath before walking off the stage and into the crowd. People greeted me left and right, shaking my hand with smirks and smiles.

The rest of the night was spent with hand shakes and introductions. These people, while coming off as nice, were giving me weird feelings. I decided to ignore that though, chalking that up to having experienced new human interaction outside of briefly talking to people at stores and Wally. 


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