Rebirth part 8

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Azazel, who was watching the spar from the beginning, was taking notes on how each individual performed. Akeno had gotten more mobile on the field, using the power of the Knight piece that is connected to her Queen piece to its fullest. Though she wasn't on Kiba's level, her speed still surpassed her former self. Power-wise, there was little to no change. "Not that she needed any more improvement in that department. The girl could probably give Baraqiel a run for his money if he went easy on her."

Next was Reya.

She along with Momo and Saji have shown substantial progress in battle, no longer acting indecisive and quick to panic. Ruruko was a natural, she was hot-headed, wanting to solve problems through violence. And her delinquent tendencies did help in giving her some battle experience, though it made her more predictable at times.

For the technique Reya used, [Reversal], it was a special Grigori-owned technique that had the ability to reverse the characteristics of supernatural powers and items, causing an inverse effect. Meaning, that when used against let's say Kiba's demonic swords, it would turn them into light or holy swords… in theory.

So far none have shown any results in the counter ability that Grigori had been researching for years… aside from Reya. Her past as a talented magician gave her an edge as she could for a fraction of a second turn Asia's healing powers into pure damage.

But it was still a work in progress.

The two kings were locked in the movie room, watching every popular rating game in the Underworld and giving him a detailed summary of the fight with comments on how the losing side could have won if they used a different strategy.

Tsubaki Shinra was training with Kiba and getting familiar with using her sacred gear, [Mirror Alice] against close-quarters combatants like him.

Also Saji… well, [Absorption Line] was more difficult to remove than he initially expected. The artificial sacred gear he had prepared for the boy was ready to be implemented at any time. "Odin really did help me out here."

As for Issei…


"Waaaaaah! I'm going to dieeeee!!!"

The host of Ddraig was running through the forest at speeds that would even surprise Kiba. Jumping over large boulders, over rivers, and swinging from tree branches; he was running like his life depended on it.


Because it kinda did.

"What have I done to deserve this, you crazy dragon!?" He dodged in the last second another fire breath attack that nearly turned him to crisp, before the power behind the attack swept him away. "At least let me rest!"

The giant shadow of a dragon loomed over his head.

"▃▃▅▅▃▃ー!!" Tiamat let out a fierce roar of anger as she kept shouting out beams after beams of pure concentrated fire attacks. Out of the 5 Dragon Kings, her breath attack only loses out to Vritra's cursed black fire and Tiannin's Blaze Meteor fire breath attack. "Not until you get stronger and make that lazy ass wake up!" She said, sounding like a spurned ex-girlfriend.

The two had been at it for days with Tiamat stopping her chase at night, letting Issei go back to the mansion to get something to eat before fainting on his bed in exhaustion. The next morning, Azazel would teleport him back into the forest and restart the torture all over again.

Though his [Boosted Gear] had changed form. Before it had the appearance of a regular [Twice Critical] gear, now it had expanded into a proper gauntlet. Taking the appearance of a red gauntlet with a green jewel in the center and 2 golden spikes that manifested on his arm.

My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu